I don't really have anything against Jews but I post anti-semitic shit here all the time.
How many of you just come here to larp?
Jow Forums is a freedom to say whatever we want. so we say shit we dont mean because of the freedom.
I call people on here niggers but my ex is half black. Also hearing that word in person makes me uncomfortable.
You're still on the list cunt
I have tons of racist and anti-Semitic images all factual with citations I post all the time, ironically as a joke
yeah i say shit i dont mean :) all of it is satire :)
p sure that's how everyone here is :)
we all love jews :) and islam :) all kikes welcome! :)
and women are better than men! :) black women are great! i love blacks :) all niggers welcome :)
i wish america's borders were open :) we need racial diversity in america! :) man i hope we go to war against some anti-Semitic country! :) maybe a place like Iran to kill some shitskin mudslimes pieces of shit :)
unless jews dont like war, then in that case we should just have racial and cultural diversity in america ! :) make it great (not again, trump sucks :( i wishillary won :( )
hillary #1 :) jews #1 :)
I larp all the fucking time. On all boards. Also I'm often drunk and have no idea what I'm saying. Will post shit that's actually contrary to my own beliefs, just to troll myself even.
>Come here to larp?
no. I'm sure some do, But because I'm an user, I feel larping is both retarded and pointless.
No one will look at my post and think
>Its that guy who has this mind set, I remember him
No. I'm pretty honest in both real life and on Jow Forums.
I either tell the truth or I don't say anything at all.
Tha is the first step, see you latter when you begin to believe that Jews dominate the world as if they were some kind of reptilians
That's a good excuse for when the feds seize your laptop and arrest you for wrongthink.
you are a terrorist now. no take backs allowed. hate speech is terrorism
At four I saved my four year old jewish friend, slim pickings, from a jewish lesbian satanist witch and her adult jewish daughter raping my jewish friend by slitting the rapist's throat and burning down her house.
I was rewarded by jewish special agents using FISA courts to implant a cybernetic chip in my brain to study me while they threw their jewish daughters at me, ain't enough dopamine shocks or stimulation to make them attractive.
They've tortured me for 27 years.
Jews are as close to pure evil as you get.
Love you Nina!
EVERYTHING said under this flag, is the word of god.
Believe it, or burn in the eternal eucalyptus hell fire.
I hate niggers spics kikes sand niggers chinks , everything that its not white basicly but I larp that there OK and we should let them into our countries .
How do you like them apples ?
That is the point of shitposting
Jews are my best friend, bucko.
All Jews must die desu.
That's dreadful.
I larp as an anti semite but I really don't have anything against the jews, but I do unironically hate all muslims
I dont actually dislike jews desu, I only dislike them alive
I actually hate kikes, but LARP as if I am a SJW, using american proxy.
there are ways to circumvent the risks of that scenario