How can I treat modern Science seriously when scientists change their minds every other year...

How can I treat modern Science seriously when scientists change their minds every other year? It's like they do bullshit studies for monetary gain and then prove themselves wrong for even more money. Remember when eggs were bad for you and now they aren't? Remember global warming? Cooling? Climate change?

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I had this conversation the other day.
In my lifetime eggs have gone from good to bad and back to good at least 3 times. Also, bread/grains was the primary staple.
I assume they just make shit up. Just like every "superfood" for weight loss/cash grab.

Animal proteins, in general, are not "good" for you. However, they will keep you alive. Generally speaking, if you can't eat it without cooking it, it might not be the best thing for you to consume.

you just got what the whole science scam is about mate. We havent had any real progress for 60 Years.

You cretin. Eating animal protein allowed us to develop large brains. It makes no difference what kind of protein you eat as your digestive tract breaks it down to amino acides. Fuck, you are such an idiot...


left the caps lock on

Animal proteins are not good for you? Aside from a twinge of guilt, i feel great after eating a bloody rare stake(if i avoid the side dish)

why you feel guilty for doing something you have to?

ya i've had this conversation recently as well with some family members.

you really can't trust most food (or fitness) science, remember in the 1960s when the sugar industry literally bribed Harvard scientists to claim that sugar wasn't bad for you, and instead that it was fat content causing the health issues?

I've cut out sugar/carbs over the last couple years (ketogenic diet) and never felt better in my entire life, lost over 100lbs, feel faster, healthier, more clear-minded, more energetic. Personally I now feel sugar/carbs are the devil and probably the worst thing you can possibly consume.

I eat like 4-6 eggs per day btw, have done so for the last few years, and get regular doctor checkups and bi-annual bloodwork done, my nutrient levels are all fine, cholesterol fine, testosterone fine, everything fine (and I'm in my 30s now) which basically proves to me that my diet is at least adequate and not harming me in any way whatsoever.

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This is a pretty vague post, you lost me on this

He believed other idiots who told him that things that feel good are bad. Jew on a stick etc.

It's guilt from eating mammals. They can communicate, have emotions, ect.
Fuck fish though, they're braindead. No guilt eating them.

>They can communicate, have emotions, ect.

Your confusing science with propaganda OP. Stop.

the people you talk about are con artists, not scientists

science stopped being science when they let politicians call the shots, corporations pay to make it go their way and their results became seen as gospel.

As a scientist myself, I will tell you something

A lot of Science is in the USA is fucked up, they are lobbied or sponsored in a way that people will often claim that shit with 0 scientific basis is science, the kind of shit that wouldn't get through a serious peer review.

Just like people post in the media biased news that have 0 to do with reality.

That's pretty ignorant, why does it have to come from a german?

The point of science, is it is the pursuit of truth. Truth is determined by fact and evidence, and will remain the truth, until it can be disproven. Hence scientists change their mind as facts and evidence are presented to advance the collective knowledge of makind, until we know the truth of all things.

>Truth is determined by fact and evidence
That's why you fabricate the data ;)

>the Polish food poster has returned
What’s up famalam? What’s on the menu today?

Follow your ancestors wisdom and there will be little need to plut faith in modern science

I was Batman yesterday. Woke up after my patrol, ate some eggs and thinking about going to patrol the beach at the lake. Can't post a live thread during the day though. Mods wouldn't like it. Jow Forums must remain a Jew/Black/Woman hating place I guess. I can feel my legs. Every night.

My ancestor were fine with killing fags raping and brawling. What do?

>scientific conclusions change in response to new evidence
>this is a bad thing

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Why don't they push gravity all the time?

hello based polish food bro

>How can I treat modern Science seriously when scientists change their minds every other year?
Simple meal polak dropping down the hammer.

I totally agree dude but if you're educated enough you'd be able to smell the bullshit eg climate change due to CO2 but they never talk about planting trees that feed on CO2 YOU NEVER OR 99% OF THE TIMES HEAR THESE SHILLS TALKING ABOUT HUGE CAMPAIGNS OF REFORESTATION EVEN THOUGH IN SOME ARES IT IS NEEDED EVEN FOR OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REASON LIKE MUDSLIDES.

Some sciences you can trust, a lot you cannot now. As a general rule of thumb don't trust the soft sciences or climate scientists. Especially not climate scientist who have a 60 year run of being flat out wrong over and over.

>phoneposting a brainlet image to insult OP for being stupid when he doesn't understand what OP's point was

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Dude, we should like plant trees everywhere and change out cities into forests. I would unironically be ok with this. Too bad cities are corrupt and only please house developers while pissing on taxpayers.

pop sci is untrustworthy bullshit. actual science doesn't change unless something radical is discovered

First of all, a lot of breaking research is on the very fringes of science, those are wrong more often than not. Simply because it's new stuff.

Then there is the "pop-science" stuff, (what diet should I eat, does cracking your toes lead to lower cancer, do tall people work harder.....etc) basically taking a loose correlation and blowing it out of proportion and completely mischaracterizing it for an easy clickbait headline. Unfortunately this is where a lot of "popular wisdom" comes from. "oh I read about that", you know what I mean. A lot of it is BS.

Then there's old-hat science, stuff like evolution, basic principles of physics, electrodynamics....etc. Stuff that is so thoroughly and readily proven that it's impossible to carry the mountain-loads of evidence we have. In fact much of our technology literally relies on it being true.

But I guarantee you that if you dig deep into the literature on damn near anything, you're going to find it very rigorous and well-researched. As long as the topic isn't too political (good luck getting race science into psychology for example). There's a lot of good stuff going on out there, more every day.

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I love your cooking photos, Pavel

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This image is retarded.
Atheism is the only correct scientific stance.
If there is no evidence, X doesn't exist until you can provide evidence.

>global warming
I remember being told about "acid rain" in HS

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Trust the Science!

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Can you not spam your useless shit in my thread? Post something meaningful. Thanks.

That reminds me of a paper I had to read for college to do with sex markers on DNA. It had something in it like the identified DNA sex typing may be different from the legal gender of the person.

Remember when margarine was good and butter bad?

Now it's the opposite.

CO2 is not an insulator. These fags are lying.

I use pig lard exclusively.

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>Just like every "superfood" for weight loss/cash grab.
scientists have never promoted "superfoods". some quack nutritionists started that one.

I agree. It's scientism, a religion. It gets so tiresome when
>science says
when it's fucking (((scientists))), not science.

My science teacher told me in 1976 that we would run out of oil and freeze to death from global cooling by the year 2000, also acid rain, the ozone hole, starvation from overpopulation.

Literal hohol

All social science is bullshit. Over 85% of the experiments conducted aren't reproducible, and everyone in the field circularly references each other.

Brawl fags, rape and kill yourself?

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>acid rain
yes and?
there has been a major international effort to reduce it.

You are the patrol fag too? Lol. Stay safe on your "patrols"

Alcohol 2017 - a glass of red wine a day is good for you.

Alcohol 20129 - no amount of alcohol is to be considered safe.

they change their minds every fucking week.

I'm many things. I'm also the wine making user.

>How can I treat modern Science seriously when scientists change their minds every other year?
They don't. You're either not scientifically literate enough to understand abstracts or you're only paying attention to diet science.
Global warming has been established fact since the 70s. There is no global cooling, but winters will get colder as a result of more extreme weather patterns worldwide.

the science is a total hoax pal, take the redpill

That's because only the engineers have a reliable understanding of how things work, doctors in medical and social science simply can't do math and their statistics are often screwed

einstein was a fraud

>We can solve these non problems, just give us all your money
>Boohoohoo why can't I afford a house car and kids

In the 80s they were saying a ice age was coming. Is that because planey was heating up?

Good morning mam.

Cholesterol is complicated, I guess. They thought egg cholesterol was bad but it's the good type.

I eat about 30 eggs per week. They are best protein source there is.

Margarine and things such as that have rapeseed oil mixed in them which is very bad.

Butter and pig lard was under the incorrect assumption that high fat foots convert to high fat on the body, which almost all regular people still believe to this day.

That's not how we get fat, sure there are bad fats, not because they will make you fat but because of the affects on your heart but butter and lard are good fats.

That's just called the rise of Islam and the haram alcohol movement

>Animal proteins, in general, are not "good" for you
>if you can't eat it without cooking it, it might not be the best thing for you to consume.
god damn.... who bashed your brains as a kid, or are u just a shitskin?

Doing your own research and counter research on every subject.

Science is you figuring shit out, it's Not believing what you're told

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this was gonna be my third guess desu

it could be so?

> lost over 100lbs

How did you even get that much overweight? Was it just corn-syrup or is there some eelaborate technique to that much fatness?
And don't blame it on scientists you fat fuck.

>In the 80s they were saying a ice age was coming.
I don't think this is true unless you're talking about pop "scientist" media figures and not actual published scientists.

welcome to the post-truth world, buckle up people it is going to be a bumpy ride

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Most of those studies are biased now and funded by certain political leaning sides.

Anti alcohol politicians get Muslim votes.

Go look at most of your food, I bet it contains rapeseed oil. Cheap nasty shit making people sick but every major food corp uses it so nobody in government will call it out as they receive donations from the major corps. Almost all modern day science regarding these things is bullshit now.

I only eat unprocessed food. Have I beaten the system?

>And don't blame it on scientists you fat fuck.
processed food is plentiful and cheap as fuck

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Low intelligence / low impulse control is a genetic condition in which people get fat. Fatties will never admit this of course. Blacks often have these conditions and surprise, surprise look at the blacks in American. There are some huge fat ones.

People without this, when they get overweight, they then stop themselves while those with no impulse control can't.

science is a fraud

>if you don’t agree with op you must have just misunderstood him

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Probably that you are just Polish lol and your stores are not full of Western oil filled foods.

But yeah, to beat it you really do have to buy all natural foods raw, pretty much everything already prepared has some form of oil or other shit in it.

fake and gay

>Writing your lies on paper is science

So is unprocessed food if you know what to buy.

In this particular case, science/non-science = no true Scotsman fallacy

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Yes and those with low impulse can't avoid it hence why lower classes with lower iq are overall much fatter than the upper classes and that's not because they carry out some strict natural expensive food diet either.

Besides, eggs, rice, potatoes and even simple white fish is not as expensive as pre-packaged processed shit.

>Go look at most of your food, I bet it contains rapeseed oil.

the fields this time of year are full of that stuff, 'they' said it was for automotive fuel..

Am I not cooking my own shit and then posting it on Jow Forums?

It will be in things you never even thought of..

Like say rice milk, isn't that just rice and water, bit of salt? Nope. Rapeseed oil. Simply to stop the rice and water separating, all you have to do is shake the bottle to stop this when you use it though but people are too lazy and stupid to do that so your "healthy" rice milk (and others of that type) has rapeseed oil in.

Those who say it is healthier than milk (no oil in) are living a lie.

Upboating this guys bland food pics because, tenacity and he’s not a faggot

>Atheism is the only correct scientific stance
as the question of theism falls into the realm of metaphysics, by its vert definition it is NOT a scientific question. Furthermore, if it did... wouldn't being agnostic be more "scientific"?

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Yes but it's part of your culture, I believe, Western people are too lazy and it has been too easy. I eat a lot of buckwheat, most people in the West would probably be like.. wtf

The vast majority of research isn't independently verified. There have been some meta studies which have tried to mass replicate a bunch of studies, namely in areas like psychology and even medicine, and they've found they couldn't replicate the results of up to 50% of peer reviewed papers.

We'd need the insight of actual scientists working in research to know why this is, but the "Science says" articles we get for public consumption are about as useful as Mystic Meg.

It IS scientific question because believing in any "god" stands against principles of scientific method. You can't believe in shit without evidence and call yourself a scientist.

>animal protein

the source of the protein does not make any difference for our body

>can't eat raw

every edible part of an animal is edible raw you imbecile
sure there are poisonous parts in some animals but we dont eat them
muscle fiber, eggs and milk have not a single harmful substance that needs to be inactivated by cooking like with green beans for example
in case of most meat even germs and parasites are neglectable as long as the meat is fresh

you are simply trying to come up with some forced wisdom but end up just looking retarded in the process
your "animal protein" is edible raw you stupid cunt

It's "vegan science" the poster is pushing

What's your field, breh?


You have a very loose grasp on what the science community is.
Here’s a pro-tip: the “science community” doesn’t exist.
It is thousands of different groups of people all working together, or against each other, with or without a common goal.
The “science community” isn’t a club, where people hang out, and talk about their plans for the future.
It’s just shit tons of company’s, colleges, and retired hobbyists.

Isn’t believing in shit without evidence called a theory and don’t scientists come up with theories?

"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you."

>if you know what to buy

>Low intelligence / low impulse is a genetic condition

nature vs. nurture ... maybe it's both? Maybe, it's adaptive behavior trades either cultural or genetically that now have become outdated as the physical environment has changed due to technological innovation.

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