France to abolish Habeas Corpus

What do you say Jow Forums? Is this not a good compromise between the two sides?

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>avoid civil war
no, we want a civil war


sauce or cancer
If it's true I move out to a less cucked country



Allah will bless the wise nation of France

That's how you get civil/holy/race war.

Old and fake news.
It was some cunts nobodies going around signing a worthless paper.

Inb4 Charles Martel and Charlemagne return to genocide the Invaders and save the French

That is civil war.

>civil war
there's nothing civil about a foreign population wanting a war

Good. Let's do it!

That kind of looks like the next step to civil war desu.

>>french academics
aka kikey jews

They'll just attack the non muslim zones until they're 100% muslim.
Why not just deport them or better yet just line them up and shoot them?

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Anyone who thinks Europe has not already fallen is a fucking retard

I approve. But dhimmis have to pay jizya.

Lol. Buddy, America had a Muslim president until recently. Most of their food is explicitely halal.

a two state solution just wont work , france needs to become an islamic republic according the sharia law and embrace its new culture and heritage.


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hope you realize why people here wants you and your next of kin dead

not really, the french fucked my country countless times its time they experience some of the shit we had to deal with

>my country
kek, you live in a fantasy world kike

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eurofags btfo once again
Goddamn I love being an amerimutt.

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This is basically an admission that islam poses such a threat to the west and has infiltrated to such a point that the situation is now "let us secede with some of your land or its war"

just start a race war lul

>dressing up apartheid as a progressive thing

not sure if I'm behind this or not. depends who pays and who gets what and if the roaches have to work for themselves to make their small state work

Um no we don't sweetie

this desu

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>Surrendering part of the country to colonization
>Avoiding civil war
It's called being conquered by foreigners, surrender monkeys