Why shouldn't I cheat on my gf?

We don't live together so it's easy and she won't find out, also it feels good to have sex with other women. So why shouldn't I?

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cause it's unethical and it might damage your relationship you moron

It's not that you shouldn't. If you truly loved her you wouldn't even want to

If you really don't care about your relationship go ahead. In the long term you'll have different perspective on your relationship though if thats what you really want.

I would ask for permission
Also, if you cant keep a promise why bother having a gf?

Cause he a FuUuUcCCkK BoOoi

you're a sack of shit
if you can accept that you should do it.

maybe break up with her, clearly she isn't as important as getting your dick wet

The whole point of a relationship is to be sexually loyal towards one another. If you can't or don't want to be stay loyal to your gf, then why are you in a relationship?

op needs to find a kinky gf who is poly and into shit like threesomes/cuckquean/hotwife/open relationshpshit

If you can't stay loyal to your chick, don't make her your girlfriend. If you want the primary benefits of a girlfriend, but still be allowed to screw around you should stick to fuckbuddies and FwB relationships. Tell the girl you're not ready for exclusivity but you're down to have sex and casually spend time with each other like friends would (hence the name FwB).

If you've promised exclusivity to your girlfriend, stay true to your word.

theres no reason you cant do anything, but that doesn't mean that there won't be consequence. if you dont like her, break up with her, don't cheat. usually, this is the right thing to do as people will lose respect for you. however nobody is stopping you

nobody cares about ethics.

why don't you just break up with her and then sleep with all the women you want? then you won't stress yourself out with having to worry about her finding out and how she'd feel anyway, and she'd be rid of an abusive asshole like you.


Unironically this
why would you even want to cheat if you actually like and care about her


If you honestly love your girlfriend, you won't want to cheat on her (and thus hurt her) for the sake of getting your D wet for a few minutes by a random pussy.

And if you REALLY can't keep yourself from cheating on your girlfriend even though you love her (supposedly), fuck a hooker. Not some female friend or some shit. Go to a brothel, fuck a whore and leave.

I, personally, think it's wrong. I think it's fucked up if you have told her you love her.

The reality is morality is subjective.

Stop looking for a justification or for others to make the choice for you. If someone is going to cheat no one can stop them. They're going to cheat. I've been cheated on in EVERY relationship I've been in up until now. So, my opinion is a biased one.

So, do whatever the fuck you want. You're not my boyfriend. I don't have to deal with the heartache, and you're going to do what you want to do anyway.

Yeah, if the whole point of YOUR relationships focus on anything sexual, I feel bad for you. I also don't think you're mature enough for one.

Because being a family man is better and more satisfying, for you included, than being a scumbag.

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I’m not gonna judge you like these other moral fags because I cheated on my gf. user let me tell you IT IS NOT WORTH IT. If you’re unhappy just break it then stick your dick in whoever you want. You probably think you can cheat and not let it affect your relationship but unless you’re a true sociopath it won’t work. I thought I could fuck around and keep my relationship as it was but you get paranoid and distant. Even if she doesn’t figure it out, it’ll still put a strain on your relationship.
But let be honest, you’re going to do it anyway. I made Jow Forums threads just like this one and even though 90% of people told me not to I still did. You’ll do the same. Now I’m lonely and miss my gf. The girl I cheated with turned out to be a huge bitch and after getting bored of me she found another dick. I was just a guy in the line of guys passing through her life. I traded a girl who loved and worshipped me, a girl who only brought me up for some whore who’d be glued to her phone all night and expected me to buy her drinks all night. All she ever wanted to do was go to bars, while my gf wanted to go on picnics, the beach, museums, and adventures .
Anyway this post got a little off track but fuck it. Whenever you want to cheat just jerk off. Don’t end up like me. Or do. You probably will

Yes, because a 'normal' relationship is LITERALLY defined by sexual exclusivity. You verbally agree that you're romantic partners, and you're no longer seeing other people because you're fully committed to each other. Once you've agreed to this, she is your girlfriend and you're her boyfriend.

Sure you can debate me on how different people have different interpretations on relationships, but you know it's true. And don't even get me started on memes like open relationships and polygamy etc.

Increased risk of STD.
Even if you get fed up from the other girls, your gf will be polluted by the diseases you brought from the sluts and infected her with.
>but muh condom
Not a forcefield. There are diseases beyond AIDS and pregnancy, catchable by legs and mouth.
There, a pragmatic reason to contrast the moral ones ITT.

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You should. Do it.

Because it'll slowly eat at you when you fully accept what a cunt you are.

You'll stay awake until 1am 5 years later wondering what the fuck you did wrong and why you're worthless, why you can't just bite the bullet and kill yourself. Why you ruined a good thing that could only get better and why you can't just be happy and be validated from one person.

>I'm there right now

This is what honestly keeps me faithful. I wanna cheat but I'm not dealing with catching some shit.

I never said sex wasn't at play. I said when sex is PRIORITY. Dumb ass

if you don't have the bond then yes

Do it, milk your cock. Obviously your gf is dead to you and you have no morals or standards so ho on and collect all of them diseases.

You unironically should, because she is definitely cheating on you. In fact, you should just dump her because what exactly is the point of pretending?

>Even if she doesn’t figure it out, it’ll still put a strain on your relationship

How? I am already faking caring about her to begin with because I wanna fuck her. It will just be the same as usual. Anyway you’re right, I made up my mind, I’m cheating. Lmao @ all the moralfags ITT, no one even given a good reason for why u shouldn’t.

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Karma. What goes around comes around.
