Welcome to Paganism General

Welcome to Paganism General

This thread is for the discussion of all European polytheist reconstructionism. These include the movements to reconstruct authentic, life-affirming, world-accepting, and folk-centered polytheist beliefs of the Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Roman, Paleo-Balkan, Hellenic, and Baltic peoples.

What is NOT paganism?
Wicca, invented in the 20th century and rising to prominence in the (((aftermath of world war 2))) is not paganism

The advocacy of degeneracy, such as men having sex with men, women having sex with women, or anyone having sex outside of marriage is not pagan. Any sources stated otherwise are almost guaranteed to be Roman atrocity propoganda to dehumanize their enemies. If the Celts and Germanics were gay, Saddam had nukes. The classical Greeks were not homosexual. Crete is not Greek.

Men drinking semen to acquire magical power never occurs in any pagan source. The ONLY source of this pathetic meme is "The Construction of Homosexuality" by David F Greenberg (the same book also states Jesus had orgies with his twelve disciples.)

Is "Might Makes Right" a pagan concept? And if so, does this mean Christianity is superior? The modern notion of might makes right comes from Ragnar Redbeard and Nietzche, 19th century philosophers. They may have been inspired by the ancient proverb "Woe to the Vanquished." What we can certainly say is Yeshua of Nazareth would not approve of murdering people to establish a worldly kingdom in his name.

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Paganism is the latin word for goyim. Stop calling yourself a non-jew village idiot, idiot. Calling yourself pagan is like like a jew calling itself a kike. Other than that, carry on.

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Jeshua Shekelstein fears the pagan revival.

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Is Paganism materialist or atheist in nature?

Not at all. While many in our last age fail to see past their secular brainwashing and thus cannot even comprehend tbe divine (such as Varg) Others recognise that there is a primordial truth that was revealed to the Aryan people thousands of years ago.

The material world we live in is the shadow on the wall of the cave. The real objects causing these silhouettes are from the Higher world, a world of perfect forms. The fire that projects these perfect forms into material silhouettes is the sacred connection to the divine. It not only works to bring the divine world to the mundane, but it serves to allow people in our world to contact the divine. This is why fire is so important to Aryan ritual.

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So what IS paganism?

I started hiding all the stupid threads written by idiots.
This is the last thread.

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Pagans are 0.5% of the population. almost as many as the Trannies who cut their dicks off. We should get these assholes together at a Meet and Grease.

The controversial topics of drugs and human sacrifice.

We in the last age have a very primitive and material view of the world. We see how the world works via science, yet we never try to answer why. We can see that the chemical compositions in certain substances have effect of the body and brain, but what of their effects on the Mind and the Soul? I do not advocate anyone trying to do drugs to achieve some form of personal gnosis, but I want it to be known that when we start reinstating our ancient rites, NATURAL substances will be used by the brahmin castes in PROPER ritual, and that there is nothing immoral about this.

On sacrifice, Every action in nature will cause an equal action or reaction. Our divine morality, not sourced from any rambling tome from the desert, but from our own Aryan hearts knows that one must never allow honest favours to go unrewarded, nor to allow obvious assaults to go unpunished. When the Gods give us something we must be thankful. When men give us something we must give gift for gift. Anyone, man or deity, who says otherwise is a liar and probably trying to decieve you.

When you pray to the LORD (Loaf Warden) over your meal, you are thanking Freyr for his help. When you ritualistically kill one who has defied justice, wether by noose, bog, guillotine, firing squad, or lethal injection, you are giving thanks to Tyr for his Just rule.


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