Douche Bags

Are mass shooters always douche bags?

Politics aside, when you look in these guys' backgrounds you realize they were like that douche bag you knew in highschool. Inflated image of himself, would do anything did friends, etc.

Attached: collage-1556543781934.jpg (960x1280, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>would do anything did friends
based proxy pajeet

mass shootings are the cleanest best pleasure

Hi cia.

Lmao is bottom right the guy from to catch a predator

Bottom right is a To Catch A Predator greatest hit, not a mass shooter OP



>douche bag
choose 1

Mass shooters are overwhelmingly jew's.
Only one of them is not jewish blood in your image.
The media really needs to start telling the truth though and start calling gang shootings mass shootings as well.

Attached: JewIllness.png (1806x938, 220K)

mirin those cheekbones tho

“...some people did something...”

>Not a complete fucking loner that traveled
Fuck off OP

>Everything around me is a jewish psyop, nothing is real everything is bait
Leaf posting am I rite

Both terants parents are jews.

Attached: jew shooters.jpg (2182x2666, 1.14M)

Prove it cucklord


I only know the top left so I guess that answers that question.

Attached: djfhs54.jpg (961x1436, 454K)

Attached: 1507007809790.jpg (600x833, 152K)

Find one bit of degeneracy or corruption in western nations that doesn't have a jew behind it.
>You can't
It's rather telling seeing as they are less than 3% of the population.
Prove me wrong.
It's written into their religion to destroy anything good because God is good.
You need to wake the fuck up boomer.

Attached: 1556131066697.jpg (600x600, 134K)

I told you to prove his parents are jewish and now you're changing the subject and moving the fucking goal posts, leafs am I rite?

Wasn't that guy in the white baseball hat on "To Catch a Predator"?

Are you ready to have my dick in your mouth?

fine I'll bite, I made my post before you posted...
>Sharyn Maree Fitzgerald
Is his mothers real name
Fitzgerald = son of Gerald = jewish surname
ASHKENAZIC actually, the highest of the mental illness group of jews.
So now it's your turn

Attached: 1548766172047.jpg (580x564, 115K)

Yeah but he belongs in collage by virtue of being a douche

Crickets from the challenger

Attached: violenc paranoid.png (723x623, 487K)

It is lmao

jews are niggers. scientific proofs!!

Attached: maoa-allele.jpg (1136x2200, 812K)

Guy in the top left corner is probably computer generated. Whoever he is he may be a douche, he may be a killer, but he didn't do shit on camera. Parkland shooter was probably programmed. I am not recognizing the bottom two though.

Now the Fitzgeralds are Jews? What about the McDonalds and the O'Briens and the MacNamaras? What'll we tell the neighbors?

Nikolas cruz is a mk ultra victim, he didnt even kill anyone. Dont you guys know?

Best article I've seen on the subject. It was deleted from "The Medium" and its author was banned.

"Guns Don’t Kill People, School Psychologists Do"

holy shit is this real?


lmao that guy on the bottom right

Attached: 8620_OldMadMan.png (100x100, 6K)

Never kills jews with high power levels at top or mid range of pyramid always starts at bottom , chances of reaching final boss = 0%

Pry so. He's the most pitiful of the douchers

Well if Jewish parents would stop breeding mass shooters it wouldn't have to be call it out. Time for enforced Jewish birth control.

To be fair

Los goblinos 'mericanos... Santa Maria del negro....

We know the mainstream media is filled with lies, so much of the information we have been given on their backgrounds can be discarded as possible untruths. I prefer to not judge anybody based on what I hear about them from the media.

Interesting article, saved.

Attached: 7601857A-9772-4B9F-A6E7-B999E7A00C7B.jpg (800x880, 39K)

they're all sociopaths desu, not the introverted kind of Jow Forums poster