“There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman...

>“There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman,” Roger Pielke Jr., director of the Sports Governance Center at the University of Colorado, said.

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honk honk

This was a genuinely a misunderstanding on Publics part to make this political. The federations she wanted to enter don’t allow any hormone usage (such as trt for men either) that’s the reason cant join not because they don’t like transgender people.

There is many federations she can join that would allow to compete.

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i dont see any problem with it as long as the other Females are taking Testosterone to be equal of the trans person

You don't understand what's really going on here. This is all just part of the tranny normalization scheme. If there is any one institution in which a tranny can't participate it will be targeted. Similarly to how there can't be any explicitly white institution without a Jew at the helm.

The amount of politically motivated/brainwashed people in science is ridiculous. Willing to lie and to misinterpret and screw with data to fulfill their personal narratives. Not surprised that this director has drunk the kool-aid

A tranny set 9 women’s weightlifting world records yesterday

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No it’s not. The federation she wanted to join was the ipf or usapl which are top feds and most respected in powerlifting. It was to her benefit to get in them for a powerlifting career. Everyone who powerlifts knows all the others are second class compared to those. Thats why she wanted this.

This is what will redpill women. When all of their safe spaces and women only competitions are dominated and run by men in drag.

based i hope she wins more

>There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a jew and who’s a gentile,” Roger Pielkeberg Jr., director of the Sports Governance Center at the University of Tel Aviv, said.

It's pretty easy to test for XX or XY.

>There's no test to tell who's a man or a woman.
>Other than those sex chromosomes we've known about for a century now, I mean.

Just wait until the mental gymnastics kick in and they convince themselves these are real women and that women are just as strong as men.

Women aren't stro-


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This is the power of liberalism

No it won’t. Top women in powerlifting most respected feds don’t care they’ll still beat any transgender woman.

That link is from some random federation that are watered down talent. powerlifting literally has hundreds of feds.

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FYI - Pielke Jr is one of the few scientists that is not completely cucked when it comes to anthropogenic global warming. I don't know why he is even involved in this - seems out of place.

The world is really a dystopian piece of shit.
The only difference with 1984 is that we can still spew hate on Jow Forums.

For how long?

That doesn't work. You can pump women with testosterone and anavar and you still won't get someone nearly as strong as that wo(man)

what about the test the nurses do when the child comes out its mothers vagina? that has worked for millenia

Lol the top women destroy the lifts of that person linked in the Instagram photo.

Look up the lift of the top women in powerlifting. Transgender women entering meets stand no chance against real top competition.


>The woman who take male hormones are better than the men who take female hormones.
What are you even comparing at this point?
Anyone born male will beat nearly all natural females. You can stop your roid clit sucking.

>what are chromosomes
>what are secondary sexual characteristics
>was are genitalia
The fucker is delusional.

You are clueless about powerlifting man. Go look up records.

That's not how you spell Brave New World



You are clueless if you think that a woman will outcompete a tranny on a similar training regimen. It's basic biology.

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And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.

What federation? Drug free female lifters lift babby weights, and most of them have taken steroids in the past so they're not even true naturals.

You're comparing two groups that are basically trans athletes anyway. The USPA RAW masters total for women in the sub 200 weight class is just 903 pounds. Most men can lift that after a year of serious lifting.

100% RAW

Ipf. Go look up their records for women

women will become rabid anti-trans, the scorn of women is destructive

focusing on edge cases is a waste of time.

Reminder that Baphomet is a tranny. Look carefully.

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Sucking penis doesn't makes you gay, since you sucked vagina by described words.

I mean except for a DNA test or maybe a femur measurement, but hey why not be fucking crazy?

Master Foo instructed his students:

“There is a line of dharma teaching, exemplified by the Patriarch McIlroy's mantra ‘Do one thing well’, which emphasizes that software partakes of the Unix way when it has simple and consistent behavior, with properties that can be readily modeled by the mind of the user and used by other programs.”

“But there is another line of dharma teaching, exemplified by the Patriarch Thompson's great mantra ‘When in doubt, use brute force’, and various sutras on the value of getting 90% of cases right now, rather than 100% later, which emphasizes robustness and simplicity of implementation.”

“Now tell me: which programs have the Unix nature?”

After a silence, Nubi observed:

“Master, these teachings may conflict.”

“A simple implementation is likely to lack logic for edge cases, such as resource exhaustion, or failure to close a race window, or a timeout during an uncompleted transaction.”

“When such edge cases occur, the behavior of the software will become irregular and difficult. Surely this is not the Way of Unix?”

Master Foo nodded in agreement.

“On the other hand, it is well known that fancy algorithms are brittle. Further, each attempt to cover an edge case tends to interact with both the program's central algorithms and the code covering other edge cases.”

“Thus, attempts to cover all edge cases in advance, guaranteeing ‘simplicity of description’, may in fact produce code that is overcomplicated and brittle or which, plagued by bugs, never ships at all. Surely this is not the Way of Unix?”

Master Foo nodded in agreement.

“What, then, is the proper dharma path?” asked Nubi.

The master spoke:

“When the eagle flies, does it forget that its feet have touched the ground? When the tiger lands upon its prey, does it forget its moment in the air? Three pounds of VAX!”

On hearing this, Nubi was enlightened.

>ACKSHUALLY that's /sex/, not gender. Checkmate, cis bigot.

Here made it easier.

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>“There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman
seems like he probably ould have heard about dna and genetics by now. someone should probably tell him.
or just look between their legs. 99% accuracy 100% of the time.

Does it have a penis?
That is a male

there seems to be an attempt on a societal level to abandon all useful heuristics.

Except for that British rapper that crushed the female deadlift record lol
Your sex is physically weak get over it

He didn’t crush anything lmao. He lifted at a gym and recorded it and media thought it was a meet. God you are dumb

>There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman
>What are chromosomes

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Fuck. How big are these women. I'm not into watching sports very much so I'm sincerely just asking.


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Here’s the top women deadlifts. Good luck having a random transgender woman pull 500lbs easily much less 600lbs.

Women can’t have the upper body strength of men but their legs are very powerful

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As a tranny I just don't understand this stuff at all

Taking part in sports would make me feel terrible because it would simply reinforce the fact that I'm different from other women. But these hons seem to revel in it and don't seem to care that the women hate them? I just don't get it

The number on the left is their weight in LBS (pounds)

Again, you're comparing two groups influencing their hormones greatly. Nearly all the top lifters in the IPF have taken drugs in the past or just before the testing dates. You still have your muscle nuclei if you stop using drugs and have a permanent advantage.

What you should be comparing is a natural woman vs a man that takes estrogen or a drug filled woman vs a man that claims to be female without changing his hormones. Even if the IPF women were true naturals, the 86 kilo open record total is 671 kg equipped. For men it's 945.

There is no way on earth that if a top level male power lifter took female hormones he would be weaker than a top level female. You only get shitty trans power lifters who were weak in the first place and still do very well against women.

Lol ipf is drug free. You are making a baseless claim

Sure. You need to stay on hormones for 5 years straight, with regular testing for test/roids. Then you can compete. Fair or no? It may not seem like it, but fuck, give biological women a fighting chance.

It's not a baseless claim. If you actually lifted, you would understand that drug free is just a name they apply to some testing done in competition and there's still ways around it.

Take a look at this:
Notice that almost all the records are nearly 30 years old. I wonder why...

The transgender women do good at low level meets. They cannot beat the top women who have powerlifted for their whole lives.

All those transgenders always posted are at meets no one cares about and their totals are not impressive.

People don't just get into power lifting you fucking idiot. You train for it, you don't just go in and clean jerk over three hundred pounds. A tranny that trains will out compete a natural woman because of the basic differences in physiology. A male body has more potential for strength due to having a denser skeletal and muscle structure and more anchoring points for the musculature in addition to being able to produce hormones that will help promote the growth of muscles and strength. Simply put, a tranny that trains will inevitably out compete a woman that trains.

It’s a complete baseless claim because you have no evidence to claim most did drugs. It’s just Jason blaha tier speculation. Stick to the evidence available at hand.

you know what? Fuck it, let them compete. Let's do away with gender based leagues altogether.

Most of them in a normal weight category. Which seems pretty good actually
Random tranny, not trained at all can't do it. Even a tranny that trains for 4 months before. I completely agree, but any tranny that also trains for a few years beforehand will lift more than 600 lbs imo. It's biology, pure and simple.

>“There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman,”
felt compelled to quote this horse shit for posterity

An average gymbro can deadlift 500

Isn't a tranny a woman with a fuck load of hormone injections? Like steroids.....

>be a fit male athlete
>wear a stuffed bra, put on lipstick, grow your hair long, and claim to identify as female
>proceed to wipe the floor with the women’s league competition
>sjw will praise you for your courage and bravery

This is quite an overlooked scam that a growing number of men are pulling, and someone needs to take a closer look into it.

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That's because they weren't good at powerlifting in the first place. Any good male powerlifter beats any good female powerlifter, assuming they have the same hormone levels. Men don't just get an advantage in having inherently more muscle and muscle nuclei, bigger bones, and so on, they have better psychological strength as well.
You're retarded. It's widely accepted in the powerlifting community. Post body or totals.

False. The average gym bro dosent even deadlift.

deadlift of 500 is nothing...tons of people in Jow Forums can do that...do you realize for men deadlift records are like 1100 pounds?

We live in a day where you can just say you're a woman without doing any surgical or hormonal alterations and people will just accept it.


Wow, look at this completely natural lifter compete in the IPF. Totally natural, bro, they drug test.

Either you support women's rights or tranny rights for the topic of sports, there's no one or the other.
It's another one of those "does not compute" moments for lefty NPCs, like wanting to call Trump a Nazi but he sucks Israel's dick more than any president in history, and also disagree with his support for it.

Ed coan was banned from the ipf lmao. Guys are not even allowed to go to his workshops if they are an ipf lifter.

Yeah there is? Cortisol levels in saliva when exposed to a hot emotional cue (ie. someone calling them an asshole and meaning it).

Yes there is. Kick em in the crotch and watch the reaction

This is a good one, but unreliable one. Meaning test false positive with androgynous women. They are an anomaly though so still a good one.

Reminder to let men dominate women’s sports in costume and phase them out altogether
You don’t have to care about trans rights, women will lash out when their livelihood is taken away for you

Here in Lawrence, KS, there's some co-ed games for us old and out of shape people.
You're supposed to have at least half women, and if it's something like softball you rotate guy/girl/guy/girl at bat, etc.

Plus it's a super-liberal town.

I wonder what the fallout would be if I formed a team of all men, and just had half of them say they identify as women, and then we'd dominate the league.

I dunno what the fuck is XX XY chromosomes

>Ed coan was banned
Banned for drug use. Just fucking look at some of the records in the IPF, they're all set by steroid users, which is why most of the woman's records are from 1990. They brought in drug testing before this but it wasn't tight and easy to get around, which is exactly what Ed Coan did.

Hell, just look at the inverse, woman who are competing in organizations that don't drug test. Are they stronger than the men that have recently competed in 'drug free' federations? No. It's almost like there are inherent differences between men and women that aren't accounted for by just hormone levels...


Training improves over time, dieting and planning. This happens in every single sport.

I am not denying the ability to beat a drug test but it’s not the sole contributor to this progression.

Like dude I’m not dumb I’m not going to claim men doing 1000lb squats are natural because of a federation just it’s dishonest to paint them all with a brush saying they are on gear with no evidence and just speculation

its an effort to emulate womanhood by being as petty and scornful as real women are to other women

Women with CAH don't test high enough to compare to men. Even gay men with low testosterone levels test significantly higher than CAH black women, and those women have levels of testosterone far above average.

This isn’t how bones and ligaments or muscle fiber/fat distribution work

>There’s no simple or even complex biological test you can apply that tells you who’s a man and who’s a woman
Then how can you feel like you're the wrong sex in the first place?

All top-tier sports are about genetics + good steroids. You have to be insanely naive to think that these records are attained naturally.

It's amazing how retards genuinely get tricked into believing you can take protein shakes/BCAA (which is not even working, by the way) and look even remotely close to a professional athlete.

Unless you have SUPREME genes, you are bound to look only decently fit as a natural.

Even guys like Jeff Cavalier are clearly on low-dose propionate + stanazolol occasionally to make a lean muscular physique or a minor TRT regimen.

I'd say the vast majority of fitness bloggers are on some kind of cycles, hence they need to sell their physique for traffic/clients. It is just too profitable to forgo such an option.

Then (((she))) can go lift as a he. Stop catering to mentally insane faggots.


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Wow you have such a big brain and are so woke. I’m aware of gear. Welcome to misc in 2008 you are not saying anything new.

lol these are just cis-guys who have figured out an easy way to make it as athletes. They're frauds.

But anyway you should kill yourself freak.

It's easy, the rules state that you can not be taking hormone supplements. It disqualified itself.

Why dont they just make a whole seperate group for trans/genetic messes akin to the retard olympics?


really tho these things are mentally ill
