WoW teaches you to be nationalistic and will single handidly reverse all the goblin brainwashing in the last 10 years
King's honor, friend
WoW teaches you to be nationalistic and will single handidly reverse all the goblin brainwashing in the last 10 years
King's honor, friend
Activision is a kiked company and you contribute to their agenda paying them monthly shekels for your subscription
Only 3 months and we're going home, boys.
actiBlizzard ramping up the paid shilling means classic will release soon.
WoW teaches you that women are queens and can do no wrong in the latest expansion.
I am quite sure less than 3 months.
Yes goy the real world is none of your business, here play in this fake reality with no connection to the real world. Also pls send us your dad's credit card photocopied on both sides for unlimited microtransactions, kthx.
I love classic wow but video games are fucking degenerate
classic can't come soon enough, retail has been subverted by the (((Nathrezim)))
>he says as he posts on a international basket weave forume
I'm try horny for pey
Can't wait
Wow teaches you that nothing matters unless you're a piece of shit who obtains a Black Qiraji Battle Tank. And it's unfair and it's not fun and it's garbage.
And people can fuck you over and gank you and ruin all that effort because they're trash and sub-human and deserve to be gased when you only want a cool looking mount you put a lot of effort in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
It has been a very long time since I last saw a wow thread on Jow Forums. I thank you fren. Wow can be a life changing game
Or at least it used to ve as such. Since cata factions no longer trigger hatred and race based competition between members of the community. Few people care enough about the lore to engage in aggresive conversations with opposing faction members in the forums. World pvp is dead and BFA's war mode has failed in revitalizing it. Even though I dream of the fays when wow will once again cultivate an intrest in history, an appreciation of respective cultures and patriotism in the real world as well as the digital I sincerely doubt that such days
will come to pass.
>Black Qiraji Battle Tan
Streamers will fucking ruin it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then we must make it very hard for them
No, the (((Goblins)))
>thinking a program depicting artificial reality resembles in any a board that discusses topics with the most brutal and blackpilling honesty
Not how this works.
Pve servers ;(
This is just unfair. How can you compete with people who have fans?
>in any
in any way*
Your meme flag proves that you deserve to have all your efforts in wow result in disapointment and all the time you invested in the game wasted. Get the fuck out of our game kike. Your globalist agenda has no place in wow. It would be nice if Israel handed over activision as well but as long as blizzard is pure and azeroth is a realm for the smart, industrious and hardworking instead of the subhumans I am more than willing to accept activision's kikery.
Are you so sure the content of this forum doesn't change your idea of reality?
Love me ships
'ate Orcs.
'ate Jaina.
Simple as.
1 week and we are, asteroid is coming. It's been good my man. World economy is about to break
It does, for the better.
nothing is coming faggot, besides an uptick in cosmic rays but we still have another 4-7 years of this solar minimum and we will return to normalcy again with the start of the solar maximum in cycle 25 in 2023-2026. After that is when you can start spewing your fearmongering.
We making Jow Forums guilds? One for each region (Oceanic, Europe, NA)
based schizo user
>he thinks redpills change you for the better
Being bluepilled is the true bliss I wish I could get back
The youtuber Nixxiom will make a guild on EU. Basically a Jow Forums guild.
>Your meme flag.
Nice try Moshe, I bet you'll just wait until Naxx get cleared and buy a boost from one of the top guilds. You fucking suck and should fucking kill yourself. Fortnite would be more fitting for you.
play Warlock and grief them with recklessness, fear, infernal etc.
Keep rocking on with mindless distractions then.
>he remarked, as he posted on a chinese board for cartoons
you're on a mindless distraction right now. If that's your perspective about things, everything you do is a mindless distraction.
we're going home, friends
After raiding on 4 different private servers in the last 6 years, I'm so burned out from this game. It takes up way too much time, and most WoW players are total faggots.
I wasn’t going to give you a response, seeing how you’re most likely retarded but something made me change my mind. Listen here, dumass!
You have one chance to do something good in life, one good chance, and that's a strike at banging the AQ gong. While a Gladiator may win trade to get where he is, this is a one time chance to prove to yourself that you are worth something!
This goes beyond being a fucking game, son, this is about being part of the entire community, it’s about being known and proving to the others that you are one of the dedicated few who’s willing to sacrifice everything for this immersive world you’re part of.
Anyone may pay for a Naxx boost, hell, people even paid gold to both factions to sabotage one another during AQ and guess what? They got fucked over for it. You know why? It’s because that’s the one time you can do something like it in perhaps the only video game that ever mattered.
Being able to share that experience with your entire guild and the server without which you would’ve never been able to get without their help can’t compare with anything and I say, with anything at all!
It’s fucking worth ruining your life over, just to prove to yourself that you can do it.
Moreover, if you cannot see the importance of this one event which begs the assistance of the entire server, then I don’t know why you’re here. The mere fact that we’re being given the chance to be part of what may be, utmost and singlehandedly the most important in-game event to have ever existed in a game is a blessing and it should be treated as such.
If you cannot compete, then step out of the game and burn. I know I will be one of the few who will bear the mount, standing in OG with my full Plagueheart Raiment and Atiesh, while you’ll still be progressing through BWL with your semi-casual guild.
I hope you're talking about classic and not retailshit.
Private server players are total faggots, the classic playerbase won't be nearly as bad.
See those delusional threads every second on /v/ they're filled with dumbest members of the board.
>Surely Blizzard won't fuck this up
>We can trust blizzard guys
>Why play a free version of the game when we can pay for it.
Years ago this would have been a fine idea but not with how blizz is these days.
>Why play a free version of the game when we can pay for it.
The private servers are literally fucking trash. Filled with bad foreigners, laggy as fuck, server crashes, buggy, etc.
Given Blizzards recent cuckery, I can't blame you on the other 2 points but fuck private servers. You get what you pay for in that regard.
Still, I am looking forward to it with a side of caution.
Why would anyone pay fifteen dollars a fucking month to play a twenty year old game. Fucking boomers are so stupid
Home soon boys. Home soon.
sure there's the high chance blizz will ruin it somehow, but playing with other Aryans minus Jewish GMs is a good motivation for me to pay up.
>Age of game determines how good it is
imagine paying 13 Shekels each month to waste your time with a stupid game
fuck off goy
there are not even nations in wow
>You should pay exorbitant amounts of money for a game that's already made
Bet you buy Skyrim every year too you fucking shill
Do people still play WOW?
>with a side of caution.
Thats the fucking problem I have with all of this
Everyone seems to think this can't go wrong
Given how gaming is these days and anything associated with Activision or EA. Why the fuck are people not more Cautious and skeptical about anything being hyped
If blizzard wanted to assure me that this was gonna work. Either bring back much of the original devs or bring in some of the people from nestorius. Just so I don't have to worry about it being ruined by Nu-blizzard
>wow mods will literally fucking remove you for wrongthink
Imagine being a newfriend who think video games as stupid. You need to lurk more, friend. We all play games here (or used to and have been disillusioned recently), YOU are the outlier.
>exorbitant amounts of money
>$15 a month
Does it matter in this clown world?
>The private servers are literally fucking trash.
The official servers are literally fucking trash.
The private servers are the ones that actually care about the community, specially the classic ones
but you fucking faggots just want to throw your money at the ((()))'s for some shit that does not even come close to classic
nice job faggots
>tfw I unironically main a goblin
Caring about the community doesn't mean shit if the server is held together by fucking sticky tape and starts to shake the server rack when people do a raid
So sad that Blizzard has become such a kike company. It's embarassing. Even if I like Classic, I have become reluctant coming back to play this game.
I'm having more fun seeing their stock plummet. The latest news about Blizzcon 2019 ticket prices confirm how little consideration they have for their playerbase.
I would like to play video games from time to time but they have all turned into commie psyop. Corporate marxist overlords, social engineers and greedy sociopaths have realized that video games have become the first cultural institution among the youth so obviously they have decided to corrupt the soul of the youth.
I'm still surprised that there is no racemixing propaganda in Wow though.
>The private servers are the ones that actually care about the community
Then don't play on shit servers with a shit administration nigger
>being proud to pay the equivalent of a AAA game every four months to a company that hates you.
Yeah, it's called an official server
Most AAA games use a scam-model. Video related.
I want to get it, but I know it will never be the same and I'll have those lingering nagging thoughts telling me it every time I play, and that I'm wasting lots of valuable time.
If you play WoW in 2019, you should kill yourself.
games are for kids you fucking toddler
will you ever become a man? no you are the eternal onions.
memeflag opinon disregarded
justs try again
Thanks for making my point. There's no ready for blizzard to have a subscription model on a decades old MMO. Also I agree most AAA games are bullshit but at least you get something new from them.
the memories..
time is the most valuable we have.
>There's no ready for blizzard to have a subscription model on a decades old MMO
Except they don't, it comes as a bonus with the main game. It's like getting two games at the price of one, both a nostalgia game and uhhhh the main game...
They are blinded by some childish nostalgia. They think they can actually go back to 2004. They are in for a rude awakening.
Horde niggers defend this
Fuck off no one cares about your kosher garbage game here.
3 Months? Where does that come from?
I ask because a few days ago I had a dream about something terrible happening in three months.
>muh nostalgia
>you cant go back to 2004
>it will never be the same
as someone who has played on nost, kronos, elysium, etc, you are a complete retard.
Fair point, it makes sense for the ten people still playing wow but that clearly isn't their audience and they know it. Blizzard are just being greedy jews and basedboys let them because nostalgia
You honestly think the Blizzard-run servers will be just like the private ones? Do you have any fucking clue how dysfunctional and retarded Blizzard has become in recent years?
It's been set to release this summer for 6 months. BLizz just hasn't given the exact date, so most people are being conservative and guessing end of summer-ish..... 3 months
I've played retail since day 1 and still play Bfa. Servers are honestly run better than back in the day. There is almost 0 downtime and management is done well. Sharding is the only problem, but WoW classic is only getting sharding for the first two weeks.
So I don't really see an issue.
I quote playing after warlords of draenor.
I was the best paladin on my server for many years (pvp).
I just don’t have the will to play video games anymore.
I’d rather get my pony to 500hp.
i will never get the passion with cars.
And that's cool.
I'm happy you're having fun.
yes? back on nost my GM had his character flagged to have better drop rates for certain items in the instances he created. private servers are more corrupt than a post soviet nation and are full of chinese.
I wish they remastered diablo 2 desu, I'd even crack it . I don't even like wow that much.
I don't get cars either. But yeah, best of luck to you!
the mobile diablo is a disgrace to the fans.
mobile apps is simply not gaming. And the screen is absolute cancer to the eyes.
I'm stealing this
Fuck the kill joy fags who think everything is serious business all the time
Imagine the amount of money you've given to Blizzard after all these years... How have you not gotten bored of WoW yet? Only the most devout fanboys still play BFA.
wholesome moments.
Would you rly trust them with Diablo 4? After Legacy of the void, Expansions after woltk, hots and OVerwatch?
Even w3 reforged looks trash. Wow classic was supposed to be one of the few good things about blizzard since they fucked up everything else.. but Idk anymore.
This is the best we can hope for. If they remaster it that’ll be the only blizz game I’ll play. Some drop rate modification might be nice as well.
see it differently.
I play with a group of around 10 friends. And we only play mythics together when we're a full group.
Its a fun way to socialize with friends that would be way harder to talk to otherwise.
How fucking broke are you that you can't afford 15 burger bucks a MONTH. Get off my internet you disgusting poor.
I am not talking about how the servers run technically. I am referring to the fact that Blizzard has gone full-SJW a long time ago. Remember how fun Barrens chat was with all the racy jokes and shit-talking? Yeah, that's not happening anymore. Might hurt someone's fee-fees. The political climate of 2019 is so vastly different than 2004, it will be literally impossible to capture that essence again. 90% of the players will get bored in a month once they realize how shitty and non-player-friendly vanilla was anyway.
I've done the math and I've probably paid $2500 to play WoW since 2005. I don't play any other video games really.
Consider this: I spent tens of thsouands to go to (((college))). I spend money every month to pay my ((( car/health insurance))) and I pay rent to my jew landlords. Everytime I go to the store I give money to Jews, even when I buy groceries. There is basically nothing left in the world that isnt owned or influenced heavily by Jews. One way or another, you are going to fund them.
I've thrown a mere 2500 at them for WoW and I've gotten thousands upon thousands of hours of fun with my friends. I've met a ton of redpilled people, a ton of strange and odd people. Overall it's been a fantastic experience and I'll continue to play until it hits the final wall.
If that bothers you, I'm sorry.
Good point, they could actually fuck it up. D2 can’t get much better other than some graphic enhancement even though I still like the way it looks originally. If they make them look like fucking toons im done.
I used to play to many hours a day.
What is the current situation with this game?