Attached: e121945.png (470x484, 356K)

I don't think anyone is claiming Jesus was pure-bred Nord. If anything he was a filthy Semite like his Mother.

OR he was the Son of Caesar, to Cleopatra.

Jesus has God genes.
God is blond and blue eyed. God genes are always dominate over kike genes.

If you look at ancient egyptian depictions of Libyans and Syrians they are white as fuck. Also Sea Peoples were whites from the north and west and settled the Levant. As well as many other waves of whites from Scythia.

My mistake.

Attached: 1554621312907.png (607x609, 174K)

>Syrians are white


Attached: DYPy46WX4AAxVtJ.jpg (1190x1200, 168K)

>God is blond and blue eyed
a bold statement
memeflaggot 1ptid sage

>people that populated Greek and Roman colonies 2000 years ago is the same people that live there today
You are so retarded it hurts lmao

lel, what an image
how will christ-WE-WUZ-DA-REAL-JOOZ-cucks ever recover

Attached: christcuckism is racial suicide.jpg (994x850, 470K)

They were still semites, even if they were under Roman occupation.

The level of damage control whenever this is brought up is wuzzing tier I swear.

Probably Semitic, granted not analogous to the racial Jews we have today.

Attached: 1554433329958.jpg (1022x756, 57K)

>proceeds to not post said depictions beacuse he knows they will be debunked hard

Attached: e vs semites.jpg (1888x1824, 879K)

They were not lmao
>Anglo Australians are abbos because they live in Australia
Holy fuck how retarded are you

Most upper class in the middle East had Aryan origins anyways. King Joseph was a ginger with blue eyes. Mohammed was another ginger. King Tut had haplogroup R1b and Rameses II was a ginger.

The Ottoman sultans were also light haired.

>posts memes, cartoons and literally a fucking monty python scene as "proof"
My fucking sides are gone
Jesus had short hair and had no beard, the modern imaginery is just kike shit.

Jesus wasn't real and the people who lived on the Levant in the MEDITERRANEAN were not niggers

Look at art of Jesus from the early Christians, he's not brown

Attached: Christ_with_beard.jpg (558x600, 65K)

They're white if they're useful & productive like Steve Jobs. This is logic.

>skin color is the difference between humans and neanderkikes

Attached: cromagnon_vs_neanderthal.jpg (550x310, 51K)

Attached: pol approved science.jpg (4401x2339, 2.03M)

>all of Africa is and always was populated by Sub Saharan Africans

Seriously, this is science. God genes. Always dominate.

Attached: jew_1.jpg (620x465, 29K)

Attached: neanderthal.jpg (736x1078, 82K)

Hurts, doesn't it?

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My friend there are hellenic/Greek letters on this image(Α-Ω, short for ΆΡΧΩ...) People always depicted whoever according to their own standards. If this was made by whites, it's only reasonable for him to look white(Mediterranean white too). It's not like the artist saw Jesus and said "hold still mate, gotta that angle u cute"

The New Testament was written in Greek, it wasn't written by Greeks but Jesus and his disciplines spoke Greek

Ok you really want me to reverse search your image to prove you wrong?

You do realize that Israel borders the Med, yes?

There were Roman citizens of all races, Paul Apostle was born Jew but Roman citizen

I know my share of history yes. Anyway this post was meant to tease mostly, I m not denying that caucasian features could appear in the area of interest, alright?

He sees the Light.

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He probably wasn't milk white, but i don't think he was brown skinned arab neither

>Arabs are brown skinned
Some Arabs are even lighter and have their faces glowing, more so than whites. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

If I brought you a Levantine or a Lebanese, you'd be calling ME a D&C shill for showing you an Italian and calling him Arab.

I mean sandy brown

Attached: istockphoto-641580300-1024x1024.jpg (683x1024, 196K)

Those are the Gulf Arabs, I think. Jesus wasn't from the Gulf.

The various use of the word "perkele" in the holy scripts , often used by the lamb of God itself suggest the Finno-Ugric origins of the divine genes.

Palestinian arabs are pretty brown

Attached: funeral.jpg (1024x682, 176K)