
It doesn't matter that Christianity is Semitic in origin.

1. It's a matter of spirituality, and spirituality has nothing to do with race or nation.

2. Civilization was born in the Semitic lands of Mesopatamia, known today as Syria and Iraq.

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Other urls found in this thread:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg!Ta4FxKAR!CwRRaDyDdX6k7iFcWDBs5w

The jews wish to wipe out every trace of Europeans. You won't erase the jew without erasing (((christianity))). One or the other must go.

Attached: The Original Christians.png (797x925, 742K)

Are you listening? Civilization, law, architecture, agriculture and writing all began in Iraq-Syria.

Not in fucking Norway or England.

>It doesn't matter that Christianity is Semitic in origin.
>1. It's a matter of spirituality, and spirituality has nothing to do with race or nation.
Fucking cuck.
>2. Civilization was born in the Semitic lands of Mesopatamia, known today as Syria and Iraq.
That’s also where White people came from, fucking retard. Israelites, Romans, etc were all White. Whites immigrated from the Middle East into Europe.

Stop worshipping jewish religions.

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Are you mentally retarded?

Stop using law, architecture, agriculture and writing, all created by Semites.

It’s almost like dumb mudshits conquered the Middle East or something.

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Are you stupid. Babylon and Syria are historically SEMITIC.

Goddamn you're low-IQ.

No retard. Those were created by Europeans. If (((christianity))) were responsible, mestizo america wouldn't be a shithole. It's race, not the religion.

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It’s common knowledge White people, the creators of civilization, started in Sumer and expanded outwards.

Fuck off, projecting mudshit.

No, it isn't you insane "Christian Identity" Brits-Iz-Da-Real-Israelites nutcase.

No. Those were created by Syrians and Iraqis. Put down the Mein Kamph.

>Syrians and Iraqis
They did not build Nortre Dame. They burned it down.

Well blame France for bombing ISIS in 2015.

fuck off kike
Europe is my holy lands and you're definitely not even white so just fuck off retard

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These rabbis come here every day and do this "Christianity is Jizzism" shtick.
It's so tiresome. We know the jews know the difference, that's why their holy book talks about boiling Jesus in their jizz.

dumb shitskin. even your id is brown.

> Culture born from race
> Tradition born from race


Oh look another retarded Christian stuck in his slave mentality and moralism. Pagan Europe produced everything you hold dear dipshit. And that mesopotamian civilization you love to cite. They were pagan too and probably Aryan.

No, spirituality transcends race. Nothing wrong with nationalism, but don't mix it with the transcedential or the metaphisycal.

>It's a matter of spirituality, and spirituality has nothing to do with race or nation.
I don't know about that, chief

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No, they were SEMITIC. Assyrian, Syriac, Babylonian and Syrian.

Not exactly, the difference of Christianity which made it exemplary at its time was that it was a monotheistic religion that placed importance on individual culpability (sin) and freedom of conscience, which are cultural fixings of White cultures.

Other cultures often speak of group culpability or tribe culpability.

This confuses the gay pagans and angers the tranny athiests

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>Pagan Europe produced everything you hold dear dipshit. And that mesopotamian civilization you love to cite. They were pagan too and probably Aryan.
Even though you're not Christian I respect you, because at least you acknowledge the creators of civilization and le semitic religion were White.
>No, spirituality transcends race.
Literal kike tier disinfo.
>Fellow White people, did you know niggers can produce beautiful religions like Roman paganism and Christianity too?

wow ur a genis

So let's just race mix until we re one happy christian brown thingie to save our souls ofc. All these while sending juice to hell I presume with our holy rifles.
The more you think about it, the more it makes sense right?

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Racial fixation is a fruit of the flesh, not the spirit. The flesh perishes and is nothing but chaff that will be burned by God’s wrath. But the spirit is of God and he will raise his children up from all the nations and grant them eternal life. Racial fixation is essentially animal-tier mentality and all who hold it will perish as the beasts of the field and be remembered no more.

Kike disinfo? Jews believe their tribe is holy...Nazism is just a mirror of Judaism.

Kikes know it was 1,000+ years of Christendom that kept them barred from destroying Europe by infecting it's institutions until Americans in our infinite wisdom began to loosen those restrictions. They know the non-pozzed Christianity that was ubiquitous just 100 years ago is their worst enemy, so they'll continue to use our contempt for Jewishness to push us to abandon it.

Law, Agriculture, Writing and Architecture were created in the Fertile Crescent, the Levant. Not Greece.

How can a Christian have contempt for Judaism, when all the Prophets were Jewish?

No one believes Iraq and Syria were White...

You can only do so much with low IQ averages. Funnily enough it's actually your argument in which it's implied that culture is the only thing that matters while race does not, faggot.

Whites aren't a master race, you know.

You either lack the most basic understanding of the theological narrative of Christianity, or you're just another kike on the internet. 'Jew' is an identity. Kevin MacDonald, while admirable, is wrong.

The Prophets weren’t Judaisers though. They were ethnically Hebrews but they didn’t practice any kind of “Judaism”.

Jesus Christ was a Palestinian Jew. Not a blonde haired Swissman of Dane.

Huh, I didn't mean to respond to your comment. That was supposed to be directed at

Judaization implies iconoclasm, destruction of images.

>ancient Syria and Iraq
Holy horseshit, we better tell them

>The jews wish to wipe out every trace of Europeans
Correct; and that is primarily Christianity.

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But user, my ancestors were pagans 2,500 years ago. Who cares about the last 2,000?

were the Sumerians semites?

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>Moral law is born from race
There's more to life than racial determinism, kid. Stop trying to break everything down into a small, myopic, and supposedly all-encompassing worldview. It's foolishness.

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Are you psychotic?


That's actually unclear. It's also unclear what the Elamite language was.

Now you’re jumping from pre-Christian era Prophets to Christian Era iconoclasts. The prophets were against the idols of the nations which corrupted the people of God. You could say the same thing happens through out all time as no people are immune to corruption. But the Prophets did not practice “Judaism” which is a reactionary a religion formulated after the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Religion is fuck cucks and losers.

the absolute state of christcuckes

Telling the truth is Christcuck I guess.

By the way, your mother was a Berber and your father was an Arab.

> muh transcendental

Fascism combats [...] not intelligence, but intellectualism, [...] which is [...] a sickness of the intellect, [...] not a consequence of its abuse, because the intellect cannot be used too much. [...] [I]t derives from the false belief that one can segregate oneself from life. (Giovanni Gentile)

Blessed digits of truth.

I'm sure the Mittani, Hittites, Hattians etc were all semitic too according to you

Always the americans casting aside his European culture in any way he can...

Yes, I know what fascism is

>If race matters then every single issue ever should be able to be broken down into simple, exclusively racial terms. If I can't make it entirely about race, the only other option must be race-blind liberalism.
Yeah the people who think this way are retarded. Spell it out with me kids: N-U-A-N-C-E

If you use writing, agriculture, architecture or law you are an Iraqi.

Like you would consider burgers Europeans even if they tried.

No, I didn't say the Hittites were Semites. But the Assyrians and Phonecians were indeed Semites.

you're literally retarded

The Hittite language is confirmed Indo-Eurpean


arab mixture percentages is very low. jewish is high. that's why the portuguese don't look white

Good thing Jewish isn't a race then

What's up with all the Christian threads on Jow Forums?
Sunday was yesterday.

>that’s why the Portuguese aren’t white

They came after the Sumerians, who do not speak a Semitic language. By that point farming and writing had been invented.

its a mongrel race, the founder of mongrel jewish christinity
all thanks to christianity

No one can be this retarded. You must be a kike

Judaism is actually about tribal exclusivity, you skinhead fool. Unlike Islam and Christianity, Judaism doesn't proselytize.

The Sumerians did speak a SEMITIC language though, you monkey. Go look for the Aryan Kingdom of Atlantis.

The flesh profits nothing and your country isn’t even white to begin with. What’s the point lmao

>and spirituality has nothing to do with race or nation.
Yeah, because "spirituality" has nothing to do with anything because its fucking bullshit.
Would you rather a Christian nigger or a white atheist?

This along with all the pushing of paganism here is a psyop against God and his church. Don't fall for it.

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Christian nigger. Atheists are intolerable.

I don't mind non-violent, democratic nationalisms like Nigel Farage or Victor Orban.

Not a fan of the NatSoc stuff.

We don't have records with which to assess what language family Sumerian belonged to. Strange things happen. Just look at Basque, or the Caucasian languages.

You will never get good spirituality from a nigger. The Bible itself says a good tree produces good fruits and a bad tree produces bad fruits.

It is a language isolate

>jews didn't invent christinity
>circumcized rabbi jesus wasn't a jew
>the "disciples" weren't jews
>the bible wasn't 100% written by jews
>the rabbi messiah of the jews wasn't solely for the jews
the absolute cope

shiteater. fucking get out of pol you NPC, there is nothing more politically correct than cuckstianity

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Remember. Iraqis created architecture, writing, agriculture and law, if you use those things you aren't Aryan.

You either don't understand what "Jew" has meant for the past two millennia or you're just subverting. Either way you're a moron.

Tough words with no substance. What to expect from a meme flag.

>lets project my revision of definitions
circumcized rabbi yeshua, the messiah of the jews - who called gentiles of dogs -, was jewish (racially - judaism is a racial religion). We was, alegedly, crucified as the king of the jews.
pre-abrahamic civilizations had the alphabet and series of laws as well - metal works and sculptures and such, etc. That is another case of false claiming of credit from jews and inbred semites

You're an ignoramus. King Herod was the King of the Jews. They had a state called Judea. They meant he was the spiritual King of the Jews.

This is everything I have.
They are depriving you of your bright future.
Make sure you are ready to go.
And continue winning the lost.

Entire KJ Bible on audio:!qLBmFYTR!V5tYGYbhAtMbiWKFKBR_Kg


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You understand Assyria and Iraq predated Abraham, right? You're a bastard child of a Berber and Goth, you don't have a claim on culture.

>It doesn't matter that Christianity is Semitic in origin.
found the coping christcuck
what's it like knowing you are responsible for the dark ages, destruction of ancient buildings and arts, and much more?
christians, jews, muslims, all the same semitic garbage
if you are on Jow Forums as a christian, you can not call yourself an anti-semite. you are the jews' pet.

No, it was the Cradle of Civilization, the Levant that created it all.


you can continue with your ramblins about how you wuz kangs and birth of civilization when it obviously isn't

Are you perhaps mentally retarded?

It was Syria and Iraq, not Nordic, not European, which created civilization, architecture, the nation-state, agriculture, law and writing.

1. The Abrahamic god made it a matter of race and nation when he proclaimed Jews to be his chosen people
2. Civilization was a mistake and tribalism is better than Homosexual Noahide Techo-Globalism

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But no one disagrees that Mesopotamia was the Cradle of Civilization.