And do you consider me white? I literally have blonde hair and blue eyes.
Are DNA tests actually a scam?
"blonde" with black eyebrows and black strands of hair
>give jews looking for the holy grail bloodline your dna goyim!!!!!111
I cant believe the amount of insecure burgers who give massive corporations their biometric data.
this but unironically
I have no black hair at all. Brown eyebrows.
Both 23andme and MyHeritage are under Jewish control. If you used one of these, you can be sure that your DNA is now in Mossad's database. But then again, you're (((American))) so it probably was to begin with.
not at all, you should try it
The government has my dna anyways. It's a clown world so why not take one.
>blonde hair, blue eyes
Yeah western Asian is pretty white. I’m 10% Armenian so it’s cool
The purpose of these DNA genology services is to build a third party DNA database, not owned by the government, which can then be used by the government as if it was theirs (via warrants, subpoenas, or as regular customers). Further more these services could legally volunatarily provide their services without warrant if they so felt inclined.
Their sample population for west asia is Iraq
Unless you are proving lineage for financial gain there is no reason to do this.
That's not even an issue, literally giving your genetic data to some malignant Kike cooperation has to be the most retarded thing any user can do.
I have black eyesbrows and dirty blonde hair. What do?
Don't worry, I'm sure one of you distantly related normie relatives will. That's all they really need.
>2 bored young geniuses talking
>how to get rich fast?
>payed by whom?
>why not taxpayer and the customers?
>they lolz.jpg
>see its easy.
>We use social media and stir up a conversation about ethnicity
>people will eat it they even have studies about it
>they lolz-more.exe
>We collect dna data.
>U retard how could people willingly give their dna to us.
>because we tell them where they are from.
>its easy.
>and we can cheat aswell they believe us anyway .
>lolzmore at stupidity.
>start bizznizz
>get much more dna data than expected.
>people cry about it on youtube
>everyone wants to know
>but its for nothing
>secret services pay us billions
>we give them everything because we don't care lol
>dank weed
>now worldwide marketing
>smooth bizznizz now
>happy 2 bored young geniuses
>still laughing at the stupidity of the people.
>applies to much more
>new ideas
>we'll see
Into the bin shitskin
Fucking this. I can't believe so many anons fall for this kike shit.
>is something that sells my genetic information a scam
Gee user I don't know.
Ancestry DNA results, yes! Parenthood establishment and crimescene forensic DNA analysts is more accurate given they actually do take all the necessary steps to properly process the information!
That Asian might be Siberia or Russian
West Asia is persian and iraq
>Implying Eurotrash aren't kike lovers either
Of course...
Why do you fucking care about your shitty DNA and ancient ancestry? You can go to a government office in your town if you want a more detailed family tree and you could just ask your relatives, instead of doing these stupid things. If it offered anything meaningful, like an overview of potential health susceptibilities, then it would be worth something. IIRC they did offer that service years ago, before they were forced to shut it down due to whatever reason.