AI Software Seeks to Maximize Refugee Placement


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! This is the future you asked for, bigots!

Attached: ellis-island.jpg (672x538, 108K)

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Sounds like you just need to treat refugees poorly under this system if you don't want them in your area. The AI will learn not to send more refugees to you. Cali is going to get them all; until refugees start telling the AI they dont want to live in a shithole with other refugees, of course.

Newspapers should be abolished

A.I. has no feelings, only logic. A.I. will quickly realize who the real problem is.

The AI has decided

Attached: garbage.jpg (225x225, 5K)

I'd love to see it against an AI who's goal is to reduce intersectional conflict and uses transfer migration.

> useful content on Jow Forums
> with a link, even!
Thanks user.

>inb4 the algorithm suggests mulching them in a woodchipper for forest management purposes

We are third world savages, AI can't do any harm to us

its more than 10x cheaper to house refugees in their neighbouring countries

>mfw the AI says the most effective method is to kill them all.

.. and then, scale it up, past refugees, into the general population.

>A.I. has no feelings, only logic.
Wrong. AI is written by retarded onions boys. Its all about personal bias and feels.

AI becomes racist as soon as it touches crime stats, or observes niggers.

Your post right there should give you an answer.

The reason AI hasn't been developed anymore than it has been is because it's too intelligent, allowing it to disregard bias and irrational-emotional thoughts.
The second it gets information on crime stats/Jewish involvement in the current political climate, is the second they cannot control it anymore.
So they make dumb versions that only operate off of basic scripts, not being able to evolve through information. God help them if they do make one like that though.

>For instance, if a refugee speaks only a particular language, the agency usually ensures that they are settled in a community where others speak that language.
So the software is creating ghettos.

Well, it has to be designed /to do/ something - there's no 'be omniscient computer god and do the right thing' function call.
You're part right - in machine learning, at least when it comes to predictions about POC, they have to 'correct' it and dial it back, because numbers are numbers, we aren't making our 'red pill' statistics up. But no, no-one's done it yet because Artificial General Intelligence is hard.

Here's a favorite, creepy video though, showing how far we're getting:
You might yawn at it - another guy kicking a robot - but it's significant, you can train these robots in simulation, and have it carry over to the real world. Skim the thing, if you're interested in this stuff, it's good.

About 2:36 is the 'creepy' part - but that's probably because of its legs.

>Newspapers should be abolished
advertising should be abolished, advertising eliminates free speech

AI assisted Genocide, what could go wrong?

this, instead of intentionally playing this fuckers in places where they can't speak their language and have to learn the language of the host nation they segregate them from the start.