After 8 years THIS is what they come up with? THis is how they kill the big bad of GOT? Jesus Christ what fucking hacks and the worst part is the normies are eating this shit up like a bunch of brain dead sheep. Shit like this is the reason why were all getting stupider from consuming mindless entertainment. This was supposed to be the biggest battle scene in the history of television and the only named characters that died were Jorah the cuck, Theon the dickless and Night's Watch guy #2.
You realie it’s based on a book series right? Blame Martin.
>the worst part is the normies are eating this shit up like a bunch of brain dead sheep.
You're part of the of the problem just as much as them. Don't watch it nor talk about it you dildo.
We are way past this point in the books, Martin only helps with a handful of episodes and even before when they were still in the books area they were deviating quite a bit from them.
why do you fucking stupid kid think anyone fucking care about that stupid tv show fuck you dickhead go spoil on your whoring social media account fucking loser
the night king’s not even in books, jews can’t write for shit
these final seasons aren’t based on martin’s source material. i’ve never even seen an episode or read a page of the books and i know this
Get fucked Abdul learn English first, theres something that looks like you swiming in my toilet bowl.
ya totally my 12 years old friend your epic post triggered me i should go learn english and your joke was so funny i'm still laughing you're so original
Imagine being this mad that I spoiled your shitty show, the absolute state of canacucks.
why are you watching this faggot?
This comment is too stupid to be real.
I didn't think it was bad, fren. Why you so upset over a tv show? Especially one predominantly white that lacks trans xim-xam-xers? It's not like a tranny saved the day with an army of faggots. I fail to see how any of this was political or pushing progressive ideology.
dude didn you fucking read my post
i asked you why the fuck do you think anyone care ?
the cognitive dissonance is that strong in your little brain ?
go do your whore on your social media account loser
I'm 99% sure this is a social justice warrior or the angry incel version. He has no idea he's parroting everything he claims to hate, which is being an oversensitive baby that is looking to be victimized by everything. OP is lost to the culture war and has succumbed to being an eternal faggot.
I would have preferred webm related instead
good point. you get one internet.
>muh tv show
I don't give a shit that he was killed by a girl thats not it at all, it's just that instead of trying to write a good story they go for the braindead easy way out. That can't have too many characters die otherwise whose going to star in the various equally braindead spin-off series. They care more about money than good writing.
nah lots of people are pissed off about it. not that it makes any difference.
Stop watching women’s television disguised as a fantasy then.
It was awful but can't ask much from normie entertainment. Still better than the average trash out there I guess.
no you stupid twat, the entire show was a set up for bran to have a showdown with the night king, and now he's just the confirmation of jon's parentage. it's not about hating girls, it's about hating bad writing and being blueballed for 8 seasons. now go rinse off your cunt, i can smell it from here.
Oh, your American
The problem with the show now that it doesn't follow the books is that it is obvious as fuck. You know that most will survive and you knew that someone else than Jon would bfto the night king at the last second. The show hobble on on that old anything can happen feeling it had at the beginning.
that filename fucking lol
Jesus Christ nowhere did I say that it's bad because a girl killed him. It's just bad writing to have whiteboi surrounded by his undead bros literally in a giant fucking circle and all the sudden this bitch comes flying in out of nowhere and shanks him.
I watch that show and found the latest episode highly entertaining.
>Show set Arya up to be the most deadly person in the show
>Hinted at it in the FIRST SEASON
She literally trained with no eyes for that exact moment. Kill yourself incel. Beyond plot armour, it was perfect.
What is this? AVPR? I can't see a fucking thing
>I am mad that a series is trying to generate profit
this is literally you
if you disagree with this premise
hit them where it hurts the most
don't watch the series, don't talk about it, don't mention it, memory hole it.
You missed literally everything and I doubt you even watched the episode with just how stupid you are.
I thought it was ok.
Ayra is a good female character unlike the one in the new Star Wars mostly because you could interchange her acting and lines with a male actor and it’d still be a good character.
Captain marvel and female characters that spew feminist crap aren’t entertaining and bad actors/characters.
I’m trilled lyanna Mormont died she was getting annoying
What did I miss? In the shot with Theon charging at the NK you clearly see that the area is surrounded by wights theres no possible way she could get that close to the kang without getting spotted and ripped to shreds.
Captain marvel is most fans favorite character though. Unless they are lying with the polls which would be funny.
>unironically watching the electric jew.
I want you all to understand if you watch any tv show that requires you watch it in order to know what is going on, you are watching a soap opera. This show will probably never go off the air. Plebeians.
Watch the episodes in order*
Agreed. Total fucking joke. Not a fan but wife is and watched last three episodes, fucking trash plot.
To be fair the episode was all right until that point. My issue isn't with Arya killing him, it's that how could she get that close to the NK when the area was surrounded by the dead in a giant circle.
its funny to see you faggots cry Kikeflix yet still paying subscription to watch jewish entertainment telling you white man bad you should racemix.
>virgin shitkin calling someone an incel
uh huh
>Brought to you by the Hebrew Box Office
*teleports behind you*
it's fake they're obviously watchin Norf FC.
Sadly despite being hyped for over a decade for seemingly leading to an unhappy, anti-war ending where Daenaerys doesn't team up with supporting character X to beat big bad, it's starting to look more and more like the books are going to end TOO similar to the series. Get ready for
>hold the door
>bran being/inspiring bran the builder
>Dany marrying someone predictable
>Stannis failing ultimately, even if later than in the show
you forgot to say "make your own"
you know the problem with your logic? even if people don't watch it, other companies will bail them out, or the channel will write it off, maybe to virtue signal, and the shit will be shoved in our faces forever whether we like it or not.
LOL it looks like every other antagonist in the past 5 years.
Fucking Snoke, Thanos, those orcs from The Hobbit. Seems like very many main antagonists have been some kind of weird ballsack monster for the past handful of years.
Can anyone think of any more ballsack antagonists?
Lol 60% of the characters aren’t even present in the show. The scope would be astrofuckinomical. The show is following an extremely abbreviated and highly syncopated storyline, to avoid the show from jumping the shark and ending at a reasonable episode count.
>we ‘ade you da king of da norf ‘ow dare you bow to a queen
she is the faceless man, she either used her stealth as a trained assassin or she disguised herself as a walker or a wight
at least she was trained throughout the whole series for this, it's not like she was just some random girl who saved the day
I'm still hoping for the fact that GRRM used D&D to test things out and that he'll write a better ending in the books even if it's totally different I'd be ok with that.
There was no way to sneak by if you look in earlier scenes you see the area being completely surrounded. If she used a disguise that would atleast make some sense but why would she take it off before jumping at him? If it showed a white jumping at him and then while he grabbed her she takes off that mask and stabs him that would of been fine.
Vidya is also teeming with them. Can't name any examples though, the most recent narrative game I played is The Witcher 3, where only some supporting are of the ballsack make.
Stronk waymn
There were a lot of these moments in this episode. John and Danny floating around in mid air like wounded ducks just asking for the Nightking to fuck their shit up. Danny landing in the middle of the dead and letting her dragon get gang stabbed. Poor writing in parts.
what the ever loving fuck am I watching?
holy shit.. low iq normies.. we are fucked.
I'm more in shock from the retarded tactics they used against the ice zombies.
Who puts all of their forces OUTSIDE of the walls to get fucking destroyed? Then run back inside when it doesn't work out? I fucking hate this show. I just watch it so I can destroy the immersion for normies.