How would you get out of jury duty?
Hi /pol
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I just don't show up
don't respond
she can judge muh dick
I’d just go. Could be fun
I cannot think of anything more terrifying than female judges.
I'd tickle her cervix with my tongue!
Do it you could have fun. I got to shut down a greedy Jew who wanted 1.6mil for a false malpractice claim. Feels good man
>How would you get out of jury duty?
Sound intelligent. Make it clear you are unsusceptible to emotional manipulation.
They will dismiss you just after lunch.
what happens if you don't
I'd pump it full of my thicc maple syrup and snap my dick off inside
Just go and go agaist the majority
I've done it twice, Nothing happened. But this is Canada, They can't even get the fucking post office right.
sound like a complete normie untermensch in the application process. Dont show your power level until its time to jury things at the end. It's not a matter of getting out of jury duty. It's a matter of getting IN to jury duty.
It's an important civic duty. Besides, you might get to rule against a kike in some shady business practice or put a deserving nigger behind bars for a decade.
The only time I've ever *tried* to get out of jury duty was when I had to take a family member out of town to an important doctor's appointment and wasn't going to be able to commit to the time needed for a capital murder trial. Judge saw it my way and turned me loose early on. Other times I'm just not picked because (I assume) I'm white, educated, and religiously unaffiliated. Odd duck of a mix in the semi-rural South.
Throw the summons straight in the garbage
They can threaten you with fines and jail time
but they can't do shit if the letter isn't sent
certified mail and signed for.
I get them every couple of years and I never
hear back from them
"i dont recognise the usa as a legitimate state"
ask some questions about jury nullification. you'll be let go.
just say you are racist or sexist and you will be excused. its that simple faggots
Depends on the state. Here you can go to jail for 30 days and/or pay $1K
or say some dumb shit like this and they want you gone instantly
It's the only time that it pays to say you are racist
you get a warrant out for your arrest
I wouldnt. I would go and nullify shit laws unless the accused is nonwhite in which case I will follow the law. I would not convict without evidence, but I would aquit a decent white man.
So simply to get out of jury duty.
all you have to do is say....
"I don't need to hear evidence, I just look at them and I can tell if they are guilty"
tell them you can't keep anything secret?
i got jury duty a few years ago. the lawyer asked the pool of jurors "now my clients are an interracial couple. would any of you have problems participating because of my clients being an interracial couple?"
Im retired military so i'm usually excluded by the defense.
What the lawyers and the judge do is also important. They also get paid $300/hr for it too. You OTOH will be lucky to get coffee in the juror tank these days.
I guarantee you if they were forced to pay jurors $300/hr for their time, people would be happy when they get a summons in the mail.
I don't know what that is
Get struck by opposing counsel. Say something to the effect that you think in general people who are arrested are guilty. Also mention that you are sick and tired of crime in your city and decent people should take a stand against the rot that crime does to the community.
Use a word like pariah. And you will not get selected.
Why is that a reason?
Still have to show up, sit in the waiting room and wait 3-4 hours for them to shuffle you through to that spot where they ask you questions.
I know not every company does this, but mine pays me anyway if I have jury duty. You're not wrong though, jurors should be paid more; it just doesn't reflect what some people give up (and can't afford to give up) to serve on a jury.
read my story. trust me anyone who's been through jury duty knows this.
Just say you hate niggers...Done.
my fucking sides
Just act like Jow Forums irl and that should get you kicked out.
you are a liar
> don't
By white folks getting out of jury duty, Bronx juries are set up letting rabid niggers back in the streets.
ive never called back after 3 and nothing happened
israel grants its golem special privileges
>land of the free
>government assigns duties to you
Also you can just not register to vote. Thats where they get your name. Voting is just a convenient way for them to see who is a good goy anyway. Whoever is put into power (Trump) is literally selected, not elected. Voting is just the illusion of choice.
No. I showed up for jury duty once and the judge asked to see the list of no-shows so she could put a warrant out for them. You get some jail time and a fine.
It's theoretically against the law to fire someone for serving on jury duty but IRL if you work at a job where you're easily replaceable they'll find a way to get rid of you.
During voir dire, just talk about how much you hate niggers and fags and that all criminals deserve the rope.
Around here I'd just end up going to court anyway. Just as a defendant instead of a juror.
Bring this book:
“Impeach Trump and Die”. (2019)
it's easy. I've done it before. say I don't like black people and protest if the judge is Jewish.
read my post above. They can't prove you got the summons in the mail! You could have been on a long vacation. They would need to send it certified
Where is "here"
Come in, watch isis videos loudly on my phone. Mumble haha stupid kaffirs every now and then. Plan B: shit in hand and sling it at the ceiling.
Don't overdo it. None of the locals have a sense of humor and the judge can slap you with contempt. You are in their (((zone))) of control.
It's your duty, you traitorous faggot.
Would rather have some white boomer on the jury than some nogs that want gibmedats.
It was a great experience. A civil case of 2 spics. All white Jury. My arguments won over the Jury and Told them both to get fucked. All over a drain field.
>DA: do you hate interracial couples?
>user: it depends
Tell them I’m an attorney.
I mentioned jury nullification. I also have a child that has eczrma that gets out of hand, mentioned that and they sent me a letter asking to prove that his medical condition warranted my absence from the 3 months it would take had I been chosen. I disregarded it but never received a warrant or anything after, so I'm assuming they have no fucks. Thing is, apparently it's hard to even get chosen passed the initial interview, so I should have at least went to that and exposed my power level partially so I would be taken off potential candidates in the future. I don't even remember registering to vote nor do I have a card for voting, so I'm confused.
If you're wagecuck job doesn't pay you for it you don't have to go.
I had always been adamant about that, got jewed by Zion Don and have now not re-registered. They can go fuck themselves.
Likely a backwoods redneck trump voting shithole
So, you are saying the people have a duty to the state and not the other way around? ...Interesting.
what's the point of a jury? Why not have the judge decide? Why have a bunch of regular people decide the fate of a defendant? Doesn't sound right to me
I got sent a 'summons' for jury service once.
Never responded to it.
Never heard anything back from it.
That was 10 + years ago.
Treat it like you treat the whole TV license thing: it's only when you start to engage the process that you have given your consent to be involved.
the only people who get done for this are the ones who stop attending halfway through a trial
Just show up to the court house with no shoes
You is dumb. Some states allow service by regular mail which means the service is good.
id rather have a bunch of retarded nogs decide my fate than some kike judge
To be clear, I wouldn't mind one bit doing it, the problem is with my sleep schedule and lack of caring, pretty lazy about doing even just my housework, but I do it anyway because my children need to eat and shouldn't live in filth.
military service usually decreases tolerance of fuckery to zero over time
>right click, save image as...
you will still get excused for this answer. i loved this moment more than life itself.
honestly i didnt raise my hand but i still got excused anyway. they paid over 10 bucks an hour for federal jury duty - even if youre not selected - and i got paid for 4 or 5. i still hate niggers too
In America we have the right to be judged by a jury of our "peers" Technically it suppose to only be those that share similar religious and financial status. You can choose to not have a jury trial. But which would you rather have? The chance that a literal dozen things could go wrong in your favor? Or have one dude decide your fate?
Dumb krautnigger. It takes the control out of the government's hands. Juries are the finders of fact. Judges only rule on law.
I got a notice for jury duty coming up in May. Should i mention jury nullification to get disqualified or something? or stay and use it as a opportunity for keks ?
I've done this like 3 times already and literally nothing happened. I live in California. Fuck jury duty
It's a feature of living in the anglosphere. In practice the "justice" system does its best to keep decisions away from juries and even when they resort to them they do their best to select predictable jurors from the pool.
And even at the end of all that the judge has the power to override anything the jury decides anyway. It really is like "voting", it's a charade to persuade you to buy into their bullshit.
More like your twig
They have NO proof that you received the summons, stupid fuck
Say you or a relative works in the legal field. My mother is a judge who loves talking about public domain cases, they actually despise jurors who know the system and its flaws.
I also get health insurance for myself and my family at $500/year, a paycheck every month, four years of uni free, va home loans, and free space available shir travel. Cry more Walmart nigger
90% of cases don't make it to jury trial. They Trump up charges for every crime and send you a plea deal. Warning you if you lose in Jury trial they will fuck u in the ass.
Either the prosecutor or defendants lawyer is retarded if it actually goes to jury trial. Sometimes the defendant is retarded and tells his lawyer to take it to jury trial
>they actually despise jurors who know the system and its flaws.
Such as...?
Ask if you are required to give niggers sluts queers affirmative action
>red state
>CWP holder
Defense: "Will you be prejudiced against Shaniqua?"
>bragging about benefiting from stolen money
you sound like the only nigger here
I did say it would "Snap", didn't I?
Yeah idk why he's so adamant about it
No different than receiving a ticket in the mail, you don't have to pay it
I fucking want to do it and still haven’t been chosen while I hear everyone else cry about it, it should be opt in then we’d both be happy.
You just keep working to pay me faggot. The alternative is that i start killing you soft faggots for whatever reason i want.
wow so hardcore. bust a nut, champ, itll calm you down.
If you blow it off, they'll issue a bench warrant for your arrest but they won't go after you for it, not worth their time. If you get caught in a traffic stop or the cop detains you and runs your ID, the warrant will come up. Not sure how long the bench warrant stays in the system, depends on the locale.
If you don't drive and aren't a cop attracting nigger, there's little they can do to get you. Otherwise you have to balance the cost of a lawyer to get you off against the cost of showing up. It can be expensive to waste a day in their mickey mouse justice system but lawyers aren't free either. Do whichever is cheaper, OP.
You're completely wrong and are getting your info from a question. It does not come certified and even if you said you were on an extended month long vacation (lolno) you'd more than likely have to prove it.
this isnt true. i ignored 3 and got pulled over for a brake light being out recently and the cop didnt say anything.
Retard confirmed...enjoy your jury duty cucklord
Quiet D'quavious. Defendants aren't supposed to speak.
>They Trump up charges for every crime and send you a plea deal
Around here they usually do the opposite and instead reduce your charges drastically in exchange for a plea deal. Most prosecutors don't want to deal with jury trials unless it's a clear easy win in which case most defense attorneys will barter a plea out anyways.
Cops have a lot discretion. He could've seen it and decided it wasn't worth getting you on it. Or the warrant expired. It depends on the locale and the cop.
The system allows for you to fake being poor, hide your assets to be a greedy fuck.
You would not believe the amount of millionaires on medicare and foodstamps because their assets are either gifted to their children or overseas.
Or the entire system of personal injury boiling down to 'who paid an expert more?' average cost of a medical expert is 15k, if you can't pay for his testimony, you don't have a personal injury case, plain and simple; and no, regular doctors testimonies don't mean a THING.
Information like this is hidden from clients for years, and then when you finally get your trial, in debt from the accident the judge will throw the case out because no expert testimony.
And this is ignoring how many Judges (Particularly in NJ) do absolutely nothing all day while decisions gather dust. My personal favorite is one judge (Can't name names) who was incontinent, had his assistant do all decisions, would regularly shit himself in the hallway, and really only showed up to work to eat his lasagna every day (Judges don't get fired, only transferred or asked to resign, which they can decline)
Courts in NJ are fucked.
Thank you for actual advice.
Oh yeah, worth noting as a side, all of the millionaire medicare, and I do mean ALL come from (((Lakewood, NJ))) which is a majority orthodox town but I'm sure that's just one of those coincidences.