Absolutely true

Absolutely true.

Attached: Tweet.png (828x493, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sure these are 100% the same people

>People who haven't got over Hitler & Robert E. Lee losing
There's probably a confederate Nazi out there. Seems like a rare breed, but it's possible.
>Person who made the tweet and myself
Not at all. But I did blur the person's info because it's one less possible ad hominem in the thread.

Attached: Grafitti.jpg (1360x1191, 644K)

I'm sick of hearing about the holocaust and slavery. So we're even,Kike

>random nobody
>blurred out names

Why are all threads like this now a days?

>But I did blur the person's info because it's one less possible ad hominem in the thread.
lol, suddenly caring about logical fallacies after calling a pathetic display of straw-manning "absolutely true"

>Sick of hearing about the holocaust
Yeah I bet you are bud. Bet you're wondering how to answer The Jewish Question and when George Soros is gonna make Isreal the global government. The absolute state of the people on the board, I fucking swear.

This is an irrefutable fact. Nazis need to fuck off

Two of the flag options available on this board are "confederate" and "nazi". Saying people here don't still hold on to the bullshit belief systems that got both groups killed means you've gotta lurk more champ.

>Implying Israel isn't already the global government
you poor blue pilled son of a bitch

>Bet you're wondering how to answer The Jewish Question and when George Soros is gonna make Isreal the global government.
Why do you come here if all you're gonna do is argue with the imaginary person in your head?

>The absolute state of the people on the board, I fucking swear.
tell me about it..

Hell yeah

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Looking at the state that the world in right now, did we really win?

I just reported your gay ass thread OP. Remember to sage

Your flag is American. Who do you mean by "we"?
This is a political thread that violates none of the rules.
Conspiracies are fun when you're not smart enough for big boy politics.

>Two of the flag options available on this board are "confederate" and "nazi"
And? Is this example of cherry-picking without context supposed to be insightful or something?

>Saying people here don't still hold on to the bullshit belief systems
lol, you are an absolute retard. Flags arent belief systems, they're iconography, and like all such things, they can be used for whatever purpose you wish, including being edgy or comical.

fuck off retard

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It's hard to get over losing when you're reminded of it every day everywhere you go.

Seems like a rational and down to earth human being and totally not an unhinged lunatic for sure

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You choosing to ignore the second part of my comment or what? The flags alone are suspicious. The fact there's threads praising Hitler and saying black people are property that happen on a daily basis are just incriminating.

Because why attack what the tweet says when you've got a meme and the suggestion the poster's mentally unstable. 10/10, you've got the most massive brain.

Black people not being slaves and Jews not being used as a scapegoat for poor national economies is really eating you up inside that badly?

>You choosing to ignore the second part of my comment or what?
what part didnt I address? The only think I didnt respond to was the pathetic insult/insinuation that I'm a newfag, which is quite literally not an argument and is a logical fallacy- which you seem to be very keen on.

>The flags alone are suspicious
No, they're not. They're flags. I'm sorry you're a sheltered halfwit.

>The fact there's threads praising Hitler and saying black people are property that happen on a daily basis are just incriminating.
hahaha, ahh yes, definitely the most popular, serious threads here and not at all the lowest level of trolling meant to spook faggots like yourself. Hell, such pathetic bait could even be posted by yourself to support your non-argument.

Fact is, while you're here ITT, you have to address the people also here ITT, and the things theyve actually said. Jow Forums isnt a hivemenind, and your strawman and projection will not be taken seriously.

Also, literal nazis (which arent here) would be better company than faggots like you, just sayin.

>Because why attack what the tweet says
Someone did that in the first post when they called out the blatant logical fallacy. You just responded with even more fallacious non arguments.

I don't personally care, but that's definitely not the point I was making

lol, there he goes again projecting faults unto anonymous strangers so the strawman argument in his head has some relevance hahaha

Because they said it?

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I'm not meaning to strawman you guys if I'm in good company. Just confirm Nazis are punks who lost, Confederates are traitors (to at least my flag) who lost. Both ideologies are shit, which is why they lost. Oh yeah, and Hillary Clinton was a shitty candidate who also, like those first two, sucked ass and deserved to lose.

The world has sunk into eternal darkness since hitler lost

>Just confirm Nazis are punks who lost
They did God's work is destroying the soviet war machine. Just accept they they're not the boogeymen you were taught they were. One doesnt need to support them to admit they werent literal monsters.

>Confederates are traitors (to at least my flag) who lost.
literally not traitors, and we've already established your opinion isnt worth much.

>Both ideologies are shit, which is why they lost.
lol, what brand of stupid is this? the ideology is why they lost? No point in looking up the wars themselves, eh? Do you have to be willfully ignorant to maintain such a viewpoint?

Holy shit, theres still hilldawg salt? This shit gives me energy. Post MOAR!

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Holy shit you can't even say Nazis and confederates are bad but you've still got my country's flag. You're a fucking disgrace.
What no man, technology got better and modern medicine basically became magic.

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Usually leafs make these threads. I’m disappointed in you, Amerbro. You’re stooping to their level

I feel like this guy should win a prize just for using the internet correctly. Congrats dude-man. You found the original Tweet.

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what is true, being tired? is it you?

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I think it's our duty as the descendants of the soldiers who fought the Nazis and took out the confederates to not let any people, no matter how butt-fuckingly stupid they are, act like those things weren't cancer that needed to be wiped out. It's patriotic to hate Nazis and confederates.
Kind of stretching when you bring Islam into the picture don't you think?

Imagine beING so butt blasted your only argument is literally hitler

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Lmao nazis BTFO

Hitler and confederates are an analogue for racist dingbats in general who do things like shoot up synagogues, walk around chanting "Jews will not replace us" while carrying torches, call black people niggers. You know, stuff that happens in the world still for God know's what reason.

Yes because every person telling you to get over Hillary's loss is actually running around shooting up synagogues and mosques.
>What is 13 but also 50?

1. You didn't make a argument only a insult
2. Shitty argument you are litterly saying
"Well Rome collapsed but atliest we have better technology"
And his argument is about morality not technology.
You have debated by saying some words but actually said nothing in meaning.
In other context you are a jew.

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99% of the people saying "Hillary lost, get over it" couldn't give a fuck less about Robert E Lee other than to say we shouldn't tear down statues, and fully support us having taken down Hitler in WWII - a good number probably directly participated in such. Today's liberal crowd would have been the ones back in 1942 saying "we need to stay out of Europe, Hitler isn't our problem."

This is literally just propaganda to make it seem like Jow Forums speaks for the entire right half of the country when in fact it is a very small subset.

>thinks terms like good goy, bad nazi
Holy shit u are a total retard.

Suicide by starvation (the commie way) is even more retarded, and painful.

Follow your leader comrade.

This is a thread where OP overdosed on SoiLatteFrapperChinos and got a hold of a computer with interweb access...

The fuck is moral about enslaving other human beings (confederate ideologies) or putting innocent people in concentration camps (nazi stuff)? Both of those things are just abysmal. Hitler would have gassed Einstein. Any advances in science made by minorities since 1945 is because the Nazis were defeated. They're ideologies that systematically kill and enslave innocent people. Christ on fire, this isn't at all like the collapse of Rome..
In brief because you're pretty level-headed, I'd agree there exists a less top-right political compass crowd than the people on Jow Forums. They deserve a voice and probably should also know (tiny, but important note here) lots of those statues were erected in the Civil Rights era to protest black folks getting rights. They're not a piece of confederate history at all. But you're still absolutely correct.
I'm a capitalist, you fuck. Check my flag. I'm from the Midwest for God's sake.

Prove you're actually a moderate conservative / capitalist and not yet another far left commie shithead pretending to be right wing on Jow Forums for the purpose of attacking the right from a "more reasonable" (pretend centre right) standpoint.

>follow your leader
To Argentina?

Considering every conservative president in my lifetime has shot my nation's economy like a dog in the street, I can't say I'm a Republican with a capital R. That's like asking me to swear my allegiance as somebody who not only licks flagpoles, but prefers to do so when it's freezing outside. Moreso, it's pretty apolitical in my country to hate Nazis and the confederates. What are the schools teaching up in Canada? Are your libraries properly stocked with history books?

Robert E. Lee was unironically based though, many hail him as a hero of the Civil War

>licks flagpoles
commie detected, next you'll call people "bootlicker" and then "bash the fash"

fuck off and starve useless parasite

If we're just talking about the man's actions as a military figure, sure there's plenty to admire. What he was fighting for was hot garbage though. Sound about fair?

What, you're not a fan of this movie? You really aren't American. Run back to your socialized healthcare system, commie scum-fucker. Don't you have a jail cell waiting for you after you misgender somebody on accident?

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Niggers = poeple
Holocaust isn't true at most 300.000 were killed because of allied bombing and food shortage and gassing wasn't a thing.
Science without nazism would have been worse because the science of Weimar were all about gays and transgenders.
You are just the biggest normie ever you can't see past the words of the media.

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There would be no Hitler if Robert E. Lee had won

Attached: Save me Johnny Reb!.jpg (1300x1708, 1.01M)

>not giving us their twitter so I can spam them with Confederate pregnant Anne Frank pics

Attached: Confederate Army recruitment poster.jpg (2048x1366, 1008K)

>being a government bootlicker

Attached: death to the union.gif (316x180, 3.97M)

>all threads

you havnt noticed its all media, CNN and NBC site twitter sources nonstop.

>Conspiracies are fun when you're not smart enough for big boy politics
Excuse the Goyim for noticing patterns and having a healthy understanding of geo-politics.

>Holy shit you can't even say Nazis and confederates are bad
but did I say they're good?
sorry I dont blindly parrot whatever ignorant shit you desire

>you've still got my country's flag. You're a fucking disgrace.
lol, cry more faggot.

>Confederates are traitors
Shiggy Diggy.
>Murrica is all about muh freedumbz
>some Americans want freedom Washington