What's the deal with pitbull apologists?

What's the deal with pitbull apologists?

Attached: shitbull.png (790x774, 588K)

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have sex

The same people who deny 13 but 50

>have sex
>is a virgin
What did this heeb mean by that?

Attached: 1548953110916.png (280x320, 50K)


usually the plea deal is they get a fine and their dog is destroyed.

they're the nigger equivalent of a dog

i would call the fucking police and say "there is a nigger on this airplane with a goddamn PITBULL"
this is even worse than a female pilot.

They're projecting their denial about niggers onto the niggers in the dog world.

Attached: 1556384283873.png (603x800, 343K)

It sure looks happy.