Poltards will defend the electoral college, a blatant violation of democracy just because they need it to win

>poltards will defend the electoral college, a blatant violation of democracy just because they need it to win
truly pathetic

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Worry about your own country, kike

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the fact that bush and trump were elected despite losing the popular vote greatly affected my country

Quickest way to start a civil war is to end the electoral college. So I'm all for it.

buncha drunks too

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Fuck you, cities should make all the decisions. People in the sticks matter too.

We are not a democracy.

The founding fathers thought mob rule was about the dumbest shit out there.

Electoral College was created soley to appease the southern states and to get them to ratify the constitution. Republicans will never win the popular vote ever again so naturally they are all for keeping it.

it's a control mechanism made to protect everyone that isn't in a city full of shitskins and something you will never understand because you're a genitally mutilated circle

The entire US government and electoral processes outlined by the Constitution is centered around the idea of checks and balances - making sure no one branch of government or state or group of people gains an advantage over the others.

The electoral college is a part of that system of checks and balances. It ensures that the person who wins the election is the person who appeals to the greatest plurality of states and therefore the greatest plurality of different kinds of voters with different kinds of political demands, economic needs, social priorities, etc etc etc as opposed to a handful of large, homogeneous political and economic demographics.

>We are not a democracy.
yes you are
>inb4 we're a republic not a democracy
learn what those words mean before you start spewing shit

>The founding fathers thought mob rule was about the dumbest shit out there.
the electoral college was a compromiseto appease the southern states into ratifying the constitution you absolute retard
no one sat down and thought "you know what would be a great idea?"

You can call the United States a Constitutional Republic or a Representative Democracy it doesn't really fucking matter and extremely autistic to bitch about semantics.

>It ensures that the person who wins the election is the person who appeals to the greatest plurality of states
if that was ever intended they failed horribly
opting for a first past the post system has been mathemtically shown to always lead to a two party system and that combined with the way the electoral college is set upleads to candidates only really focussing on a handful of swing states rather than the full country

>You can call the United States a Constitutional Republic or a Representative Democracy it doesn't really fucking matter
what you CAN'T do is pretend like it's not a democracy
doing so shows poor understanding of basic civics.

The electoral college makes electoral fraud much more difficult. You can stuff the ballots in a city like Chicago and get away with it, but it probably won't swing the results of the election like it would with a national popular vote.

The electoral college is the greatest invention in politics. We don’t live in a democracy. Democracy’s are nothing but mob rule. The electoral college ensures that five largest cities in America don’t control the rest of us. Shut the fuck up you faggot because your country is a joke. Your great grandmother probably sucked some American G.I. dick like the rest of you faggots over there. Just say thank you and shut your fucking mouth.

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only if they vote red

Don't bother. These fags who just say "bluhhh mob rule" aren't worth your time. It's sad when a Russian has more knowledge of the federalist papers than an American does.

>libtards will defend direct democracy because they need a mob of useful idiots to win

>effectively disenfranchising city dwellers prevents fraud because their vote doesn't matter anyway
this is your brain on electoral apologetica

Fuck a democracy, all democracies fail, it's in their nature to turn into despotism. I challenge you to find one democracy that has not turned into a despotism.

LOL what country is a democracy? Maybe you should know what you're talking about before you open your whore mouth.

Romney got the popular vote and didnt win, you wanted him to win too?

Don't bother. These child rapists who say "bluhhh america is a democracy" aren't worth your time. It's sad when a nigger has more knowledge of the constitution than a pedocrat does.

it's not mob rule if the winner of the popular vote is always in the mid 40 to low 50 percent because it's a two party system

Sorry, Non-Whites shouldn't vote at all and this makes their votes count less.

Such a meme post. 5 largest cities don't even amount to 20% of the countries population. Instead you have the exact opposite, where the largest states are pointless to vote in depending on your party and the election gets decided by 10k people in 3 states that have a combined 15 million people. Such a brilliant system..

no he didn't and even if he did, sure. why not?

>opting for a first past the post system has been mathemtically shown to always lead to a two party system
I didn't claim it was perfect.

>the way the electoral college is set up leads to candidates only really focussing on a handful of swing states rather than the full country
The swing states aren't constant though - political, economic, and social trends change over time and the contested states change with them. Ex. 20 years ago states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were considered safely blue, but you can guarantee candidates will spend more time focusing on them in 2020

Until ballot harvesting is made illegal, especially in red states, democrats will have easier access to steal elections. Trump should test his power on issuing an EO, banning ballot harvesting and forcing it before the supreme court sooner than later.

the electorial college is the only thing keeping the states together.

if not for the electorial college politicians would only campaign in coastal cities which would piss off middle america.

so fuck off you cucked liberal.

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“Had every Athenian citizen been a Socrates, every Athenian assembly would still have been a mob.”

Don’t let the door hit you

I wish there were 8 major political parties and that a president was elected with a 15% majority. That would be wonderful. It's all an illusion anyways, everywhere in the world. Why do you care?

When only 60% of your population votes that 20% is way more significant

>if not for the electorial college politicians would only campaign in coastal cities which would piss off middle america.
now they literally only campain in like colorado, wisconsin ohio, virginia and florida
how is that better?

United States of America...means a union of states, it's kind of in the same. A union of states with fairly equal status regardless of population, otherwise it would have never been created because it would mean NY dominates less populated states. It isn't called the One State of America. Why is this so hard to understand?

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name* fuking typo

Our voting system was INTENDED to not be like anything European, or anything else for that matter.

Well, that's not entirely correct.

Faggot. Founding fathers were smart to do this

Just wait till Groenlinks wins in big cities and by doing so rules NL, even though nobody from any other province voted for them.

kill yourself faggot

Good thing I live in a constitutional republic and not a democracy.

>regardless of population,
if that really was the intention then do more populous cities get more electoral votes?

>quoting slave owner and drunkard Madison

You're only proving my point nigger.

Well according to OP, that's incorrect, and we just live in a democracy, and arguing semantics isn't worth it.

do you know what either of those words mean

>party who got the most votes won
>that's bad somehow
how incredibly cucked are you

Do those traits disqualify someone from having an opinion? A right one at that I'll add.

> I know how free elections should be conducted in a Republic better than James Madison

fuck off


The us isn't a democracy Schlomo.

how new are you
that's a common joke fucking redditfag


Dude come on, at least try. If you're confused, hover your mouse over the little flag icon.

carefully explain what a democracy is and what a republic is

The winner take all part of the electoral college could be changed...

You need to clarify what type of democracy you're referring to, and what type of republic.

The electoral college was created to prevent highly populated states from dominating lower populated states.

Anyone who wants to rid the US of the electoral college is either retarded or just hates the fact that they keep losing elections.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting Mexican citizens to determine out elections.

I'm for getting rid of it. Time to put the Israel cuck party out of it's misery.

>uk cant produce a leave plan after 2.5 years of debate
Because parliamentary systems are so much more efficient

I didn't come up with that joke of an argument so the burden of proof really isn't on me

>This is killing our democracy!!
Good, because this is a constitutional republic.

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The US has a representative republic. Every foundational document that the US has, does not mention democracy. The US is made up of semi sovereign states and the electoral collage is in place to ensure that no state or states can control the nation via population. People that claim the US is a democracy are ignorant or liars.

He thinks we're a democracy guys....


I never appealed to efficiency
who not go full authoritarian dictatorship if you care about efficiency
it's also really disengenuous to claim the US system is efficient somehow

Without it, a single state (looking at you California) could rig the entire election with fake votes. Also, the EC helps white power so really there’s no good argument against it.

Our First Past The Post System is way more retarded.

It is entirely possible for a party to have 25% of the votes and get literally no representation in Parliament if they are dispersed across the country evenly.

Meanwhile, a bunch of inbred Jocks get 56 MPs with less than 5% of the vote.

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Im on lunch my phone screen broke over the flags.

In order to ensure the Feds properly represent in best interests of such a large landmass the less populated states were given a slightly larger voice. One could think of this as giving farmers more power, you know, because they're feeding the country.

Even if you didn't come up with the joke, you posited the argument of defining a Democracy vs a Republic. I'd like you to clarify which types you're talking about, because otherwise, we're back to square one, arguing over semantics. So, please make the distinction.

didn't make this post about you but yes i agree

Damn what a drag

>Dutchfags will keep being irrelevant until the end of time

Truly hilarious.

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Cities completely fuck up popular vote systems because they're overwhelmingly homogeneous - when you have that many people packed that closely together they all tend to share the same political, economic, and social concerns simply by proxy. Only 30% of the US population lives in cities with populations above 100K but these large metros frequently vote 70, 80, even 90% the same way on issues and candidates.

This fucks with the electoral college, but it'd fuck with a popular vote even more. Imagine a race between two candidates where one wins because they averaged 70% in large cities despite averaging only 40% literally everywhere else.

>The US is made up of semi sovereign states
That hasn't been true since Jackson, and the Civil War ended that notion forever. The USA is a unitary state that occasionally lets its provinces think they have power.

Well every post is an Anglo post as we live in an Anglo world, so I will make it about me if I want.

OPs entire argument is, well, the person with the most votes won, so what's the big deal. Just letting you know.

You would think that having to live in such close proximity to Niggers, Homeless and a Banana Republic Murder Rate would make some people vote for Republican.

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>they're overwhelmingly homogeneous
and that isn't true about hicktopia flyby states?

>you posited the argument of defining a Democracy vs a Republic
I did so because I knew where the other guy was going

Its still 99% people voting on issues they have no idea about and only chose whos entertaining them the most
Democracy is opium for the people so they cant hold anyone with real power in the politics of unelected positions seriously accountable

it is the other states' fault for being predictable in their picks.

even if this is true, things will change this election, you will see.

Then why do you keep writing about them on the internet, I looked at your post history.

>a blatant violation of democracy
so is the supreme court
so is a unanimous jury...
so is a constitution...

I dropped it like 2 days ago. Good thing my contracts up at end of the month.

>let me tell you about your country
Fuck off Toothpaste

Well, City people are all subhuman scum, so they rightfully only get 50% the vote of a normal person.

I think your system is based

>no voting IDs
nice """democracy"""

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Well that's good. Are you going to upgrade? I had my old phone for 5 years, just recently upgraded

>I looked at your post history.
What did he mean by this?

>a blatant violation of democracy just because they need it to win
The United States isn't a democracy, you dumb nigger.

>We are not a democracy.
>yes you are
We are a federal republic not a democracy, you dumb nigger.

>inb4 we're a republic not a democracy
>learn what those words mean before you start spewing shit
>Imagine being this fucking stupid, you dumb nigger.
A republic is nothing more than a state that is put into power by the people instead of hereditary or theocraticaly. A republic is not synonymous with a democracy as republics can be both democratic or even autocratic. For instance, Nazi Germany was a republic even though it was an autocracy and anti-democracy. Not to mention the fact that democracy is a very flawed ideology and not a system of government in which we should strive for.
>learn what those words mean before you start spewing shit

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States are sovereign and independent, at least that's what the foundered intended.
The ENTIRE POINT is that the STATES elect the president. it was never supposed to be about the "popular" vote it is IRRELEVANT to each states choice

At most, the number of seats must be revised and changed, but the system is good.
We had it here before M#nem changed it in 1994.

If pure democracy is allowed, it happens that a single city like Buenos Aires decides the fate of the entire country on it own.
You can win half the provinces here by 90% of the votes, and still lose if BA votes against you.

>pollards will defend a measure meant to balance population difference working as intended

Yes I will

Whoever said I advocated for getting rid of it entirely? Atleast distribute the points from each state proportionally. This winner take all electoral college ensures 90% of the vote is worthless.

I hope you die nigger

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Democracy fucking sucks anyway

If you don't pay taxes, you shouldn't get a vote
Also, "checks and balances" are just newspeak for "unelected globalists can veto the will of the people"

Originally the only democratic system in the federal government was the house of representatives as both senators and presidential electors were elected/appointed by the state legislatures. The more democratic our federal government has become; the more intrusive into local politic (which is democratic). Currently our (((democracy))) amounts to people in LA voting whether people in Utah can own firearms.
Out of curiosity, when was the last time you had a sovereign state where the laws were put in place by your actual countrymen?

Yea probably going to get an S10.

We're not a Democracy dumbass, we're a Republic...