Aaaaaaaaaaaa fuck Putler and fuck Nazi Rus

Free world lead by USA must stop this evil from spreading, we must stop Putin once and for all.

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Gnats biting the leadership of the western countries are also undercover gru agents gene-edited to inject polonium on bite

Russians hacked the fucking whales!

This is a whale of a problem.


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friendly reminder putin is a kike

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I bet this whale hacked the elections so blormf could win, I mean it is a white whale after all, we know what side he's on

Based russia using animals on their side and nature fuck westoids hope they all die

Why not shoot it in the head with a shotgun? Problem solved and tons of training/materials wasted by the russian animal traineds

Putler is THE real racist, he even used white whale for spying. It must be because he does not trust whale of color to do the job.

Would you trust a nigger to do a job?

>The harness had an attachment point for a GoPro camera and carried a note: “Equipment of St. Petersburg” in English, according to the tabloid Verdens Gang. It’s not clear where the beluga came from, but the general speculation in the Norwegian media is that it must have escaped from captivity at a Russian military facility. Because who else would make a cetacean wear a GoPro camera?

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i wonder what putin thinks about this insanity

probably laughs and gulags someone for entertainment

>property of st. Petersburg
>in English

Obvious false-flag

literally Red Alert

>St. Peters(((berg)))

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well i mean at least the note didnt state that he is a secret agent doing reconessance on norwegian military, that would have been weird

>train a bunch of spy-whales
>send then to one of the only countries that still do whaling
What did you mean by this Ivan? You should have attached the cameras to some niggers instead, they would have been invited straight in (they might steal the cameras though)

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So the Nips were right after all.

>In October 2005, the United States Navy issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), describing a proposed Undersea Warfare Training Range (USWTR). The 500-square- nautical-mile (nm2) range will be placed in a littoral area, so that the Navy can train effectively in a shallow-water environment. Training exercises will consist of surface vessels, aircraft, or submarines, or a combination thereof. The Navy proposes to employ short, but intense, pings of mid-frequency sonar to detect the presence of a submarine (or submarine target simulators).
>The MMPA has split jurisdiction: whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, and sea lions fall under the control of NMFS, which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the Department of Commerce (DoC); walruses, sea otters, polar bears, and manatees are managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), under the Department of Interior (DoI). Permits and authorizations are issued by the managing agency (either NOAA Fisheries or FWS), and are required for activities that may result in a taking of a marine mammal (NMFS, MMPA). In the case of the USWTR, the Navy will be submitting an MMPA letter of authorization (LOA) request for the estimated incidental harassments of marine mammals that are not listed under the Endangered Species Act, including beaked whales. Because of beaked whales’ history with sonar and stranding, although the harassment is expected to cause only a behavioral disruption, all harassment of beaked whales is being considered as Level A (DEIS at 4.3-31).

Hah you laugh. If you only knew

Beluga knows whites are in danger, and volunteered, you fools.


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>The Navy undertook a series of studies using seven trained, captive odontocetes (five bottlenose dolphins [Tursiops truncatus] and two white whales [Delphinapterus leucas]). All these subjects had been repeatedly exposed to loud noise in the past. At least one dolphin already had significant mid-frequency hearing loss, and most had high-frequency hearing loss.

>white whale
>white male
Russia's white supremacy

>The pod was chipped, you know. By observing the behavior of the pod of trained dolphins we could infer whether there was a sub around, and the animals were so well trained that they could even mark the sub's position. When the stranding on beach happened at [REDACTED], it was the Navy the one to first appear in order to recover the carcasses with the excuse that they needed them to perform studies on whether their sonar systems were affecting the animals, while in fact they were only interested in removing all of the sensors they implanted on the animals so that nobody knew about the program

It's nothing, they should quit their blubbering.


It the Ukraine Beluga whales that escaped during Ukraine Russian conflict


why doesnt Russia just fucking stop? their nation is a shithole why do they want to expand it? they have the biggest size on earth can they just stop?

Exactly my thoughts

>tfw we’ve now shifted into the Red Alert timeline with Russian War Beasts

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Depends on what job,i have no problem sending a nigger to dig coal or labour in a mine,but im aganist giving him a job that needs more than 10 iq.

tomorrow kierov ships will appear above jew york city

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>carried a note: "Equipment of St. Petersburg" in English
Thats it? What, no state secrets or classified documents?


Orthodox Christians can communicate telepathically with all mammals, it's why they're so docile around Slavs .

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You think you can get John Wick
Escaped since 2014 from Russia and Crimea fighting

It’s John Wick
The Ukraine wale that escaped Russia
Been on the run since 2014

it's wearing scanning equipment

Ever notice how in every one of the anti-blumph completely spontaneous Soros-funded riots across the world all of the spontaneously professionally pre-printed signs are all in English, so the coincidentally Jewish media can get good propaganda photos to publish for English speaking papers?

You shouldn't notice things, goyim. Stop noticing.

are these detectives 11 years old?


you proud of yourselves?

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>whales swear their allegiance to the Soviets


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>Orthodox Christians
There's no such thing, there's only christians.

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Came here to post this

Whale has a name John Wick

What real evidence do they have? That claim makes them sound fucking retarded without anything to back it up. Even as far as it being trained, what makes them think Russians trained it and not someone else?

This is what aliens judge us over. stupid shit like this


From 2014 some of the Wales escaped one was named John Wick

Kirov reporting! Such a based game, got it for christmas the year it was released, one of my all time favourites.

Bestest thread on Jow Forums rn
Infinite keks

Were all pawns in this world tv show

>pol posters dont know that the US has military trained dolphins

Mein neger
>inb4 attack squids

>the whale is a russian spy

whales are smarter than niggers and easier to train

>and carried a note: “Equipment of St. Petersburg” in English
Who the fuck believes this shit?

WTF, I just saw a whale fly over my house!!!

He is their answer to Frode Berg 007


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Wasn't this the plot of "The Incredible Mr. Limpet"?

>in English
This is truly a demonstration of just how fucking dumb they think the average person is.

Someone had to do it

Close up of buckle. The smart thing about using whales is that to an enemy sonar/sensor, it will look and act like a whale.

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Some biologists attached a camera to a whale to study his behavior in the wild but the belt probably itched his skin and the whale happened to be smart enough to bother other people to get their attention so they can remove this device from him. But the whale spy with a text to trace his origin is a more likely to be true no doubt about that.

>super secret spy whale
>commercial harness with stamp indicating place of origin

Sure fandangles my mangle

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fuck off until they have sharks with lasers

>Scientist attaching cameras to captive animals to study their behavior in the wild
....sure thing Ivan.

I bet it's a Jewish whale.

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Yup that was the first thing that came to mind.

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Fucking Carlos. Also WTF Russia hacking mammals. This means they can hack people too.

(((as a white whale)))

Why are people calling Putin putler over this

Dont they know Nazis were the first animal rights activists? Hitler personally banned Vivisection.

The whale was captured in the wild “Equipment of St. Petersburg” is related to a camera not animal itself.

>Rocket man in the sky

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I want to note that the whale is white

Not really, I'm a complete failure at life. My my wife divorced me last year - she took the house, the car, most of my assets. I got fired from my job when I couldn't keep focused at work. And I'm a miserable alcoholic - I spent most of the weekend passed out on my floor in a puddle of my own vomit until a couple of my buddies came by, got me cleaned up, and helped me sober up.

I'm lucky my friends keep baleen me out.

This is not a wild whale. Wild whales don't fetch fish to people and perform tricks.
And I agree, you can't determine where or who had the whale captive based on a buckle.

It's all so tiresome

>This photograph was found stapled to the side of the whale, in English

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>Wild whales don't fetch fish to people and perform tricks.

the nautical nazbol will hunt the nips this time

>“Equipment of St. Petersburg” in English
>GoPro camera
> it must have escaped from captivity at a Russian military facility
Oh boy