How did you feel when you realized that the holohoax wasn't just a meme?
How did you feel when you realized that the holohoax wasn't just a meme?
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this video got me questioning it:
The fact that they’re are any survivors at all was a big flashing light, and the more you look into it the more you realise it’s was a kike fabrication to justify their behaviour.
The chemical, known as Zyklon-B, allegedly used to kill Jews in World War II leaves behind a distinct residue. After thousands of gassing, isn't it weird how no traces of this chemical were ever found in any 'verified' gas chambers.
There were, however, traces found in the delousing chambers. Lice were known to carry the disease typhus. Zyklon-B is a delousing agent.
>The Holocaust Testimonies You Didn't Hear
> Debunking the "6 million" figure:
> Questioning the Holocaust - Why We Believed:
> One Third of the Holocaust:
> The Holocaust - Made in Russia (with French subtitles):
> Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Order 15.5.1943:
> Auschwitz SS-Garrison HQ Special Order 14.02.1944:
That isn’t the gas chamber door.
Also the delousing chambers were in constant use with high concentration of gas for hours at a time - at least 5000ppm, day after day for many years
The homicidal gas chambers had one or at most two uses per day for about half an hour, with 200ppm concentration, and most of the gas was absorbed by the people.
The conditions to form Prussian Blue did not obtain
Everything in school was a lie except for Math. Fuck your holocaust, 300,000 starved and bombed kikes was not even close to enough.
Cool story rabbi
feelings don't matter, the truth does and if a pro-hoax historian couldn't prove anyone died by gassing nor was there an order to commit genocide then the holohoax is just a jewish conspiracy theory against Germans
no, true facts.
also, not jewish so can't be rabbi
Why would you need a written order when given an order dorectly by Himmler, who says it is a dorect order from Hitler?
do you think teh SS needed written confirmation of everything? Did they need it sent repeatedly??
you obviously do not understand the culture of the SS, or the german army. they prided themselves on not needing to give written orders.
they also thought Ameircans were hilarious for needing maps to refer to all the time - you should learn a map by looking at it once.
page 33
from where do you get the 300,000 number?
just re read this. bugger this new keyboard. it is slightly different size to my previous laptop adn I keep hitting "o" instead of "i" among other things...
>How did you feel when you realized that the holohoax wasn't just a meme?
these helped a whole lot
Someone come get their fucking frog out of here, all he's doing is pilpul shitting up the thread
oh look a scared denier who has no arguments.
Cry more fagatron. Can't handle the facts? Go back to your echo chamber on reddit
The American Red Cross
Wait a second, you’re the French kike that got btfo on another holohoax thread this morning
how did they get the numbers?
hen did they publish them?
oh so you know the Red Cross stats thing is a lie the, but you just told it.
feel the breeze?
On her way to be killed....
She got sick so they spent time saving her life....
So they could kill a healthy person?
Did they want to make it a fair fight?
denialism is retarded.
Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.
>that vid
made me wheeze
Reminder that all the infographics that you'll see in this shit thread have been debunked by historians, scientists, survivors and workers.
It doesn't matter how many () you'll use you sound as stupid as flat earthers
>How did you feel when you realized that the holohoax wasn't just a meme?
When I watched David Cole in Auschwitz.
>Reminder that all the infographics that you'll see in this shit thread have been debunked by historians, scientists, survivors and workers.
According to you, a French Jew that believes everything the Jews told him about the holyhoax.
Some are joking, some aren't, but why is it illegal in Canada or Germany to wonder about how many starved, or if gas was used for killing more than lice, or if ovens were used on live subjects?
>Reminder that all the infographics that you'll see in this shit thread have been debunked by historians, scientists, survivors and workers.
>It doesn't matter how many () you'll use you sound as stupid as flat earthers
Well a jew would never lie.
its not you dishonest faggot. We both know that.
who has agreed his video was disingenuous and that he was wrong...
Reminder to newfags that the JIDF pays jews to push jewish lies on the internet.
>Implying you've personally verified any of your """"sources"""""
source on the claims about the red cross?
Nope. Never.
>>Implying you've personally verified any of your """"sources"""""
>The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!
They should have said that with Jesus.
After (((they))) got to him.
>5000ppm is just enough to kill a lice
>200ppm can kill a person
U wot m8?
One time a Holocaust skeptic think tank called the Institute for Historical Review offered $50K to anyone who could offer hard proof Jews were gassed by the Nazis. A supposed survivor sent in his eyewitness account and the IHR turned it down. The supposed survivor sued and, rather than present any evidence of gas chambers, told the judge to take “judicial notice” that the Holocaust occurred, which essentially means the judge declares that something is obviously true because he said so. If there’s so much evidence for gas chambers, why didn’t they present it? Why resort to a loophole?
>The homicidal gas chambers had one or at most two uses per day for about half an hour, with 200ppm concentration, and most of the gas was absorbed by the people.
That room also only fits about 20-30 people max.
So at 60 people per day, how many days does it take to reach 6 million?
u mean it was wild concocted spin during the heyday of competitive media which was further perpetuated by actual US jews with political ties??
oyyy veyyy ((wheezes intensify))
Made the world make a lot more sense desk.
published during the war near the end of it iirc, the numbers were obtained from visiting the concentration camps themselves, which the germans allowed them to do.
gonna give a response this time or continue being a failure?
>gonna give a response this time or continue being a failure?
Knowing the french kike, he'll just dismiss the evidence out of hand or claim that some Jew site really tells the truth etc.
oh. that debunked shit.
Those are numbers of persons traced to the camps by the International tracing Service. there are several versions of those figures, going up in numbers each year as more are traced (not that more died in the 1970's) a moment of consideration would make you ask, why are there only 13 camps on the list?
why is Treblinka not mentioned? If thiswas a total of all jewish deaths, what about the mass shootings in the East (over a million) or the deaths in the hundreds of other camps? or the hundreds of Ghettos? what about the quarter of amillion killed in Romania?
a few seconds research would show that the Red Cross had no access adn no menas of counting during the war. so what are these numebrs based on? The fragmentary records recovered from the camps. But we have no records at all for the majority of the camps, and no camp has full records. so these cannot be totals in any meaningful sense.
so to say it was 300,000 is obviously not true. it is at the least the very minimum number, but it is no way reliable as a total.
why don't you know this? have you done no research? put no thought into it?
you mean once he did some research...
>thats the same fridge body like sarah silverman...
last thread he ignored it for over 10 posts and then never responded again
nigger stop dodging the "easiest" to disprove.
look it up. Mammals breathe a lot more, quickly, and metabolize it fast. to kill lice in clothes you need to put in lots of the gas to penetrate, and for a long time as the lice don't breathe that much
it is common for mammals to die from much lower amounts of poison than needed for insects.
>explain to me why im bad at math and basic holocaust facts!
>oh. that debunked shit.
>look it up.
>last thread he ignored it for over 10 posts and then never responded again
Yeah the frenchie kike's m.o. is to dismiss any revisionist evidence out of hand, attack revisionists with logical fallacies and claim that we must accept all "evidence" from every pro-Holocaust source as the absolute truth.
weird how JIDF Frog never responds to stuff like this, innit
>weird how JIDF Frog never responds to stuff like this, innit
He'd just claim it's proof that the Jews have been persecuted unjustly for thousands of years. the "nazi holocaust" is just the most recent "holocaust" that god's chosen people have endured.
Actually the room that was there, before it was subdivided and new doorways put in, took about 800 people. But they only used it a few times. It wasn’t very efficient.
They moved to the little farmhouses and using pyres very quickly, while they built the four large purpose built gas chambers at Birkenau
This is basic history of the camp
Wasn't there witness testimony that said 200 people were killed at a time?
>Two half an hour gassings per day
>400 people a day
>400 people x 365 days = 146,000 people a year
>4 years of war x 146,000 = 584,000 people
This doesn't account for burning the bodies, each of which take around 4-6 hours to burn to ash. And that's by today's standards, not back then.
Also, where are the bodies? Or the ash?
Neither of those have ever been found.
>just keeps ignoring the easiest to prove or disprove point, simple math but won't ever talk about it
yeah that explains a lot about your style of shilling.
He’s always here waiting for these threads.
>He’s always here waiting for these threads.
I think frenchie kike has the megaphone tool and it alerts him whenever someone denies the holocaust in the OP.
its more that nobody bothers to humor you idiots so its you guys alone in an echo chamber. Anyone that does learns quick you post the same debunked shit over and over and don't bother coming back.
inb4 standard "arguments"
All the Jews killed were rightfully killed, they were communist or part of the rich, borguaise that were killed for treason
Pic related is fake but Jews still use it as facts
Mutts and kikes working had in had
I was shaken tbqhwy
So why didn’t the Nazis just killed them on site?
>Because they needed their slave labor to help with the waterfront.
So why did they kill 6 million of them then?
>Because the Nazis hated Jews
Why didn’t they just withhold water for three days and let them die?
>You are a Nazi
Because kikes have never been know to shut anything down that may reflect poorly on them.
>can't actually argue against basic math
hurr durr I'm just going to call you a bunch of faggots and idiots
k there
it's not hard, its like 3 minutes of figuring out basic logic you can easily disprove it (but you wont, and cant)
>its more that nobody bothers to humor you idiots so its you guys alone in an echo chamber.
>2+2 is 5!
>lol no fuck off idiot
>hahahaha u cannot do math jidf kike shill!!!
every denial thread ever
you being retarded isnt a logical fallacy
enjoy the echo chamber, faggots
>you being retarded isnt a logical fallacy
You constantly using logical fallacies doesn't make what you're saying true.
>endless logical fallacies
m8 its stupid simple math, its truly not difficult in the slightest your inability to do it is frankly disappointing.
Oh boy, you again
Last thread you posted this late in the tread while I was still replying to posts far above it, knowing it would hit bump limit before I got it.
You have played that game several times in the last week, always claiming I won’t answer, then not acknowledging when I do. You going to do it again this thread or are you going to respond? Or are you just going to lie the same way again tomorrow?
So, bad math on fake figures. At Auschwitz they had five crematoria, with multiple ovens with multiple muffles - openings. They had 52 muffles. Not 15
The ovens were the most sophisticated in the world, made by the best crematorium engineers in the world who had vast experience.
They were often burning babies, and small children, about a quarter to a third of the victims were under fifteen. They don’t take as long to burn as an adult, and you can put several in at once, or load a child with an adult.
You can also burn a body to bones in about half an hour, and this leaves a small mass to continue burning until the bones break down. Unlike funeral homes who are forbidden to burn more than one at a time, this means you can put in a new body on top of the bones, every half hour. Leaving the bones, and teeth, to break down over hours of burning.
Really bad math - 1 hr 20 minutes isn’t 1.2 hours. So your figure there is as bad as your incorrect number of ovens, and incorrect time for burning, and your incorrect assumption about how many bodies you can burn at once.
Worse than that, you are adding the time to kill a thousand people on to each and every death, rather than dividing it by the 1000 to give an average. Your bad math makes it as if they gassed one Jew at a time, and then burned them one at time.
Both assumptions are obviously false.
No one has ever claimed 4 million Jews were killed at Auschwitz. Certainly that is not the claim by western historians since 1955.
Have you any reply?
fuck off JIDF nigger
>enjoy the echo chamber, faggots
Well maybe if you kikes didn't keep making holocaust revisionism illegal and "the worst thing ever" we could debate and discuss the Holocaust in public.
You claim this is an "echo chamber" when in reality this is a free speech zone.
>can't give a number
yep as expected.
once again the cutdick brain damaged jidf gets raped by random Anons who know the truth