subpoenaed in Jussie Smollett case: Report
Kim Foxx
I hope she goes to prison
is goitergirl gonna get away with it this time around?
Is this because ti was handed to the feds?
... oh! The old DA / prosecutor / whatever she is is the target! We have the beginnings of 3rd-world justice, but we're still white enough to backstop it.
Funnily, she looks a lot like Oprah, who is / was also from Chicago.
I'm hoping the bitch will be slapped with something, but I won't hold my breath over it.
Jussie dindu nuffin
Lock her the fuck up
along with Hillary, Bobama, Kumala, Booker, Schiit, and the whole gang.
Discount Oprah is going down.
Nothing will happen... again...
she literally looks like a gorilla. deport her to africa
>1200x675 for a shitty jpg
She’s a Chicago. There is probably a meeting going on atm in which they are trying to decide which park to rename in her honor. Same with SMollet. If anyone really wanted to go after Smollett there are always the Federal Charges for mailing white powder. For some reason everybody but Smollett who has done this is kin prison for a long, LONG time.
Oh boy, I can't wait for literally no one to be held accountable for any reason on anything ever
If the feds really did pick it up at least there’s a slightly better chance of something happening
The wheels of justice turn, seemingly very, very slowly, but they do sometimes turn.
Your pic event was fake btw
nigs gonna nig
so you can look deep into her eyes
"nigger lady #1 approach the bench"
said the judge