Were the ancient Egyptians black, or closer to Arabic?
Were the ancient Egyptians black, or closer to Arabic?
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Depends on the time period
Ask ANY historian and they will all say black. ANY.
Nazi skewed history and science is not real and if you bring it up in the real work you will get laughed at and or beat.
Closer to tan Europeans for most of their history.
closer to arabic for the underclass
the rulers were WHITE
neither, Basques and Sardinians are the closet relatives today
we waz white
Depends. Some egyptian periods did have a strong black african component but mostly it was as what you see now, dark skinned meds.
Regardless of what nazi muh egyptians were aryan and black WEWUZKANGZ types say
i think they were Egyptian op
Any black mummies found?
Moses time they were black, Jesus time they were mixed, after they were invaded by Arabs and this creating modern Egypt
They where jews actually, like earlier jews before they became jews.
I don't think these guys count as historians.
They had half the subsaharan african DNA they have now according to Wikipedia.
They were likely lighter in terms of skin and probably had more caucasian features in the past. Still probably darker than your average Italian or Greek man though.
boom. there are your last words before you get sucker punched.
Those wet dog smelling crackers will tell you they white but us niggas were the original KINGS AND QUEENS of the motherland Africa. Those Khazar rats love to claim our proud Hebrew ancestry too. You pink ape cave monkies wish you invented heart surgery, blood types, light bulbs, stop lights, trolley cars, vaccines, aur conditioners the list go on and on niggas invent crackers make patent office fuck Amerikkka this a land built by black bodies.
They were all Arabs, as they are now. How anyone can deny this is beyond me. Perhaps some Berbers were there, but that's it
Damn, jews probably builded the pyramids
Egyptians were MED BVLLS
i trust them more than a fuckin nazi
> be bl*ck fharaon in few thousend years regress to low iq chimp
> be jewish slave progress to world domination
Pay reparashunz for 400 years slavery you bigot
The greatest thing the white cracker devils fear is a Black man remembering who he is and what he built like Rome. When a Black man knows who he is he can topple the cracker system and breed every white bitch in sight inseminating their nubile wombs with black seed until the white demon genes are obliterated from existence. We won't let you forget a god damn thing you done to us but no one's gonna remember your pale cracker evil racist asses when we've bred you out of existence.
THATS RIGHT BROTHER watch how quick crackers want gun control the moment niggas start buying guns and joining the NRA.
I don't understand the point of larping as a nigger, what do you get out of it?
Exactly, they banned brothas from buying guns cause they know we would rise the fuck up and take back control over their melanin deficient asses. AMERICA WAS BUILT ON BLACK BODIES.
Wash my white dick
If that's true shouldn't you gentlemen be spreading awareness and promoting the fact that Jews and the universities run by them are destroying your culture by convincing blacks they aren't Hebrew and convincing Whites that they invented things they didn't?
Like come on, no real black person talk likes that, we all know it's larping white people trying to trigger us or to make the nigger look more dum, but we all know here that the nigger is dumb already.
Why is it that the Black man is expected to "just get over it" when his empires were destroyed and stripped of their wealth
to build crackers' fucking empires. Why is it that the BLACK MAN is expected to just get over SLAVERY and institutional
racism and getting fucking killed walking down the street. How about YOU CRACKERS FUCKING GET OVER IT WHEN A BLACK MAN
This is you and everyone knows it
white people disgust me, they look like melanin deficient shaved monkeys and smell like wet dog mixed with mayonnaise.
most of them were ultra tanned arabs, some looked like meds and some were Ethiopians and Nubians, they weren't congoloid though
You can check the statues and paintings yourself and see that they depicted themselves different than any other people so who knows maybe their skin was really reddish and it disappeared over time or they cover themselves with a kind of red sunscreen
Some of their pharaohs look really niggerish to me, like Akhenaton and his mother
But the blacks in america came from the gulf of Guinea, they didn't build pyramyds there so they don't want to claim that ancestry
However, there still were some kangz kingdoms in that part of the world so I think they should look more into that instead but because of the Bible egypt is talked a lot more than it should in USA and then blacks check it out and say Das ma people!
Upon restoration of old paintings colors always tend to turn more pale as the shit washes off..
You guys invented a stick by the time white people came to Africa, then you let yourself get enslaved, yes slavering was a choice, you could fight the white devil for your freedom but instead you guys chose the chains instead.
They looked exactly like modern egyptians.
They were never genocided or displaced. They have always been egyptians. Even under foriegn rule, they held a large amount of autonomy. Roman, Mamluk, Ottomans all respected their heritage.
Dont listen to niggers, as niggers are dumb and dont know a fucking thing about their own history. It took white man to figure out what happened in africa before colonization.
You have 3 basic 'races' of black africans;
Nubian. The horn of africa is populated by nubians. They are the negros with small noses, large foreheads, and small frames. Etheopians, eritrians, somalis, are Nubian. And due to thousands of years of close ties and rule by Egypt, are actually quite civilized.
Pygmy. Most of them have been eradicated, save a few small villages still living pre-stone-age. Very basic languages made up of clicks and grunts. Also, they are
Well nigger?
Whos your daddy boi
Hmmm gee idk. Ancient Egyptians where probably FUCKING EGYPTIAN
Nazi science, every single historian says Egyptians were black
not black or arab, they were north africans who are colored between dark brown and pale brown, also modern egyptians are north african and NOT arab no genocide or population replacement has ever happened in egypt.
Hyksos and regular Egyptian, regular Egyptian where more shit colored then Hyksos....
I know it's a hard pill so swallow...
>individuals from the Levant_ChL population had a greater affinity on average to Iranian agriculturalist-related populations than was the case for earlier Levantine individuals
>We highlight three findings of interest. First, an allele (G) at rs12913832 near the OCA2 gene, with a proven association to blue eye color in individuals of European descent40, has an estimated alternative allele frequency of 49% in the Levant_ChL population, suggesting that the blue-eyed phenotype was common in the Levant_ChL
>Second, an allele at rs1426654 in the SLC24A5 gene which is one of the most important determinants of light pigmentation in West Eurasians41 is fixed for the derived allele (A) in the Levant_ChL population suggesting that a light skinned phenotype may have been common in this population
>Blue-Eyed Immigrants Transformed Ancient Israel 6,500 Years Ago
>Migrants from the Near East were moving into Central and Northern Europe
>Consequently, despite corresponding to isolated and homogenous populations, contemporary Assyrians and Yazidis from Northern Iraq may in fact have a stronger continuity with the original genetic stock of the Mesopotamian people
>Blond and redheaded mummies
>Genetic affinities with Iberian Neolithic individuals indicate that British Neolithic people were mostly descended from Aegean farmers who followed the Mediterranean route of dispersal
>Listening to reason
These honkee ass crackers dont know shit brother
shut up bitch ass white ass cracker ass bitches i'd beat yaull white ass I fucked so many white bitches I quit counting at 100 yau weak AF senpai
there are a lot more than that, Xhosas are the ones that look Asian and mandela was from also not all congoloid are bantus I think
The ends of the king's crutch was carved in the shapes of the enemies of Egypt, Hyksos and the Kushites, they were made so the faces touches the king's feet
Caucasian with dark slaves and servants
king Tut
are hiksos hitites?
I mean, of all ethnicities/races you could larp as and yet you chose the most pitiful one of them all, why?
You must go back.
U were cool dudes in 60' before islam took over
Dey was niggers and enslaved the poor suffering Jews. Every nigger knows dat. WE WUZ KANGZ!
islam took over since 639...
To me it looks like a nigger to me
>every single historian says Egyptians were black
every single (((historian))) says Egyptians were black
Not true at all. just the image I posted alone is proof. The buildings alone are evidence enough without the surviving drawings. genetically blacks are no capable of being civilized of getting their IQ's high enough to construct anything but mud huts.
Then add to that the blacks genetic tendencies to violence and it's next to impossible for blacks to accomplish any type of civilization on their own.
Ehm, Islam took over in the first half of 7th century, buddy
You dont know me bruh you dont the fucking plight of being a black body I should slap the vodka out yo mouth you khazar rat.
You know what im talking about
Nope they evolved into modern day jew or atleast one of the so called 12 tribes.
Which historians have you spoken with? My brother is an anthropologist and my dad is a history prof. They know Egypt couldn't be build by niggers. The math, infrastructure, logistics, etc involved were beyond what niggers were capable of at the time and the architecture, building methods, etc were very close to early near-east/ middle east.
Niggers havent built from stone like that anywhere on the continent. It's a caucasian thing, you wouldnt get it.
I dont expect you to.
They were Mediterranean, a largely extinct race from all the conquest by Turks, Arabs, and Germans
>sucker punched
Nice bait. You had me going.
they were of the same racial stock as the greeks, idiot.
I'm on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension
Don't you see, baby, this is perfection?
>be abbo
> Abbo history month:
> abbo eats Cook.(dot)
30 Celsius is more than enough to make g*rmans fall on their knees.
Don't believe this Libiyan cracker leach. Egyptians were arabic. He tries and tries to convince everyone otherwise.
Bantu Is it the negros of Yaruba?
dad wtf, my head
thats because she was one of the nubian dynasty queens which ruled egypt for only 100 years (during the 3rd intermediate period) nubians accomplished nothing and egyptians hated them, most egyptians looked like pic related
They weren't arabic, they were south Mediterranean
>muh dik
>white women
The goal always seems to have sex with a white women isnt it? Niggers cant help but think of the superior race and how they want kids that resemble them as much as possible.
You know Zathi works overtime to hide the hyksos connection?
The jews was in power then some plague shit happened, jews lost control, some jews fleed back to Levant, lower Egypt raised up, fucked the jews in some battle enslaved the jews, then some more famine happened, rest of the enslaved jew left for Levant, AKA the old testament.
but she was the mother in law of Nefertiti, the one you posted in middle
I guess it's an American thing to assume that everything that is not scandi pale = subsaharan negro
They weren't black.
t. historian
>shut up bitch ass white ass cracker ass bitches i'd beat yaull white ass
Good one. You win I guess?
Now, can you stop pretending to be a nigger it's pretty annoying
can we stop with this meme already..?
>y-you mean color change teint over time due to depigmentation?
What do you think Ebola and AIDS are artificial diseases? to curb this locust
my people built pyramids and civilizations while you pink apes was wet in caves we taught yall how to bathe we taught yall geometry and science. Niggas invented heart surgery, light bulbs, blood types stop lights peanut butter so much but what have your cracker asses done?