My 2020 election prediction

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JEB! 2020

Commiefornia, Jew York and some other liberal shitholes will remain blue regardless.

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Nice fanfic user. In reality, of course, Based Biden with BTFO Drumpf, since his voter base is constrained to illiterate rednecks and racists.
But keep dreaming sweetie :)

This must be post The Great Cleansing

The niggers think they can invade pol right now

Watching them prop up Biden after screeching that trump was a rapist is going to be fucking hilarious

true, but the amount of dumb things the dems have done will surely snag Trump a landslide

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Don’t worry user the fags ain’t even supported by the actually decent gay men and women

Actual results here.

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time to gas

fucking retarded boomers that infest this place argue with actual bots while the 2020 election will be stolen by a unified Democrat front of tech censorship, state government vote manipulation, and the NPVIC

just end it

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what are the odds that jeb runs in 2020

That's what I thought in 2018, but that dumbfuck Gillum almost won in Florida.

he also lost despite having an "80%" polling lead

we will win

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Would have been easier if that dumb fuck hadn't made the monkey comment

yeah fucking right


So Bill Weld will be elected president by a landslide? Nice!

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no u

he will never make it

best kind of map

they can't