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My 2020 election prediction
Nolan Fisher
Isaac Perry
JEB! 2020
Aaron Walker
Commiefornia, Jew York and some other liberal shitholes will remain blue regardless.
Cameron Ramirez
Nice fanfic user. In reality, of course, Based Biden with BTFO Drumpf, since his voter base is constrained to illiterate rednecks and racists.
But keep dreaming sweetie :)
Liam Clark
This must be post The Great Cleansing
Owen Turner
The niggers think they can invade pol right now
Jose Gutierrez
Watching them prop up Biden after screeching that trump was a rapist is going to be fucking hilarious
David Scott
true, but the amount of dumb things the dems have done will surely snag Trump a landslide
Elijah Turner
Don’t worry user the fags ain’t even supported by the actually decent gay men and women
Justin Nguyen
Actual results here.
Jason Morris
time to gas
Ian Jenkins
fucking retarded boomers that infest this place argue with actual bots while the 2020 election will be stolen by a unified Democrat front of tech censorship, state government vote manipulation, and the NPVIC
just end it
William Watson
what are the odds that jeb runs in 2020
Luke Reyes
That's what I thought in 2018, but that dumbfuck Gillum almost won in Florida.
Nolan Reed
he also lost despite having an "80%" polling lead
Jordan Robinson
we will win
Hudson Edwards
Would have been easier if that dumb fuck hadn't made the monkey comment
Grayson King
yeah fucking right
Samuel Perez
Noah Reyes
So Bill Weld will be elected president by a landslide? Nice!
Jonathan Cox
no u
William Adams
he will never make it
Brandon Thompson
best kind of map
Jason Hill
they can't