He said WHAT?!

He said WHAT?!

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he touched me when I was 6, in my private establishment

He forgot the part about only if you're a muslim


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Lol you people are fucked. You're going to get ran into the sea.

the jimmy saville stance
all brits love top of the pops

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Does anybody have the video?

Did anyone really doubt the fact that Sargoy is a latent child molester?

Who is trying to pass Sargon off as a white nationalist? He fucking isn't lol. He called white nationalists one side of the same coin as blacks, they just complain about Jews instead of whites.

I think it's alright to rape UK journalists, even though they are children.

Imagine falling for a blatant smear tactic and I don't even like the guy.

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He should be locked up like all pedophiles.

Is there anything worse than braindead normies hating civcucks for all the wrong reasons

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>Appealing to pakis

As if people take journalists seriously anymore

That's the MP, David Lammy an absolute anti-white scumbag. He was recently in the media for saving white people donating money to Africa is racist.

He's going to be even more mad, at the end of this video Carl says I am going to say the N word.. NI... and then it cuts to someone saying "Mr. Lammy, get down"


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Circumcision is a judeo-islamic tradition and anyone that says otherwise hates freedom of religion.

I smirked

Imagine supporting a cuck.


>white people donating money to Africa is racist.
based and redpilled

What part of I don't like the guy did you not understand, retard?


>He was recently in the media for saving white people donating money to Africa is racist.
Let me guess, S.oygon and his crew got insanely angry that their right to literal financial cuckolding is being infringed upon

I guess he just secured the muslim vote.

if anything sargon just prove the kind of clown world we're in where even him is basically considered a far right extremist. its so funny to watch but at the same time i just hope we will all get nuked

When did Sargon convert to Islam?

The guy belongs on /cow/

He's just trying to pander to the UK pedo vote. He'll probably win with this.

I wouldn’t even rape a young boy


I dont like the guy but you poles crab mentality have gotten you in trouble before just saying.

TFW setting your moral bar this low.

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oh no clown world haha honk honk

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This. The Pedo voter block in the UK is huge.

he was talking about Greek pederasty

UKIP doesn't get the Muslim vote though.

why is anyone surprised? dont they have some royal faggot that rapes kids in the ass?

>white people donating money to Africa is racist.
absolutely based.

He's still dumb as fuck for even bringing that shit up while representing a party that the media as a whole doesn't particularly like.

Nobody cares


>He's still dumb as fuck for even bringing that shit up while representing a party that the media as a whole doesn't particularly like.
it was part of a video from years ago, brainlet.

I'm voting for him lol.

How exactly is "it depends on the child" a smear tactic faggot? Either commit to the statement or admit to being a nebulous chameleon.

I'm not even a Sargin fan, but bless him for actually trying to run. The headline is a total lie, even if we ignore context. But the actual context of this pedo thing was a thought experiment about how different people mature at different rates, and he was arguing AGAINST someone that wanted to lower the age.

Reverse SAGE!11

What is context?


faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake and gay

What context possibly makes the statement okay? If he believes children are born gay and should be involved with adult men?

Discussing Milo-like child abuse there the victim is now an adult and doesn't hate what happened to them. He still clearly said that age of consent laws are fine and reasonable.

>Who is trying to pass Sargon off as a white nationalist?
The entire left. This is why we must support him, even though he hates us.

I would never vote for a faggot like Sargon but its also demoralizing to see the establishment do their best to smear him. We should let the Russians nuke the West.

Honestly the best thing that could happen is he becomes a martyr. The middle ground being literally illegal to stand on.

No he didn't? WTF? Of all the things to throw back at him out of context and they went with total bullshit.
This does however show the danger of UKip fielding internet talking heads during hustings: their back catalogue is a goldmine for the yellow press to select a quote and then beat them about the head and neck with relentlessly entirely at face value. All they need to do with Dankula is remind readers he was prosecuted for teaching his gf's dog to do the hitler salute and he's fucked too. Preaching to the free speech choir will only get you so far, normies don't look shit up for context, see also "grab them by the pussy".

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If they would entertain Sargon they are a joke of a party.

sargon is such a moron. i hope everyone listened to at least a little of his debate with spencer.

Why does Sargon fuck little boys Jow Forums? Why is this pedophile walking the streets?

>Preaching to the free speech choir will only get you so far
It won't get you anywhere because you have no right to say offensive things

>grab them by the pussy
That man became president.
And the context there didn't help.

I'm confused
Why is this a headline?
Preists do it, English politicians do it, Muslims do it, niggers do it
But suddenly you day it's okay and now YOU'RE the bad guy?
These people are insane, even for anglos

its a Pole, try talking about WW2 witth them..

Fucking little boys to own the libs.

Carl "King Kike" Benjamin (The Benjamin surname is derived from the Hebrew personal name Benjamin) loves little boys. When told by a grown man on stream that he was fucked by an adult at the age of 11 and liked it Sargon agreed that some kids just love dick. Boy fucking is quintessentially British.

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an anglo being a pedo. how is this news user?

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pederasty is disgusting, however, if it's between an adult male and a little gi...

Thats how you get the muslims majority vote

They've rebranded as an anti-censorship party to chase the yoof vote. Which is surprisingly clever of them, as it turns out zoomers and late millenials only really give a political fuck about corporations and GCHQ spying on their phones. The issue ended Milliband's Labour during the young persons debates, they went after him in a way he just wasn't expecting. No other party is bothering to chase the yoof vote, either, so it's not entirely crazy.

Sargoy is their main political commentator on their propaganda youtube channel. He chats about news stories with UKip folks in a very accessible manner, so even his presence isn't entirely crazy either. The problem is they are preaching to the choir, with normies only exposed to bullshit headlines such as the one in OP. With The Brexit Party attracting the angry Leave voters, that doesn't leave too many non-zoomer/late millenial voters to actually cast votes for UKip. Thing is, UKip fulfilled its purpose with the Brexit vote.

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This. He's doing 4D chess to get the Muslim vote.

There are otherwise rational people to this day who believe Trump is a rapist off the back of this out-of-context accidental comedy skit. It had been online for over a decade prior to him even considering a political office. Him and a comedian were bragging away in a studio bus, making more and more outrageous boasts about their masculinity, the bus stops, they get off and are met by a pretty show runner, whereupon both men's bravado collapses to the point where Trump becomes so self conscious he smoothly palms a breath mint. I'm sorry, boys? You were saying something, not thirty seconds ago? Something about women? It was proper funny slice of life, yet in the event it was weaponized in the confidence that the quote taken out of context would not be examined further. Sargon is fucked: the shit he's said in context and humour is political poison. They haven't even mentioned what got him kicked off of patreon for yet, the one area UKip will not tollerate is racism.

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This is the only way it was going to go. Sargon simply isn’t savvy enough to ride out all the dumb shit he’s said publicly being thrown back at him.

i he said something about geting the age of consent up. and that sexuality is diferent for everyone and that a guy on a specific case should not be proscecuted, but in the case of proscecution opinion is old news.


I'm just waiting till they start with the white nigger stuff

He has my vote!

What the fuck did he actually say?

>Sargon is fucked: the shit he's said in context and humour is political poison.
Eh, I mean Trump one. I don't listen to Sargon though so you might know more than I know. The thing is Sargon can make a few valid points and then duck out. This is a process where people enter and leave but while they are in the public eye they make points that resonate after they are gone. Same as Milo.

>The dossier includes a screenshot of a social media message in which Benjamin says he needs ‘something to really trigger’ outrage, adding: ‘Do you have any underage porn or child porn? I will delete it fast so nobody gets in trouble'


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wow, wtf that might be the worst typo I've made in my life

sargon is a fucking dumpster fire. its funny af that he got nominated to run for office. the "liberalist" lol fag nigga1111

Memba when Sargon insinuated that Mr Metokur was a child groomer and pedophile?

I memba

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Notice how whenever someone threatens jewish media they get slandered as a pedophile.

crazy how anytime a forum for public discourse that is anonymous shows up it gets flood with pedo shit too no?

>doesn't hate what happened to them
That's how Vampirsm works.

>What context possibly makes the statement okay? If he believes children are born gay and should be involved with adult men?
15 year old boy fucked his slutty and retarded but hot 23 year old teacher. That's rape and child abuse. And it's likely okay.

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Saying white people donating food to Africa is racist is just wrong.
Real racists would never willingly feed niggers in Africa and would gladly let them starve.

It’s gonna be a slow burn I think. The “dirty, dirty smear merchants” have a lot to work with.

Incidentally, he really shouldn’t have provoked them like that. What did he think was going to happen?

Holy hell I respect this dude. He's right, teach Africa some skills, don't just feed them if you really want to help.

>main fame in the alt-right is getting owned by richard spencer
>a civic nationalist cuck
>get called white nationalist
I almost feel bad for him, but really, he should have known.

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Who the fuck even cares jesus are you mentally ill?

to be fair “allright” was in quotes

>grab them by the pussy
And yet enough of the American people broke their programming to vote Trump in.
Do you not think it's worth the try to break the programming of a sizeable amount the British electorate as well?

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will be entertaining to see how he deals with it ngl. he sperged out so much when Metokur and Spencer bantzed him a bit, let's see what he'll do now he's beeing called a Nazi pedophile on national television. ironic since Metokur warned him it will be a gorillion times worse once he join big boy politics

Are British whites racist?

>carl "give him the medicine" benjamin

>carl "if he's young, he gets the tongue" benjamin
>carl "if he's six, he gets the stick" benjamin
>carl "if he's eight, I'll masturbate" benajamin

Did he do this on purpose? Looks to me as if he infiltrated UKIP to trash them.
Aren't they the biggest somewhat nationalist party in the UK?

Lol no purge him asap, he's a saboteur and a tremendously good goy.

>Carl "Skeet skeet skeet on little boys feet" Benjamin
>Carl "If he's under ten, fuck him again" Benjamin
>Carl "Shadilay to make kids gay" Benjamin