I'm 100% certain that MGOTW are a bunch of fucking faggots

Pic related, Is what I always imagine when I read some flaming faggot who claims to be MGTOW I tried to understand them a bit, and its so simple and fucking retarded.

First; If your defining purpose in life is you "choose" not to be or do something, It doesn't make you special, it makes you a fucking loser, become a monk or some shit. Fuck even go full out of the closet cock sucker. But stop pretending you even have a chance with women.

2nd if Reddit doesn't delete your sub, you know your fucking pathetic. MGTOW is probably just a lazy weapon towards the lowest common denominator of men. No need to kill you, MK Ultra you, talk you into castration etc. All it requires to work is a lazy worthless sack of shit. Neutered by choice of not trying.

and before you type the words divorce and rape together, please forgive me if I don't believe some 50 year old who "din du nuthin!" and his sob story as he tries to recruit teenagers into his stupid cult.
There are unfair laws, and things are fucked, because of weak or evil men, be mad at them. Be a real man, not a whiny faggot who says women are literally children and STILL blames them for everything.

Go crush your enemies, including weak pussy feminist men, who women fucking hate anyway. Help create a world where if you do wish to get married, its possible to do so and for it to work. The absolute gayest thing to do is to give up and join these losers.

Attached: ItsNotGayIfyouIfJustGetJerkedOff.png (756x621, 493K)

Other urls found in this thread:


For Jewish subverted women, having it all means:

1. Getting her feminist merit badge while:
2. Having sex with the most attractive men who are willing to have sex with her. After a decade or so of this, she:
3. Marries a nice reliable man who provides the financial support and social status of wife and perhaps mother. Once she has gotten out of this what she wants, she:
4. Discovers that she is unhaaapy, and was somehow “trapped in marriage!” Many women prefer to savor this step for some period of time, perhaps even for many years. There is power and drama here and the next step contains risk.
5. Is forced to divorce the bad man who made her unhaaapy by doing everything she demanded he do.
6. Basks in the drama of a newly divorced woman, wronged by her ex husband and the society which forced her to marry the wrong man.


Own the women, and the father arranges the marriages.

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I was following you until you blamed men for voting for laws that fuck over men exclusively. Now this post just screams of roast/onions orbiter larping because someone offended you. Fuck off.

but but, *slobbers over face* women are just degenerate thots that should be patrolled at every instance.

There have been sections of the female population that have always been wretched whores, it's called reproduction strategy. Some will jam as much reproductive material into their slit as humanly possible, and no amount of "being a man" will ever make it stop.

On a side note, if you aren't blasting baby butter into her fertile guts she's going to leave you. If every time you go to fuck you immediately reach for a condom, she's going to leave you. If she's on birth control she's going to leave you.

YOU can't circumvent her reproduction and expect her to stay, and if she's the type that aborts... move on.

historically only 30% of men successfully reproduced, it's not like the game has changed if anything it's getting easier.

One thing I don't understand about MGTOW. Do they still have sex with women or are they "off" women entirely?

you know the rules roastie

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women are gay because they like men. can i be the leader of mgtow now?

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kys fag

mgtow is a catchall. mgtow monks dont engage with women at all. i know a few mgtow that still do pump and dump but i dont think its worth the risk

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i mean look at any given mgtow board. it's mostly boomer facebook-style mspaint meme spam, it's probably just sexually frustrated young teens from the UK and australia going so insane from hormones that they think the only solution is to swear off the young girls, who won't fuck their puddly asses, forever.

From what I've understood you only need to realize the danger in having a child with a women (18 years of child support) or marrying/cohabiting with a women (lose most things in divorce). To be considered mgtow, what you do with that knowledge is up to you.

>all women are bad girls who must be punished
So? There's another option.

Attached: mgtow.jpg (591x461, 41K)

How about you leave them alone dipshit. They already gave up for one reason or another. Hell it might even get them a woman one day because they aren’t thirsty which is the key to getting laid by the way.

This point is entirely subjective. Some use tinder/hookers, others cut all the possible contacts with women. As far as I understand that movement, they are men who don’t actively pursue women and instead put all their effort in making themselves happy (through career, hobbies, sports etc) because they feel like investing money and time into woman is not worth it. Since they don't want a woman anymore, they can't be considered incel, although some of them were so in origin, because they don't ask for a change of the society, they just call themselves out

I am fucking appalled by that disgusting webm

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have another

Attached: redpill.webm (852x480, 1.84M)

wrong one, but still good

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This. MGTOW isn't a prescription of what you should do, it's a set of facts and ideas.

The legal issues of men is a more MRA topic, but it is covered by MGTOW as well. The main take-away from MGTOW is female nature, which the rest of right-wing ideologies acknowledge. Essentially, women aren't loyal unless you make them, they are hypergamous, shallow and controlled by emotion.

If you follow MGTOW as a movement, or try to follow other guy path then you are a fucking faggot.
You are free to do whatever the fuck you want and be completely aware of the consequences, your life your choices.
Don't let other dictate your life, specially faggots of this board.

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MGTOW is literally the ideology of faggotry

MGTOW is to men exactly what having ten cats is to women

>I’m not pathetic and sad over my ruined purposeless existence this is A LIFESTYLE CHOICE I’M EMBRACING SO DON’T SHAME ME BIGOT