Should public/military service be made a requirement to vote?
Should public/military service be made a requirement to vote?
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Fuck no.
Service guarantees citizenship
Only for stupid Goys, also every Jewish vote should be worth 60 goy votes.
Everyone should be drafted into the military and over a month long period America should take over every country in the world then we all get to go back to just jacking and browsing Jow Forums since the world is now America’s slaves.
600 votes
6 gorillion votes
the system with citizen and civilian in starship troopers was brilliant. I wish we had that too
In lieu of military service, they must hold majority interest in a business with at least 5 citizens employed full-time.
In lieu of business and military, they must have a proven lineage to the United States as a Son or Daughter of the American Revolution, or the Mayflower's original Plymouth voyage.
Additionally, no dual-citizens be allowed to vote unless they remove their foreign citizen status.
This includes politicians - as no dual-citizen should be allowed to hold office.
conscription for men and women should be mandatory and no opting out.
However, only restricted to defense on countries soil and not on foreign land.
And for those that want 'civilian' stuff, they get the option of not carrying a rifle and doing civi jobs like moving crates around and stuff and not participate in shooting.
However participation in training ops and stuff.
Why ?
To force discipline and comraderie into young people.
No. But only confirmed tax payers should be able to vote. Quite simply every time you go to vote present proof that you paid your taxes last year and bingo.
>you have to serve Israel if you want to vote
fuck off Mossad
Ehhh... Im not entirely sold on it.
No, however, luckely voting does not count where it matters_power holds!
yeah but that means no gays, trans, degenerates or criminals will be able to vote, bigot.
This. Retards who die for Israel are unfit for political decisions.
Only if it is literally the rule for EVERYONE. We all know that the ruling elite will have ways of avoiding the responsibility and reaping the reward.
Only educated white males should be allowed to vote, if he is married and has children then his wife will be allowed a vote as well.
1 jewish vote should be worth 6 million goy votes
Why the fuck is a soldier's vote worth the same as the shizo homeless junky from San Fransisco? Fuck this system. it's so god damn broken.
filthy anti semite, more jews died in the holocaus than there are atoms in the universe, now please go support my transinternational corporate conglomerate with your tax dollars goy
soldiers are pretty retarded too, but why are you referencing just soldiers anyway? OP said militaryservice
extend it to include reproduction rights
No, but simple math and reading comprehension tests will do.
Women voting is always a mistake.
Not when they vote according to their husband, the system I propose essentially gives him a second vote for having a family.
>be me
>public servant people often think is over paid.
>have degree; hold 3 pages of resume worth of industry certs spanning 6 years of school and technical training.
>5% of the time I'm saving lives riding the side of a helicopter, back seat of a fire engine, running a team in the back of a critical care mobile intensive care unit (aka CCT ambulance set up like a mini ICU)
>15% of the time I'm helping sweet old people patch their lives together and doing social work essentially for folks who put into the system.
>80% of the time I'm involved with law enforcement in baby sitting the 15-50 year old population that requires baby sitting and hand holding and has no life skills.
Mandatory service at 18 in some form of government (even local and state) with structure would do the country a whole lot of good.
Last night I went to this.
>government subsidized housing
>55 year old crazy woman harasses 19 year old next door neighbor.
>sprays chemicals under her door.
>cops cant get 55 year old to answer door, no confirmation she is suspect so cant kick door down.
>19 year old has asthma attack and duplex unit needs to be deconned of unknown substance.
>19 year old has cash and drugs laying out all over. Thousands of dollars in tattoo work. Living on tax dollars dime.
Fyi they were both white. They are both leeches. This is a huge percentage of America and where your public funds go.
If the military were to protect our borders and do humanitarian work in north america and nothing else, sure.
But get drafted to die for israel or not have a say in government? Eat shit.
I don't really want that druggie retard chick in the army though
Maybe, but people might have thought that in 1920 and 100 years later look what we have. Honey, we don't actually want to let those poor little niggers starve, do we? It's just a few that will need food stamps... Imagine it was our children... Widows and orphans then... Then old people... Then single mothers... Etc etc
Compulsory military service would be better.
I mean democracy is a false god, but yes, it's an improvement.
oy vey goy, stop being so anti symantec®
>Should public/military service be made a requirement to vote?
Should the voters be programmed by the industrial military complex before being allowed to vote?
That is what you are really asking, the answer is obvious. And before you ask, yes I served.
I love how all the low IQ lefties claimed that was 'fascism'.
No thats exactly how the Roman republic ran, and what Troopers emulated.
The phrase from a fascist state would be "Citizenship guarantees service" as everyone's duty was to the state.
Troopers civilians lived a free life able to do as they pleased, as expressed bu Jawman's dad when he tried to disuade him form enlisting.
I'd like to know more
Welfare state is ruining the whites as it ruined blacks in the 70s-80s. Now like 80% of Urban negros are bastards. If you had a civil service army, these people would all expect to be hand fed and bathed by a 19 year old servant. Eventually, the sponges would expand to stress the system again. It's neverending. End all welfare for everyone.
>Should the voters be programmed by the industrial military complex before being allowed to vote?
The only people I've ever seen drink the kool-aid are Muh-Rines and shitbag First Classes / Chiefs who only stayed in because they'd be fired from anywhere else. The most redpilled members of the military are the junior enlisted who haven't been in the system long enough to start enjoying the ass-fucking, and the forbidden ancient enlisted who have been in so long that their vice-grip assholes just break the dick off when it tries to fuck them.
>Honey, we don't actually want to let those poor little niggers starve, do we?
Yes, we do.
No, as our military isnt large enough, nor would it need to be to fit all the willing 'citizens' looking to join it.
No we should simply revert back to the founding fathers vision, and require you show competency, and have a stake in the game, by owning property.
Imbecils shouldnt vote, and imbicils are too stupid to aquire land. It was a perfect system designed as it was on purpose. Universal suffrage was a mistake that they purposefully avoided.
Absofuckinglutely. Doesnt just have to be military service either. Go join the Local Fire Brigade or something SRRVICE ABOVE SELF related. Also, only women who are married (widowed not divorced) with children. Voting patterns change when you have children's future to think about: fact.
I'd like to think IQ should play a part in ALL of it too.
no but an income of at least $80k a year (and that's being generous) should be required to vote
>should only jarhead retards vote?
No, you jarhead retard.
Voting is for slaves you filthy kike
its was truly as close as to a utopia as one could get. but nowadays libertarianism is constantly imperiled by immigrant invasions and its impossible to support policies of freedom while (((they))) keep trying to ruin it
>Should Americans be forced to murder the enemies of Israel for right to vote?
Uh, no.
Yes. To vote or hold office you should have to earn it by serving your country honorably. The standards are the same for everyone though. If you can't pass the standards you get rejected. none of this lowering the standards to pass women through bullshit.
However, I think it would also do the nation some good to force kids upon the completion of high school to attend a form of basic training. No military service required, just basic discipline and marksmanship training so if the country gets invaded you have people to fall back on. Plus it teaches kids to not be useless fucks.
Thats what even Paul Verhoeven said. Shame , innit? Pretty good system but everything is Fascism.
If we had a proper society like in Starship Troopers, I wouldn't have a problem with that setup. the issue is our society is nothing more than as a client state for a group of people who want us working as their slaves while also wishing for our genocide.
Joining the military in current year is absolutely retarded, and you're basically a traitor if you knowingly decide to fight wars for israel against the benefit of our own nation.
>Service men are not brighter than civilians. In many cases civilians are much more intelligent. That was the sliver of justification underlying the attempted coup d' etat just before the Treaty of New Delhi, the so-called 'Revolt of the Scientists': let the intelligent elite run things and you'll have utopia. It fell flat on its foolish face of course. Because the pursuit of science, despite its social benefits, is itself not a social virtue; its practitioners can be men so self-centered as to be lacking in social responsibility.
>To permit irresponsible authority is to sow disaster; to hold a man responsible for anything he does not control is to behave with blind idiocy. The unlimited democracies were unstable because their citizens were not responsible for the fashion in which they exerted their sovereign authority . . . other than through the tragic logic of history. The unique 'poll tax' that we must pay was unheard of. No attempt was made to determine whether a voter was socially responsible to the extent of his literally unlimited authority. If he voted the impossible, the disastrous possible happened instead—and responsibility was then forced on him willy-nilly and destroyed both him and his foundationless temple.
Robert Heinlein - Starship Troopers
Yes OP
>Compulsory military service would be better.
The US Armed Forces would say otherwise. They enjoy the perks of an all-volunteer force. There are two groups that join the military, a diverse above-average group, and the
There are obviously a lot more careers in the military than just ground-pounding a warzone.
Have you considered being tested for our Game Theory program?
I served in the Army with plenty of people who should absolutely not be allowed to vote.
>You must serve in the goy army and fight for Israel before you are allowed to elect your favorite Zionist
No. That’s retarded. A lot of high iq people are completely incompatible with military service. And truth be told, a lot of service men are only good at their jobs bc they’re better at following orders than thinking outside the box.
I don’t mean that as an insult to either side. We just need to be honest about people’s differing capabilities.
Best thing is to give every legal citizen in good standing a chance to vote so everyone gets representation.
>A lot of high iq people are completely incompatible with military service.
Ran the numbers on that for fun before. High IQ is disproportionately represented compared to expected projections. A lot of high IQ individuals tend to fit in with military autism and its fuck-fuck games. It just so happens most of them join the Air Force as they don't want your business unless you're high aptitude.
>And truth be told, a lot of service men are only good at their jobs bc they’re better at following orders than thinking outside the box.
If this were true we'd never get crazy military stories. It is true that soldiers must follow rank but most instructions are bad and *very* open to interpretation.
I was in the army too, but I live in cali and I'm surrounded by millions of retards who should absolutely not be allowed to vote
Yes. Also, y chromosomes.
We don't have to go fighting bugs, if you don't want to. Besides, the fucking mormons started it.
>no I don't want to fight for Israel
Pulling out of foreign territory and moving to pure defense will be the first step before implementing
>mandatory conscription
this will decrease quality of the military cuz it would fill the ranks with manlets. If people unfit for the military wish to serve we will have public service available for them
>military personnel are retarded
so are the masses but we let them vote
>anything not involving public service or trying to limit by intelligence
limiting by intelligence doesn't weed out those who wish harm for the country. by requiring service we are mitigating those meaning ill will and practically limiting suffrage to those who seek the betterment of the nation and of their countrymen over themselves or foreigners.
>starship troopers
obligatory IM DOING MY PART