British "culture"

Explain yourselves

Attached: 1556557600368.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Other urls found in this thread:

lol what did I just watch? it was like a collection of retardfaggots and they're all high on pcp

l o n d o n

That’s next week on Game if Thrones

So this is the new season of game of thrones

Lmfao Holy shit. Can I save this?

absolute degenerates

oh its this thread again

Oh look another highly original anti-Bong thread, extrapolating one video/ image and generalising 66 Million people with it.

The screen at the start even says "New Game"

this is how the lower IQ spend their time yes, but don't lump us all in with these mouth-breathers

Its all yours my friend.

the real question here:
would you fuck the first one?

Meanwhile over in America

Attached: this is what america used to be about.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

just a normal afternoon in the pub, why is this even a thread? you guys need to get out more

This is why we fought at Lexington an Concord.

Bunch of inbred cunts, what a joke of a cunt.

Is this at a fucking carnival?

her dancing perfectly matches my listening to judas priest, you've got another thing comin

>that random midget

Attached: 1a9.png (200x176, 70K)

It's Doncaster you mong

I lost it at the midget XD

sven can't handle the chad gorging

I showed this clip to my parents and they thought it was hilarious, it's the physical manifestation of the metaphysical bong psyche and we all know it.

that man is a professional


i still remember my first time in a country pub in England, may have been Wales...

i was 10 years old, ordered a pint at the bar and they gave me one.

Quintessentially British webm

This has to be one of the best webm I have ever seen here. Holy fucking kek.

british women always did remind me of twink men

brexit celebration party


Oh shiieeettttttt
Fucking kek this place as it all
The midget at the end tops it all

That thing dancing in the start of the clip looks like a tranny.

Land of Burgerland 2019

Attached: State of decay_US.webm (404x718, 1.06M)

>it's funny
>you think it's over
>then the next person appears
>it's more funny
>you think it's over
>then the next person appears

why does everyone in Britain look inbred? maisie williams lookin ass women and midgets

>VS the faggot pizza leaf

Attached: pizza faggot.webm (900x506, 2.91M)

It's better with sound.

Fuck off, you dentistphobe

Oy vey...

He looks like a bodyguard in the Russia mafia.

Why are they like this, guise? Inbreeding?

But please tell me how muttposting is just absolutely hilarious


It's not like that's literally what you guys do to us or anything

Too white to be London.

Britain has a very disadvantaged underclass. Unlike other countries who had revolutions, modern Britain is a continuation of the feudal societies of old.

i want a close up audio of that webm lmao

>everyone laughing at and hating britain
>sweden still massive cucks but conveniently forgotten
>not the eternal laughing stock of Jow Forums anymore

Thanks bongbros, you make life so much easier

Cast for new superhero movie?

haha seething

With sound the context is completely changed. Makes you want to take them home with you.

I would drag my cock 20 miles through broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie

Attached: 1421280975523.jpg (476x594, 59K)

its like watching senilty take your dad desu

This is pretty representative desu.

Why are you so intimidated by a rich society? There's more culture in a pot of yoghurt than there is the entirety of the United Sharts.

Attached: 1545567568823.jpg (1200x820, 167K)

I'm so glad my ancestors left that cuckshed of an island behind.

Your poofter shrub rocketeer ancestors couldn't handle the bants and scarpered like the incestuous rats that you are.
Be glad, you wouldn't last five seconds here. They'd fuckin' destroy ya.

Attached: 1554040153278.gif (480x360, 2.47M)

Girl at the start is cute. Totally would.


Attached: 1554827111420.jpg (768x1024, 163K)


Listen here burger boy, here in the UK the lads here will cut in front of you in the queue and they will take the last pie off of you and you'd stand back like a bitch.

Attached: 1538667584212.png (621x684, 477K)

Throughout history, anyone with half an ounce of sense fucks off from here as soon as a chance rears it's head.

>I'm still here...

The 'seaside' fsmily on holiday is the worst though. Shouting beery men in football shirts, crying kids with ketchup on their face and women causing a scene because someone has stood in dog shit on the beach.

same here, Brother

Attached: 1516456554078.jpg (1067x800, 549K)

>sweden is in such a horrible state that people cant even laugh at it anymore and just get sad when they think about it

Why are you so intimidated by lobster faced shirtless lads wreaking havoc across defenseless seaside resorts in Europe?

Attached: 1541632684610.jpg (916x580, 56K)

Looks like Glasgow.... Think trainspotting except worse these days...

That dumbfuck, those burgers are disgusting.

t. Born and raised in the city, thee city in southern california every cracker claims to be from but they're not. Not some neighboring township that happens to be in the county.

In and out fries taste like shit, and the burgers taste like some homemade bootleg crap your mom tried to cook but worse because the cheese is fake. It's oil based cheese.. "in-n-out" is NPC food: tourist edition

Had it again last week because some normie family member wanted to be amongst the cattle (my words) and do normie stuff. Because following the crowd is what you're supposed to do to fit in. I felt like an ass being around those phonies, gookers and whites

It gets worse

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-29-11-02-08-1.png (1440x573, 89K)

>Posts video of island niggers chimping out to show how hardcore they are
>Posts image of nigger niggers chimping out to show how savage they are

Well done, genius.

>country has a group of people that were filmed in an unflattering light
Well... that certainly must be unique to Britain... or something...


>tfw no umpa lumpa slag gf

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t. would get torn apart by a pack of footie lads the moment he opened his mouth and started ruining their holiday with his awful colonial drawl.

Attached: 1549321907538.jpg (629x568, 30K)

Oh, I suppose it seems like energy misdirected for such a worthless purpose. It all seems so utterly pointless.

You laugh at this but you will never be as free and gives absolutely no shit about life as this mad man. I wish one day I could reach his level.

I've got tears I lmao so hard from that video, there's a definite underlying truth to it, the midget was the icing on the glorious cake.

Looks just like any video of niggers fighting in a fast food place. You're literally an island nigger muh dicking right now.


Attached: pants.png (606x884, 785K)

that webm looks like some mild nightmare

Used to love England. Now I think it's cucked shithole.

Do Northern girls really look like OP?

Imagine if they did that for their country and not Norf FC

Attached: Hit the deck.jpg (640x639, 99K)

kek came here to post this
>Virgin Brunch VS Chad Feast


ITT deep conversation about politics and not at all banter.

Good job mods, you're on point and the best.

Not spam.

We need to archive this thread and read over it religiously to gain political insight.

This pub is in Doncaster the absolute centre of uk culture.

Attached: Bananor.jpg (1132x810, 99K)

This is what I imagine Game of Thrones is (never watched it before).

Attached: 1551936791291.gif (301x405, 2.52M)

Plus you’d all fuck her and you know it. Beauty is in donny it would take a bag of chips and you’re in.

that's unironically how I eat pizza

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Is this OC? Can I save this?

All yours.

I didn't expect to find something that hot here today.
1000000000000000000000/10 hnnnng

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