This video made me ashamed and cringe for being Dutch.
This video made me ashamed and cringe for being Dutch
opkankeren kut belg
I consider 'pride' as a form of racism towards other countries and races.
>his "country" is 8 feet wide
>there are 6 people in each of these little colored areas whatever the fuck they are supposed to be
How about we just stereotype all of you as insufferable psedo-intellectual Champaign socialist faggots and be done with it?
>globalist government lets in sand niggers
>openly cucks to the EU
>army gets sold off because "lol who needs an armny?"
>capital is famous for rampant degeneracy
>last good politician was killed by a commie
>large political parties openly hate white people
what's there to be proud about?
> little colored areas
Are the Provinces of the Netherlands
Imagine the NPC faggot that made this map; wtf are you doing with your life.
Well, we used to be broke commies in the northeast. Now everybody is fierce right wing. Make of that what you will
>still dominating global markets
>happiest children in the world
>only western country losing weight
>tallest people of the world
>great history
>changed the world of art
just a few things
those things feel more like statistical things and less like tangible things.
The sheer fact that Randstad exists makes me doubt the future of the country.
Just ignore it, it's easy to feel proud of The Netherlands when you forget about the Randstad.
Any advice on learning Dutch? Dutch Canadian here, I’ve tried Babble and Rosetta Stone but they suck dick. I’d like something that’s not a bunch of dumb games.
My grandparents died when I was real young and my dad could hardly speak the language, I feel like I’m missing a huge part of my heritage not being able to speak the language.
Don’t know where else to ask, google just gives me the same shitty language apps. I’m thinking I might just spend the summer in the Netherlands and try to learn it that way.
I vaguely remember my Grandpa saying 888 Ovens Baking used almost every syllable in the language but that was 25 years ago and I have almost no recollection of his few lessons.
Wat een sukkel, fucking clown die je bent.
Why not just be Canadian? Also, find a tutor if you care that much.
What’s a Canadian? Why would I want to be one?
Hard to get a tutor when you live in the wilderness.
We do not want you here, period. Only white South-Africans are welcome.
Not even going to watch that kanker.
>What’s a Canadian? Why would I want to be one?
Did you not pay attention in history class or something? Canada isn't some international work camp and neither is the US
Catholic Dutch, the best Dutch.
Fight me!
Why do you like motogp and motocross so much?
I mean, it's fantastic. But why?
Alas, the Nether Regions.
Aren't Dutch Canadians Dutch too faggot?
thanks, brah. but I can't watch such videos with niggers and other shitskins.
>falling for unpatriotic bait
Come on now
Fuck off kraut calvinist are best dutch always been until 1940
>This video made me ashamed and cringe for being Dutch.
No, candians are either french, british, pajeet or somalian.
went to amsterdam with a bunch of my friends, was surprised to see how much drugs there was. instead of cigarette buns there was half-smoked joints all over the ground. i didn't have a problem with that though, as we smoked every day.
what disturbed me was the red light districts and the absolute shitshow of obnoxious, often british tourists and rude coffeshop owners in the center.
Meme flag.
Most of the youths in the provinces grow up with motorcycles, dirt bikes and cars.
Ik ben lid van FvD
Why doesn't the Within Temptation band made a song in Dutch?
it should be awesome, why don't they do this? your language is cool
I know what Canada is, not sure what a Canadian is.
But my last name has 17 characters, that’s pretty Dutch. Also my dads name was supposed to be Geert but the nurses couldn’t understand my Oma so they named him Gerry. Now I’m Geert.
Could have just wrote "muslim cock sucking liberal faggots" over all of it and save all that time.
Fuck off leaf mutt. You are a foreigner and will always be one.
hey another dutch canadian. ontario or BC? Trying to get into dutch culture myself but for some reason there are a billion cultural centers around here, but none for Dutch people even though there are so many of us in Canada.
Everything the Dutch created has been taken and destroyed by the anglo-kikes. Somehow we stopt hating them after ww-2.
"Canadians" is a form of French diaspora just as an "Afrikaaner" is a form of Dutch diaspora. Canadians have very little to do with us, we're all just victims of British imperialism in one way or another.
I didn’t choose to be born here retard, I’d rather not live in this shithole. My Oma and Opa came over just after the war. Opa was the lead farmhand for the Archdioces/Archbishop in Ontario. Until he bought his own farm.
Ontario. No shortage of the culture in my family, we all have China and Clogs, we eat oliebollen every year, and play Crokinole all the time. I just want to speak the fucking language.
Who doesn't like Motogp?
Its one of the few sports with no niggers.
And watching Rossi is always great.
toothpastes to rule the world
I for one welcome our new wooden shoe'd overlords
You are just a leaf now and have no ties to us. Stop claiming we are in any way related.
Its annoying when 56% mutt Americans do it, and it is just as bad when any other mutt colonials do it.
>China and Clogs, we eat oliebollen every year, and play Crokinole all the time
That's just trinket-level surface culture. I want to go much deeper into Dutch architecture and city planning philosophy as well as a deep anthropological understanding of the most based form of Protestantism, Calvinism. And of course develop a deep racial hatred for the Spanish and British.
You can start with simple Dutch songs for children.
When you can understand that, you can listen to our best and most famous singer. She is our top singer and every song has become an instant hit for several weeks.
I'm not really into that whole modern rewrite of history to turn the good guys into bad guys and the barbarians into innocent victims. But you do you.
You'd be surprised how pure dutch blood stays through the CRC church. The high school I went to was 96% dutch, mostly purebloods. You should be applauding our ability to outjew the jew rather than disowning those of your own blood that were brave enough to leave their homeland to spread your genetics so that you don't have to.
Dutch is pure insanity, learn something useful if you want to come to Europe like Arabic or Turkish.
who invited the anglo internet defense force to our thread?
Fucking kek, gast!
It would be easier to start with Africaans.
Leaving is treason,why should we celebrate that?
Nothing about you is Dutch. Maybe your genes are but it is Blut UND Boden. You are just as foreign as a Brit or a German who also have 90% similar Germanic DNA.
imagine having such a shit life that you find yourself wanting to be dutch
Weren't you already?
Idiots like you think that Moroccans in Rotterdam are "Dutch"
Ik zoek moeras kikkers die geïnteresseerd zijn in lekker borgondisch activisme.
Heeft iemand hier interesse? reageer dan even, dan zet ik wat op
Hello there people from outside the netherlands. Let me share with you one of the many wonderful songs of my people, u like?
1. Memeflags must die, no exceptions
2. Videos like this can be found in the thousands about every country
3. Kys
wach icht landschefen der wrut kurt
Dutch and Belgians are the same
>eighty years war
>majority of rich people with influence from Belgium and Northern France flee to the Netherlands
>creating the golden age of Amsterdam
>Calvinistic Dutch could've never done that
>Amsterdam was made great by refugees
>b but we defeat the Spaniards.jpeg
>no the Belgians did
>stop claiming otherwise, you jews always take credit for what others did
>Spain never advanced past Breda
¡Viva España!