Are you really same person in real life as you are here? Would you really look at and treat a black or colored skin individual with less or no dignity?
Are you really same person in real life as you are here...
I don't treat them that badly here
Honestly? Not that different. I don't have any racist tendencies, but I am willing to acknowledge that each race's culture has issues. For example, terrible financial habits/fatherlessness/victimhood in african american culture, and then white people are as self segregating as anybody else, and often times unreasonably scared.
I have plenty of black friends. I also don't hang out with niggers. There is a difference between them. Same thing with white trash and white people, you know?
IRL I act like a human being.
On Jow Forums I act like an animal.
My opinions don't affect how I treat people, and im courteous to everyone if theyve not given me cause to be a dickhead, but I do stay on my guard.
Basically though, regardless of where people are or come from, or attitude that they have, I try to treat them politely and kindly, if that makes sense.
You can usually tell the bad eggs right off the bat anyway, it's not hard, although I spend most of my life as an observer, so that's likely a consequential strength.
I treat every nigger with a lot of respect and dignity
>a black
wow, racist much rabbi?
Irl I don’t let a nigger get within 100 yards. 500 if I can. So my preferred mode is I don’t treat with them at all.
I suppose I am different irl as opposed to here. I mean here I am free to call out the yids, ect. You can imagine the result if I or anyone tried that irl, but irl I am a lot more cautious around niggers and other filth than I was before.
dumb question.
Just because I am a racists doesn't mean I treat people poorly. That's uncivilized behavior - which is what I hate about blacks, by the way.
They don't have to know I hate them.
everything i post on here is satire and i only talk this way irl with close friends who understand that.
If there was a "safe place" for free speech and anything said in that location would stay there while no physical violence is allowed within the space I would speak the same way in there as I do here. That being said, yes I'm the same person here as in real life, but irl I choose my words more carefully when making a point.
>treat with them
Is English your first language there, buddy?
Despite forming an accurate generalization of what to expect from a demographic based on data, it is important to treat individuals as individuals because the generalization only illustrates what a member of the group has a propensity to be, not what the necessarily are.
The same way certain "tells" are observed and studied on the group level, the same should be studied on an individual basis.
>what are they wearing?
>are they making good eye contact? body language?
>the way they speak
>the initial respect or lack of respect granted
These individual tells will provide much more useful and accurate information about the person you're dealing with than general stereotypes. The stereotype is just a starting point, to be validated or refuted by the characteristics of the individual.
I am truly nefarious. I always tip white workers more than their counterparts of other races.
I treat everyone I meet in real life with dignity until they take advantage of it and expect me to continue doing so. That doesn't stop me from noticing patterns and having expectations of behavior from people as I profile them until they prove otherwise.
I'm worse irl because I can't be banned irl.
I act normal in real life, I don’t want to get in trouble or get kicked out from my uni.
Like incredibly worse.
Small beginnings
Pic related is me if the female was fat.
for the most part, yeah I am. Not even memeing
I'm brutally honest to a fault.
People know where I stand on many points, But my powerlevel is mostly hidden
I unironically do nazi salutes and say "nigger" in public.
In fact I was with my boss and called someone a fucking wetback.
I told him, "Now watch it, they might think your insensative"
We laughed all the way to the airport.