What is your ideal white trad wife like?

political stance?
working woman or housewife?
same ethnicity as you?
same age?

>personnally, my gif is the same age as me, blonde hair, studying right now, soon to be my wife and housewife once we have 3+ children in either her country or mine, and we plan to own a farm. seems far fetched but, it is a goal

what do you guys dream of in a white trad gf? have you found her yet?

Attached: updatedtradgf29.png (774x730, 293K)

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The idea wife is property.


fascist - notional socialist are iritating
I'm twenty - so yeah

Let's admit it the only reason white people choose to be nationalists is because they are horny cunts who know that they won't be able to compete for women if the sex market goes global..that's like the only reason they want close borders and the reason they give for that is "preserving muh race".

>the newly hired JIDF adgent doesnt know how to shill and bait

not exactly. wanting the same race to marry and being a socialist also means that we value our race most due to tradition and heritage. not everything is as shallow as sex, maybe it is to you

we are very similar!

that article is just... too right

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I'd just like a qt3.14 normie gf who isn't a whore and doesn't hate men. I distrust tradthots and girls who hang around places like 4chins.

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>in either her country or mine

What's her ethnic back ground, and did you score a virgin or some cum dump?

note : by irritating I mean that they act like the jews -and only them- are the cause for our problem I know some shills do that to descridate them but some are actually like that

Do you think most women can still be fuckable after 3 children, much less 7? Stormfags don't realize the best way to do this whole more white children thing is literally Mad Max: Fury Road style baby factories. The beauty of the few sacrificed for the benefit of all.