There's been a lot of threads about the poor genetic quality and trashiness of British people recently, which made me curious. As a British person myself, I know not everyone is like that, but there's clearly a significant section of the population who are (most Brit anons will be able to attest to this). The existence of such a shit-tier group of whites obviously poses a problem for the white nationalist claim of all whites being "superior" to non-white races.
So why do these people exist and why is Britain seemingly the only country with this issue? Are the low-quality Brits Celts? Is it inbreeding? Or is it just a cultural issue and, with the right conditions, they could become properly functioning whites?
This is malgenecs in action, we subsidise the poor and brown to breed, whilst the successful pay 40% tax, This has only accelerated since Tony Blair and the increase in immigration. Some people should quite frankly be sterilised.
Niggers are weapons of war just think of the state of France in 100 years
Carson Young
You lost a lot your good genes to America
Ryan Cook
Higher intelligence takes its toll. Just look at the Jews.
Hunter Jenkins
Bump. I'm also interested. The only other place I see such genetic garbage is the USA, but I think that's more lifestyle related.
Aiden Gray
We are definitely not the only country with this issue. That said, I can't say I know what the cause is - but I think hits close.
what are you talking about? fat uncouth people are an anglo saxon thing and that includes canada
Kevin Bennett
Hunter Phillips
i go to college and experienced both jakis and posh guys.
Almost everyone doing engineering was good stock but the poor had terrible parents. one guy had to get the bus because his dad drunkenly destroyed his car.
poverty really does create an underclass, one of the only genetic factors is inbreeding in poor areas. estates have no real family unit and you have no idea who is related because half the estate is pumping each other in a merry go round.
Thomas Brooks
Britain is a funny one, a rather stable yet chaotic genetic mess. There is still genetic value here but we are clearly being told to act and be aware or drown in the wave of brown.
David Thompson
Every country has it's trash, we just happen to have quite a high concentration of it in some areas.
Brody Thomas
This seems to be the most likely case.
Kevin Perez
Maybe not the only country, but it's definitely more widespread here.
Ayden Clark
We've literally given financial incentives for them to breed and stay on the dole, where as somewhere like the US, they either starve or shoot each other.
Jose Adams
we've always been a problem for the plutocrats, they used to throw you down the mine or in a factory to an early death, now they farm you for votes. Subversive leftist groups like the Fabian society want to turn you into mud people for guaranteed votes, the overlap between the Dems and Labours stratergies can't not be noticed.
As for a reason I can think of many, namely the need for increased (((security))) and (((borrowing))) maybe even a microchip if your lucky.
Ironically, and don't flame me for this UBI might actually, if implemented correctly could stop this. everyone gets 1k, no one gets any child or housing benefit. 12k a year is a massive pay cut for the doss pigs
Oliver Clark
The problem stems fro city planning and the rise of "the council scheme". Think about it, schemes have the lower social classes and as such a lower percentage of personal transport. What the city planners did in the 60's and 70's was just move villages closer to the industrial hubs. Less than 100 years ago it was common to find the individuals within a village had only ever travelled 4 villages distant in total their entire lives. Council schemes are exactly the same, ok these days you'll find that individuals can travel, but only for 2 weeks per year, to other destinations. The majority of scheme dwellers will as a habit only go 2 or 3 and occaisionally 4 shemes away, usually coz no cunts got any green in scheme 1. This is out of fear or retribution for what someone in your scheme did to someone in another scheme while they were still in fuckin primary school. So the end result is like 100 years ago, you meet a girl from your scheme/village, fall in love, get married, drop sprogs. As each generation follows this circle the genepool gets shallower and shallower almost to the point of incest, which is rising within council schemes and has been for 20 or 30 years.
TL:DR? tribalism within councils schemes mate.
Christopher King
>Genuinely interested to hear an explanation. class ghettoisation, been the case since feudalism why do you.think theres so many wildly different accents across such a small island, sometimes 20 miles apart? what eventually became the urban working class were raised in pens by the landowners, the transfer to workhouse slums and council estates was seamless, half these cunts were bread for little more than digging holes in the ground and unironically view children as an economic resource
Josiah Ramirez
You exported all you good genes to the colonies, that's why they thrash you in rugby and cricket.
Caleb Price
The inbreeding was compounded heavily by the social class system in England. It's not only just being on a tiny island. You are double inbred.
Cameron Evans
The natives of the United Kingdom have also included multiple world's strongest men, Olympic gold medal winners and numerous other sportsmen and record setters. A lot of these have come from very poor communities.
>So why do these people exist and why is Britain seemingly the only country with this issue? Are the low-quality Brits Celts? Is it inbreeding? Or is it just a cultural issue and, with the right conditions, they could become properly functioning whites? On the Continent they were either destroyed by plague or by various invading armies. No foreign state has invaded the UK since it was formed. There's been no large scale loss of civilian life. All the German equivalents perished.
The other main difference is that in those countries those people are hidden away as an embarrassment, but in the UK we like to look at them and poke them a bit so they're out and about.
Jack Adams
this also played a roll. there was zero social mobility for all of history, the redcoats and colonies provided an escape route for the smartest and hardest.
Ryder Price
You've never been to our underclass if you think these motherfuckers are starving. Half of black people are clinically or morbidly obese and the spics aren't too far behind. The poorer, the fatter. Haven't you ever heard of a niggerpotamus?
Just on food stamps we spend over 70 billion dollars a year and the groids and beaners all buy soda and junk food with it when they are not trading it for drugs and sex.
I'm sure it's the Saxons. Fuckers still can't speak proper.
Elijah Ross
England has been in a lot of wars. The chads got killed and the trash men survived to procreate.
Xavier Davis
You reckon? I've seen trash people in all countries I've visited. Our welfare definitely contributes to it though, I'll agree.
has good points.
peeps on the dole get more than 12k a year? damn. you've left your meme flag on btw
also is UBI gonna include those who work, or nah
>roll role*
Hudson Hernandez
The trash actually used to do the fighting, that's why we were so successful. During the 100 year war there was the law of pillage, so anything you could take was yours, excluding gold or land which went to the king. Norf and Sawth English long bowmen loved this
Christopher Flores
Every country has ugly people and an underclass. Stop believing shit you read on the internet lmao.
Dominic Mitchell
We took all your quality women back in the viking era, so the sons of the remaining women became low quality, like them. That's the explanation.
Nathaniel Green
Not a shill, was hiding it from (((yous))) last night. I don't actually want UBI because. it can only be inflationary but it'd hurt dossers no end.
Forget about lower rents for dossers you would easily pay more than 12k rent for the same. Plus Child benifits Tax credits etc
Aaron Flores
Most people in England have a large amount of Danish blood in them from the successive immigration waves, so that's horseshit.
Jackson Campbell
Was it the Duke of Wellington who said the British army was made up of the "scum of the earth" (or something along those lines)? Read it somewhere.
Easton Rodriguez
Apparently not enough. We still took the quality women with us, and that's enough to bring about imbalance.
That's why Danes are based and beautiful, while the English are cucked and ugly.
Kayden Wood
That must be why Denmark gradually waned in influence to become an insignificant little dot on the map, while Britain created the greatest Empire the world has ever seen.
Nolan Hall
I'd be all up for that if I hadn't seen the Danish Army sit around and play X-Box, convinced they would never do any fighting, whilst the predominately Anglo Saxon American and British Infantry fought from Afghan village to village with bayonets.
Henry Anderson
oh I know, I think unconditional UBI would ruin any country tbqh. I can't see a way that everything wouldn't just become more expensive. supply/demand. *everybody* has an extra 12k, so hey, we can up our prices a little can't we?
what can we do about the dole menace? has any party actually taken any steps whatsoever to reducing the ridiculous state of welfare in this country? I pay more in taxes than several people I know earn a year, it really fucks me off to see people fucking around at home
Easton Ross
>malgenics The word you're looking for is dysgenics and it started way before Tony Blair - it started when single-motherhood stopped being shameful which can be traced back to the 1960s.
Denmark only broke up into other countries because we saw the other countries in the North as our friends, and they wanted independence. We're still friends.. Unlike you and your former colonies, who are fucking you over big time and shaming you hard.
England is fucked. Islam is taking over.
>inb4 a paki rapes your daughter and sells her as kabob
Evan Torres
nope, Canadian people are by and large trim and healthy. We only see a lot of fats during 4th of July weekend when all the Americans come here.
Aussies are arguably even healthier than Canadians. Something really is wrong with the American diet or way of life that makes you guys so fucking fat.
Lies. Danish soldiers are way more hardcore than Britcuck "soldiers".
Brayden Allen
I prefer Mal, because they make me feel sick
Brayden Morgan
Pretty simple, the benefits system allowed people that should never have been born to not only be born, but to go on and have children with other people who shouldn't have been born. The bottom of the barrel who wouldn't have been able to survive without free government money. There's literally an entire part of the population who haven't ever worked and don't intend to. If the money was cut and this part of the population was forced to pay for themselves then they'd soon stop shitting out kids and the problem would fix itself.
Ian Bell
We look fairly similar here in Scandinavia though. And no, never heard that expression - not even when translated into Danish.
Danish women are generally extremely pretty, same goes for other Scandi women. English women are hideous and they make me nauseaus. Sometimes they even bring terror to my soul, just by looking at them. Cheese pops teeth galore.
Cameron Clark
They were very hardcore at not doing anything at all. They were even more hardcore at dispatching "liaison" teams out to villages, where they invariably got into trouble and were always bailed out by any local professional force. This often included the ANA.
Angel Miller
Based Hans
Ryan Jenkins
Facts hurt, don't they? News flash btw, you're in the EU and in just as much shit as the rest of us.
Lincoln Bell
What's really weird is my area is full of thin educated people but when I go to the town centre, suddenly everyone is foreign, fat, disabled or all three.
We are becoming very segregated like the US into lower and upper castes.
Nicholas Williams
Yup, your preaching to the choir. As I said in a previous post some people need to be sterilised.
Justin Diaz
There are a multitude of factors at work here: Drinking, Smoking, Shite Weather (which also means less exercise), Shite Diet. In addition to a very strong class based system which most likely means people of similar status breed with each other. This also means certain sections of society are stuck in a certain mindset and in poverty. I also feel other countries have these people but maybe they are not as visible in the media
We have always been a society rigorously divided and separated by class. It's why nobody will ever fix anything in this country; the noble class is more than happy to shit on the lower classes for a bit more cash.
Nolan Cook
All lies. Danish soldiers were some of the most hardcore. The death count of Danish soldiers also proves that.. But of course you'll say it's because they sucked at fighting.. But I thought you just said that they cucked out? How do you die in battle if you cuck out?
Denmark had the highest number of fatalities per capita.
Try again.
Kevin Perez
No we're not as fucked as the UK, trust me. No one is as fucked as you are. And you're STILL in the EU. Not going to leave, like the cucks you are.
Nathan Garcia
from the thumbnail i thought that was downtown baghdad
Michael Jenkins
english people are delusional and think they're pure germanic
Benjamin Cooper
Oh you're just as fucked as us, believe me. You've got a land border with Germany, which just took in 3 million of the most violent and uneducated arabs and pakis imaginable. Enjoy.
Luis Brooks
I've live just about anywhere
everyone looks the same, in america you see a lot of attractive people but you also see a lot of weirdos fatasses and just complete genetic run offs because its a big countrie
England has pockets of monged up people who only come out to drink on the weekend and usually stay in their coves
in germany I think they are just embarrassed to leave the house so the pick up weird hobbies, even normal germans have a b.o problem which I don't get
Be nice guys, we all have theme enemies and problems
Josiah Allen
We got strict border control, and the right wing is growing stronger and stronger. Even the Social Democrats here are UKIP tier. Try again.
Robert Campbell
it's alwys been historically known the British will bend over and spread em for anybody
Owen Rogers
Well there has always been a large number of scum class British. That hasn't been a problem. Due to good leadership. The truth is the class of intellectuals exiting our university's, is basically shit tier. The prospective leaders and present leadership of our society. Would find running a primary school difficult no matter a country.
Luke Sanchez
It's not a matter of genetics but lower-class Americanised culture.
Have you seen the children of these subhumans? I'm no nonce, but the children look normal and decent.
The issue is these animals consume an Americanised diet, and accept American culture of bad style.
Ayden Cruz
and the lower classes will sit on their ass doing nothing but blaming the 'noble class', even though in reality the stupid fucking Labour politicians they keep voting do jack shit for the white working class in this country (of course neither do the "Conservatives" or any other party)
It's unironically much to do with diet and birth conditions than race when it comes to this kind of retardation. Just as with Jews emigrating into America and their ancestors ending up with an iq boost, these people would improve if they where unable to rely on welfare to pay for their offspring and reer them badly.
You all look at Maisey Williams as the perfect example of the underman Anglo, it's more likely that she has some form of fetal alcohol syndrome/her mother didn't have a decent diet when carrying her and her diet growing up - regardless of genetics. This is why I'm not a race fatalist when it comes to iq. Yes this applies to black, British will observe that many of our blacks are not on the level of fucked up as American blacks, and when it's the ones in London where they can section themselves off from the rest of society thanks to being in such large numbers.
Blacks and the British underclass would both improve if their diet and self destructive culture where corrected.
Anthony Hernandez
UK really is an idiocracy-style society, with the violent and thick producing even more violent and thicker people by the droves, with the educated not wanting to have kids or fucking off to another country
Julian Anderson
There are no borders in Europe in the Schengen area, lmao. Once those illegals get their German citizenship in a few years there's not a single thing you can do to stop them from making Copenhagen their home. Even the UK isn't in the Schengen area. Nigger you fucked.
Joshua Nelson
Deep south fag here, virtually everyone I know who is without a doubt white is of predominantly English/Scottish stock. Being around niggers and the few defectives known as coalburners you develop an eye for quality genetics. We have our untermensch to be sure, the redneck shit didn't come from no where BUT by and large we have modern medicine (mainly pills) keeping a whole lot of trash genetics hobbling along when nature clearly would have dispatched them otherwise. Not to worry there's still enough of us to keep things going as well as correct the many wrongs of our govs as well as the societal rot.
Elijah Barnes
noice try but we all know there are particular Canadian breeds of fat inbred rednecks. so don't even go there
double goes for Australians.
Camden Nelson
High fructose corn syrup in soda and fast food everywhere.
Don't worry the rest of the world is rapidly catching up as the modern benefits of globalism means everyone will soon have a corn syrup soda and a McDonald's on every corner.
Nathan Anderson
What's your point then? Whoever they vote for they get fucked in the ass.
Joshua White
Your would have to be English Welsh or Scottish to understand, plastic British never will
Mason Allen
Whilst it seems plausible. It's not true. It's not a matter of genetics. Furthermore, there are plenty of middle class idiots who vote Labour because 'the Tories are racist' (according to them).
Jackson Martinez
The schengen agreement has been temporarily suspended in many countries since 2015, you goof. Just goes to show how little you know about anything.
You're just a butthurt Britcuck. We don't have gigantic paki grooming gangs, we don't have sharia courts.. In fact we don't have one tenth of the problems the UK got.
An unnamed military officer from the UK lamented when he was making his way through ATL"s main airport. "Christ Almighty, theres more beautiful women inside this airport than in the entirety of our effing island!"
Zachary Davis
You sound like a yid or someone brainwashed by yids. >lol wit ppl b lik lol It isn't to do with "superiority" or wanting the current state of Englishmen to be the permanent status quo. If you had lurked here for more than 2 weeks, instead of being a journo scumbag, you would know that Hitler didn't care about other races, he only cared about his own. He wanted Germany to be the best it could be, as any good father would want for his children. Ask this question, would England be in a better state if all the foreigners left, and if the country was allowed to have pride in itself? What did you do for Saint George's day, do you know which day it is? Look at photos or videos of st. George's day from the 1980s and before. You've never lived in a real version of England, just this depressed, depraved version constructed by the ones who have been flooding the place with immigrants for 70 years, and crushing the spirit of the people for decades. Look at old photos if you want a baseline. Watch documentaries from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s of normal people outside of London. It was a green and pleasant land even in the 80s.
Ryan Barnes
The British media actively pushes the idea that scummy underclass are representative of the nation at large. Look at how shit like the X Factor is now presented not only as legit and acceptable entertainment, but some great event that "brings the whole country together"- I always heard from TV when I was younger that such dreck was garbage for low IQ creatures, a problem to be addressed. Not anymore, apparently. I don't know what exactly they gain from this. I will say this, over-optimistic as it may sound: they aren't as overwhelming as they seem. I live in Belfast right now, probably one of the worst places for the various underclasses, but I've encountered plenty of people who aren't like these scum. They just mostly stick to home, or shop at the same shitholes as the scum because there's little else left, thanks globalism.
Lucas Harris
>The existence of such a shit-tier group of whites obviously poses a problem for the white nationalist claim of all whites being "superior" to non-white races. white nationalism literally has nothing to do with white supremacy you fucking kike retard
Oliver Taylor
The ENGLISH word is rubbish.
Alexander Diaz
>The schengen agreement has been temporarily suspended in many countries since 2015 That makes absolutely no difference to what I just said. Damage controlling for the EU is fucking pathetic you Danish incel.
Isaac Morales
>Why is Britain seemingly the only country with this issue It isnt. We finns are also going to need to do a lot of purging againts the people with way too much subhuman mongol traits. Almost all the finns who dont live in southernmost regions are of terrible guality and are absolutely disgusting.
Hi retard, inbreeding occurs when a population is below about 200 and has no fresh blood. There are 60 million people in England, and first cousin marriage only happens with pakis and other shitskins. How many people in canada? You sound inbred.
Jackson Long
Majority scots and irish celtic races, built America made it great, intonian lesbians said blacks and spics shoukd come in, then you need a half Scottish president to build a wall
Asher Perez
Adam Ramirez
>Jow Forumscels talking about gene quality
I can only imagine the state of you lot while you sit there judging other people.
lol, a Canadian has to fuck the first warm blooded thing they encounter, dog or otherwise.
Henry Allen
>of purging againts the people with not enough mongol traits*
Fuck, typo.
Levi Ward
Indeed. Look at television from the 80s. Newsreaders spoke with RP, as did almost everyone working on television. Eastenders was the beginning of the degeneration and the celebration of the profane.
Colton Kelly
The Irish didn't start emigrating en masse until the late 19th century, which also happens to be when leftist political ideals started to spread across America, since the Irish have been proven to historically overwhelmingly vote for leftists.
Connor Campbell
It makes a big difference, you moron. We only get 2-3k immigrants per year now. How many do you take in? 500k? - Yes, the UK is bigger in terms of pop, but only 10 times.
Jose Cook
most often its a chink nowadays
Parker Johnson
There has been a replacement of London/inner city dialect in the last 20 years, it's sad. I saw a car advert with some negro telling me to 'aim higher and go further': >Ayaim hayia, goww FFFuuuvvva Fuck the lot of them. Enunciate you cunts.
Mason Morris
No you dribbling baboon, it makes zero difference. If someone has German citizenship then you can't stop them from living and working in Denmark. That's the whole premise of the EU. You don't control your immigration anymore. Theoretically the whole of Europe could up sticks and move to Denmark tomorrow legally.
Charles James
Usually I find it's a french canadian. They hate the English even more than the french.
Alexander Miller
There is white trash everywhere and natural selection no longer exists to cull the extra retarded ones. Also, your ruling class is mostly german invaders, lmao.
Eli Sanders
Miss Williams still has a high degree of ability in dancing and acting, and has started her own company despite being young. Shows that even through foetal alcohol syndrome, an English girl can do well. She wasn't from a well off family either, which is why she couldn't afford to go to a proper acting school, despite passing the entrance exam.
Lucas Rivera
they hate the French too, and believe themselves to speak true French.