I'm tired of seeing pictures of dead bodies

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stop fapping to gore bruh shit aint healthy

Actually thought that was some Cali compliant monstrosity from the thumbnail

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It's simple. You can't stop them from getting access to a weapon, and no one else has a viable plan to stop people from getting them or taking away the existing ones.

obligatory: You're a kike

That’s definitely more deadly

I have a viable plan. Screw your "first amendment rights". Confiscate them all.

give me ONE reason why a government official needs a gun like that

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I need one of those.

Attached: DewGunLarge.jpg (520x436, 46K)

>I'm tired of seeing pictures of dead bodies
Stop googling pictures of dead bodies

Well hurry up and get on with it.

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A scope on a musket is like a nigger in the workplace....useless.

I have a viable plan, destroy your capacity to live with efps and anti personnel mines.

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im not, you are tho

Looks like an RPG

Because the only guarantor of your rights is the ability of the citizenry to oppose tyranny with force.
Tyranny like this, for instance.

Nor a modern muzzleloader.
That suppressed muzzleloader 50 has a two in group at 160 yards.

>ONE reason why
This is like saying I need to give you a reason why anyone in the country has fingers.

It isn't 1820 anymore, anyone in the country can buy cocaine on a fucking streetcorner, spics with lathes are literally making antitank rifles down in Mexico for the cartels to use to shoot down helicopters, do you think you're going to stop a bunch of high-IQ high-agency white people from doing the same thing? How? Make aluminum illegal? Make fabrication shops illegal? I know a guy who cranks out ten lower receivers a week and just hands them out to people he knows.

The main reason why a civilian would own that is so they could find a nice qt3.14 and take some epic upskirt shots from over a mile away.

But they never show the bodies in mass shootings cuz they are all hoaxes

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lol isn't that a camera and microphone? The strap even says "Nikon"


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My boss is buying me an ar for my 10th anniversary, suck it op.

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A civilian does not need access to an iPhone or a lamborgini but they buy them anyway


Fuck you OP

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That´s a bunch of cameras and tripods put together on a bed

>This thread for the 6,000,000th goddamn time

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Holy moly

To herd communists onto the helipad.

What you gonna do for "dia del trabajador" fellow Chilebro?

Is that a .50 Beowulf?

Sleep like a snorlax

Fuck you. If every citizen was armed with one of those and used it to shoot journalists and politicians on sight, there would be a lot less fake news and narratives floating around.

fuck, makes my hands and shoulder hurt just by looking at it

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I wish I could have machine guns

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You're right, Lets ban cameras, after all they are used in the filming of Child Porn.
Lets go after the tools.

Thots need cameras to give their lives meaning. Because women are 100% useless beyond their looks.

I just called the Police to check if you have a licence for that WMD you posted.

Disarm Israel

>Hurrr durrr give me one reason
They don't have to give you any reason fucking basedboy if you want to forbid that to citizens go get them at their own house of you have the balls to.

That thing doesn't just have a bi-pod (that's bad enough already), it has a fucking TRI-POD. That's like 30% scarier!
Oh shit... it doesn't have a flash suppressor, it's equipped with an all out automatic flash meter!

Edit : basedboy
Fucking phone who correct everything...

When Ahmed scoops the eyes out of a child’s head, for peace, you will be free from the dangers of lethal spooning.

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M;asturbate to trapo porn.

Ummmm.... To catch up skirt shots from across the park?

Nice rig.

>Magpul furniture

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all fields

Attached: beaners2.webm (216x400, 2.46M)

See. This is exactly why they should be banned. Without them those people couldn't do this.

you can kill up to ten elephants just with one mag loaded


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indiscrete downblouse shots

hi res xray quality shots

cunny through the yoga pants

>Ban Assault Cameras NAO

Blacks create more dead bodies per capita than any other group

Nobody cares about what you’re tired of seeing pussy. Your irrational fears mean nothing to the rest of the world. Bitch.

I blame the niggers that make them and illegally sell them to the beaners, aka Wide receiver, fast and furious and god knows how many other ops are being run by the despicable niggers up north.

You pussies are real brave when you know you won’t be the one risking your life trying to confiscate them.

I need it for recreational shooting in my 10 acres of land.
Next question?

checked and saved. and fake?

Ban camera lenses

I can’t believe I missed this. I’m dumb. I’ll go now

CSI:Women in Charge

>Literally ONE (1!) reason, Drumpfies, I'll wait :^)

To stop mass shooters.

im gonna eat your soul and then im gonna rape your holes first your gonna die and your mom is gonna cry right after i eat her face

why not

To take quality pictures of dead bodies.

As if anyone's afraid of the women and faggots who buy these things to show off on social media. You're the real pussy.

Oy mate you got a loicens for that dangerous assault utensil?

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r8 my carry!

Titanium Ultralight 14g

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I'm not. I developed a taste for dead muzzies after being stationed for four years in Afghanistan.

Better get that shit banned!

Gr8 b8 m8

Because the government has the same, and more. Let's say they decided all blacks should be killed tomorrow. Some blacks own these. Most don't. Which group do you think will last the longest? And what if the members of those group band together? Remember, 6.5 million unarmed people died, mostly because the government had automatic weapons in a time and place where it's citizens didn't.

Are you even trying?

We live in a time where one tweet could send hundreds of thousands of primates into the streets and cause them to burn down their own city.

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>first amendment

I have a idea. You take a bullet in your brain.

>being stationed for four years in Afghanistan
6 years myself. Also you krauts were in the easy zone. Did you even have to fire you weapon?

Where's the underbarrel chainsaw attachment

Things really don't get any better newfag

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God damn that’s attractive

> Spoon
It's actually spork.
Or spospork, because fork part irls really small. Yeah, spospospork.

I'm tired of hearing your opinion.


No long lens in that setup?
Horribly under powered, that is amateur assault imaging tier. But please lets not have a gear /p/hag thread in here.

That's a big boolit. What caliber is this?

How about the members of your military who go to combat and kill shit?
I'll gladly help the people you'd "screw" the rights of.
And I'll show you what you're asking for.

I'd guess something like 99% of leftists wouldn't realize that's 7.62x39 and still in its casing.

Yeah that's the point. Thanks for explanation anyway.

So you can take high resolution pictures of bald eagles and shit. Thats a pretty nice camera and i think the photography industry would hurt if they couldnt use them any more

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Ooooh so scary. What are you going to do? Go die for Israel? That'll teach me.

I dunno, my girl makes almost as much money as I do... really pads out the bank account with more gun money : D

Democrats are a reason

Who makes that piece of artistic joy. I want one, and wonder if they make one in .375 H&H. I have both .458, and .375 Wetherbys but would love something like that to go with them.

ITT: people who need glasses

To shoot the people who want to take it seems like the best reason.