Christianity is the root of the evil that has corrupted the west

> Pacifism
> Universalism
> "Salvation is from the Jews"
> Annihilated the Empire partisans
> Emphasized Priestly Roles (Effeminated by design... Now they can't control their own libido ...raping boys)
> Through Scholastics and Jesuitism unlocked wars against Temporal Power which lead to Protestantism and Secularization
> Now they worship Israel
> Pope is now financing foreigners to rape our women

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Other urls found in this thread:

So says the JEW

What book is this from?

Why are the only posts about Christianity on this board kikes who hate it and mutt christcucks who say the same talking points as jews but call themselves Christian?

How'd ya like them apples now?

White Atheists are 80 percent democrat, even more liberal and Hispanics and Jews, while white Christians who attend church are about 80 percent republican.

Why can't you people do math? You complain about minorities voting dem, but last I looked, lily-white Vermont is the most liberal state


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Cringe and Bluepilled.

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m'faggot: the thread

> anglos
> muh democracy

>White Atheists

Evola is not preaching atheism tho, he is talking about the old ways and the way law was entrenched in more that secular beliefs and how the rulers had a divine element to them.
He does find some redeeming qualities to Christianity, not many tho as most were born out of the european spirit and not the religion itself


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>Christianity is the root of the evil that has corrupted the west
health is the cancer that made us sick

sure buddy. Just say the absurdest things with confidence. Make sure you juggle like a clown while doing it.

If Evola said those words, he was dead wrong on christianity. Since he was a quasi traditionalist I am very surprised he would say such things. He ought to know full well that no religion not islam, hinduism, judaism, christianity or buddhism, can be accused of spreading the corruption we see today at least not intentionally or explicitly. All religions were typically a stabilizing conservative force in society.

Furthermore whatever christianity did to Rome, and it certainly contributed majorly to its downfall, Rome lived on in the catholic church. Not a single other institution in the world can say that. I should expect that Evola respects this fact.

Evola is typically ok but I don't agree with him there

Again, where is the citation from this quote? There are a lot of fake Evola quotes circulating, which book is this from?

This retarded kike-worshiper thinks being a republican, a cuckservashit that worships Israel, is based and redpilled. Israel is our greatest ally, goy!

The Torah and The Bible are exactly the same.
They call non Israelites/Christians goyim.
They treat them like the Talmud do, that being of cattle and dismissing their means of life as heathenism etc.
When it’s these “goyim” nations prosper way more then Israel or the Christians nations. They use nations to gather resources and manipulate them through the moral law, I respect the moral la

Evola is right, Rome didn’t need Christianity to be powerful and just, in fact the downfall of Rome and the rise of Christianity is no coincidence.

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>The Torah and The Bible are exactly the same.
Why then does one have only have five books?

>If Evola said those words, he was dead wrong on christianity. Since he was a quasi traditionalist I am very surprised he would say such things.
The quote is from Pagan Imperialism, which is one of the first he published. If you read Revolt Against the Modern World and other works of his you can see he doesn't follow this mindset for long. His primary gripe against Christianity is that it was imported into the west at the time Rome was collapsing, but there is an argument to be made that this was to keep the thing from collapsing. He has stated the Church served an important role in the West. His book Mysteries of The Grail is probably the best to reference on this.

He remained attached to his Catholic roots until his death. Although I think his gripe against christianity as a whole in Pagan imperialism can be placed on Protestantism and it's corruption of what the scripture says. This corruption is used to cherry pick parts of the gospel to justify the importation of migrants and other society killing things.

One thing you have to remember about Evola, he held many views that reshaped overtime.

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Go and read the Torah and the bible, they’re virtually the same.

Thanks, everything has to be taken into context.

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I understand that but the Torah is still Jewish, in fact the original Jews as the Israelites like to put it.

Leftism and SJWism came straight out of Christianity. Same shitty slave morality.

Without christianity there's no "west", you fuckin MORON.
Without christianity there's no Brazil,
There's no Iberia and Italy explorer age,
There's no University,
There's no Europe,
There's no Italian Renaissance and spreading of Art,
There's no Italian Barroque and spreading of culture,

Too bad Evola changes his mind. He comes to the belief that the anti thesis to Christianity would be far worse, and that the martyrdom of Christ should be molded instead of over thrown.

The pacifism is from the liberal culture that started in France, Catolich's destroyed muslims while protestants are "duin noffin".

The Torah explains the downfall of the Jew and their transition to being the most hated people on earth. Read it.

>Jeremiah 26:4-6King James Version (KJV)

4 And thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord; If ye will not hearken to me, to walk in my law, which I have set before you,

5 To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;

>6 Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.

My race is my religion.

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Without or with christianity, Roman Empire are falling since before Rome isn't christian.

Wrong, it is not pacifist, it is just not militarily expansionist, which makes it LOOK pacifist by comparison. It is not a Christan's duty to tolerate evil.

Debatable, it has certainly become that way but hasn't always been by example.

>Salvation is from the Jews
>Synagogue of Satan

>Annihilated Empire Partisans
The Christian takeover of Rome was backed by the higher authorities of government, hard to say that it was an inherently Christian effort when it was used in such a way.

>Emphasized priestly roles
The Church itself and the existence of Priests is not found in the works or words of Jesus.

>Worshipping Israel
Yeah I'll give you that one, I fucking hate modern protties. And most Catholics.

Is a pretender

Yet European symbols are everywhere in these Christian institutions which is strictly forbidden in the Torah and bible.
Yet institutions like the catholic church which is forbidden in the Torah and bible.
Most churches are based on pagan worship sites, wouldn’t that be against the teachings of Christ?

Yeah, no shit. Here is the real red pill, though: the west is as you know it is doomed. Currently in zombie mode.

Being a republican is basically as bad as being a democrat. Both want immigration, globohomo, Isreali power. Republicans just suck more corporate rather than nigger cock.

Christians are not white.

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I have read it mate.
When they call themselves the “real”
Jews and children of Israel and look upon goyim as lost by simply not following their religion and rejecting it the Jewish comes out.
Their economic stand is retarded too.
(((Loans))) get paid off after 7 years? Why even put them out? Why not based an economy based on labour?

>200 page book is the same as a 1,200 page book.
Do you happen to think God's name is Allah? And camel piss is a good drink?

Christianity was never monotheist. Israelites were pagan and had altars to Asherah. They believed in other gods but only worshipped Jesus.

I don't believe you, you would know of what I speak if you did. Of course atheism has no moral qualms against lying so that is to be expected...

How are Christians going to reconcile with themselves when they have to live with blacks/non-whites Christians? Especially when they dismiss whites who reject a foreign religion?
And how are white Christians going to get rid of the non-white Christians?
>thou shall not murder
Is their first commandment, are they gonna break that?

Christians have told me
>they’ll go back to the homelands
Yeah, I doubt that. Many think the white countries they prey in, communion in etc are their homelands.

I’m not even pagan but at least paganism tells all foreign people you are not welcome here because you are not apart of the land.

>Christianity was never monotheist.
They believe in one god don’t they? Jesus being the embodiment of him.
>Israelites were pagan and had altars to Asherah. They believed in other gods but only worshipped Jesus.
They said in their religious texts not to do that and not to worship idols, and for the most part they don’t. The only Jews who reject Christ is the Talmud ones.

pope is a fucking libtard dicksucker ? your point being ? political opinion is built on experience not whether someone is christian or atheist. i guess you are gonna talk about some conspiracy theories conscerning vatican and pope like majority people here. shitposting about imaginary moronic theories without any direct proof.

Veneration isn’t worship, you retarded mudfuck. You can believe in multiple gods while only worshipping one.

>you retarded mudfuck.
>You can believe in multiple gods while only worshipping one.
That’s not how it works. Can you believe in Thor whilst worshipping the Hebrew God? Because The Hebrew god forbids you to do that you see.

>Pagan Imperialism
>he held many views that reshaped overtime.
Evola later stated he regretted writing it. Guenon had a big influence on Evola so it is important to read him as well, bringing his work in line with Tradition. Evola eventually had to call Christianity the Tradition of the West. And so it is.

The British and the Americans did a pretty good job up until the 1960s, you know, when Atheism started to grow

It’s because they subverted their own “Christian” values to let them in and allowed their stay. Governments were only too happy to capitalise on it.

> Evola eventually had to call Christianity the Tradition of the West. And so it is.

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Also, you didn’t answer the question of how you get rid of non-white Christians, knowing you can’t kill them.

>Without christianity there's no Brazil

Sounds good desuuu

brazil need to be destroyed

Pacifism is a good thing.

Wars are a bad thing. You are pampered and fat watching hentai. You don't have a single warlike bone in your body.

You don't murder people at all. You especially don't hypocritically say you support murder for political ends, but then denied that the Nazis murdered people for political ends.

A good job massacring the Indians and Mexicans?

Yep, the Crusaders inspired the Colonialists who inspired the KKK. That is the evolution of true Christianity, the one God smiled upon and blessed with an excessive outpouring of land and wealth.

>The only thing that is important is which Jew controlled party you choose
Fuck off and die you retarded faggot.

You too, faggot.

>the West
that's the name of a cardinal direction, not of a people nor of a civilization
"white" is a color, not a race nor a people
even names of our people we have lost/have been taken from us

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>cherry picking this fucking hard

>Pacifism is a good thing.
Is it? Or is it how others walk all over you, even the basics of Christian teachings acknowledge this in some way. The only way that pacifism could work is if everyone was one, this is an idealistic delusion.

>Wars are a bad thing.
Not necessarily. Human history is a series of wars that nobody expected to happen and a trial of bodies. As an American you directly benefited from war, from the Revolution to WWII.

>You are pampered and fat watching hentai. You don't have a single warlike bone in your body.
>I'm a fat piece of shit so everyone else is.
Try again.

The West has attacked native people in their lands for far too long. War in Algeria in the 1960s, Vietnam in the 1950s, the genocide of the American Indians and the Enslavement of the American Indians. What you describe as White Genocide is a good thing.

The thing is I do support murder if it means keeping a nation pure.
This is beyond ideology, this is primal.
I’m questioning Christians about this. Yet I never get an answer just a bullshit remark. Or they wait for the messiah, you know like Jews do.

You are not white nor Christian.

You are sons of Odin and and you're true God is that of Thor's.

accept the lord or go back to the oven schlomo


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Christianty is great.
It defends Europe from invaders.

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How does paganism adress the Jewish question. It appears to ignore it.

For those paying attention and not living in a dream world, you should realise systematically killing the Jews won't work. In theory for this path to work it would have to be a worldwide movement. This is an impossible feat, as the jew will always find major allies as they run international banking. Also where world jewery resides is usually within the largest/strongest empire who will turn on any force who is hostile to the jew.

Expelling the jew is short term solution to a problem. But they always get let back in. It may take a couple hundred years, but they will return. Christianity adresses this problem and I do not think paganism does. Although I am all ears as I'm not thouroghly versed.

Where is that quote from? I would guess it's from Pagan imperialism which he later regretted writing.

Christianty created the fucking problem.

>Without christianity there's no Brazil,
oh no

>There's no Iberia and Italy explorer age,
replaced by a roman explorer age a thousand years earlier

>There's no University,
except that one university built in india by whites 5000 years ago
and those dozens of universities and schools across the mediteraneans christians closed down

>There's no Europe,
yeah without a jewish desert cult white people would never have created a collective consiensuiness of belonging, not like the word europe comes from the roman deity evropa

>There's no Italian Renaissance
oh yeah you mean that there isnt a renaissance
that time where we had to ask the muslims for our old pagan books
that taught us the things we use to know before christianity burned all our books and destroyed all our arts

the renaissance is literally going back to pagan culture and art is this really the best pro christcuck argument you can find?

>There's no Italian Barroque
oh no

wipipo have no culture

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Wow such an enlightening outlook. I'd put the blame on capitalism and cultural marxism but maybe I missed it all

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>that time where we had to ask the muslims for our old pagan books
>that taught us the things we use to know before christianity burned all our books and destroyed all our arts
That's bluepilled reddit narrative m8. Literally a 2016-BBC-documentary-tier fake history. Maybe read a book or something.

Jews can only operate when their systems of belief on in place, that being of the Torah which is mirrored in the bible.
They can only subvert Christian morals, they can’t subvert the land, they can’t subvert blood.
The truth is that’s all a people have, value and labour from the land and connection between their blood.

Plus, it also helps when Pagans would kill any outsider, any.

You will admit advocate murder while denying the Nazis murdered anyone. Schrodinger's Fascist.

How many times do I have to tell you old man? Civilization was born in the SEMITIC region we call Palestine Syria Iraq and Jordan. Mesopatamia. Babylon.

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Nope I haven’t.
War and death are a part of nation. Why would I deny that?
I’m European, you have to get over war to move on.
And also, at what point have a denied the Nazis killing people? I haven’t, not once.

civilisation was born first in india (white), then mesopotamia (half white half arab), and iraq/syria were fully white back then retard, no semites there, or in iran, or in india

Civilisation was around way before then.

Jesus only said to not react immediately with violence, and that shaming tactics were more effective for getting the public on your side. He never said to turn the other cheek in the context of letting the enemy keep hurting you.
Jesus was exclusionary toward all hostile groups until they properly humbled themselves.
>"Salvation is from the Jews"
The old covenant was annihilated and Hebrews were no longer the chosen people. The current kikes who claim to be God's chosen people are, according to Jesus' own words, the Synagogue of Satan.
>Emphasized priestly roles
No, Jesus specifically said that the priest class was to be undone and every man was to be his own priest.
...came about due to Catholic corruption, which traces its roots back to the Council of Nicaea. The Romans decided which parts of Jesus' teachings would be recorded for posterity and we lost a lot of the true history and mysticism of early Christianity. This is where the Catholic church comes in, essentially just another way to control people.
True Christianity is nothing like the Catholic bullshit peddled by power brokers subservient to the kike pretenders.

It was a good post until you cucked out and said kikes wuz chosen n sheit. Then the rest of your post went to shit.

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Christianity is a catalyst for cultural Marxism. Islam and Judaism are mostly homogeneous religions. Think about that.

I think Jehovah is an Archdemon, and the "father" Christ speaks of is entirely a different entity/being/concept/state

the communist manifesto probably.

Jesus was a Rabbi. Go see what the Torah says about him.

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>> Pacifism
nothing to do with christianity
>> Universalism
roman catholic invention
>> "Salvation is from the Jews"
invention from scofeld
>> Annihilated the Empire partisans
roman catholic x the franks
>> Emphasized Priestly Roles (Effeminated by design... Now they can't control their own libido ...raping boys)
roman apostasy
>> Through Scholastics and Jesuitism unlocked wars against Temporal Power which lead to Protestantism and Secularization
roman apostasy
>> Now they worship Israel
roman apostasy
>> Pope is now financing foreigners to rape our women
roman apostasy

roman catholic heresy is the root of the evil that has corrupted the west.

learn to read
best post

No, it was not. Do you know what the phrase CRADLE OF CIVILIZATION means?

No, it was fully SEMITIC. Cope, Berber.

The Torah is the old testament. Jesus was Jewish correct.

>Evola eventually had to call Christianity the Tradition of the West. And so it is.

This is only one example that shows that most of you have not read one single page out of an Evola book.

the torah is the first 5 books of the old testament. the prophets make up the rest. major prophets and the minor prophets and psalms.

Know a thing call Greece? You know, 3000/2500 BC?
Or the Mesopotamian civilisation? 3500 BC?


You’re both retarded. The OT is more than 5 books + Prophets + Psalms.

Mesopatamia was SEMITIC you monkey. Put down the Mein Kamph.

Collectivism is built on altruism. Sacrificing personal freedom for the interests of society. Making sure even the lowest of society has a stake in it, and develops high trust.

To see the master morality as having no balance with slave morality not having a society at all. Society is built on betas. However it is still built and those who burry their talents in the sand will be given to those who invest and build.

No society has existed without wars and less war is better but sometimes it’s inevitable and you have to fight. But not murdering people as a society standard also contributes to this trust.

>The British and the Americans did a pretty good job up until the 1960s, you know, when the German scientists they kidnapped and enslaved started being to old to work and the supply of fresh scientists was tried up because National Socialist Germany was eradicated

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Communism is state worship trying to fix the sin of god. The state is not the church. Teach a man to fish

The Mesopotamian civilisation doesn’t mention Israel or Palestine or an Abrahamic religious reference for that matter.
Also, why didn’t you say anything about Greek civilisation?

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Imagine buying the drivel that academia sells out of mere speculation. There are still people that think that "muh civilization" really started 4000 years ago and that previously humans were burying their head in mammoth dung.

1. the only reason Europe wasn't conquered and colonized by muslism is because of Christianity
2. barbarians were degenerates before embracing Christianity
3. Christianity is the adaptation of the Babylonian monotheism with the greco-roman culture, which created the most powerful human drive in human history
4. when Christianity died in 19th century in Europe, liberalism, communism, fascism, feminism, environmentalism, modernism, post-modernism, consumerism and decadence grew out from the european corpse