San Diego chicano here, how the fuck am I supposed to live in peace when one of you pieces of fecal matter literally shoots up innocent people in San Diego, the place where I fucking live
I was afraid this would happen after the New Zealand shooting
What's next? My local iglesia? The fact that this was done by a young male that was on a good path is alarming? But then again, young people who come here are easily impressionable. I mean I expected this from a 30 year old neet or wageslave incel ( like the majority of users on this board, the walmart guy comes to mind)
You leave me no choice but to purchase weapons and arm myself, I will not die at the hands of one of you, I'm already lean so that makes me quicker than 90% of you
Spics are a symptom, not the problem. There are very few individuals who think you are responsible for anything except high birth rates. I wouldn't be too worried.
>shoots up innocent people in San Diego What are you referring to? Surely you're not implying that those dirty jews were innocent? >You leave me no choice but to purchase weapons and arm myself Good for you! One can't rely on the police for protection.
Matthew Diaz
You first
Grayson Jenkins
Where you from ese?
Nicholas Wilson
Joseph Anderson
who are they? a gay couple?
Nolan Robinson
This little girl deserves death because she is Jewish?
>I'm already lean so that makes me quicker than 90% of you 8/10 bait
Jackson Murphy
’answer my question after killing yourself' Kek
Christopher Walker
he shot one fucking person
spics in your barrio do more damage to other spics in a few hours on any given day than this incompetent bafoon did at the Synagogue
Jonathan Bennett
You won't live in peace.
Henry Long
>he shot one fucking person *he killed one fucking person
Jeremiah Turner
I think you've got bigger problems ese
Logan Rodriguez
Oh fuck onions boy needs to get a gun to defend himself. Nothing new happened here, you finally have seen thr light instead of your false utopia. Welcome faggot.
Jason Ortiz
well, they do grow up into civilization destroying parasites
>San Diego chicano here, how the fuck am I supposed to live in peace You're not. You have to go back. t. Poway
Ayden Gomez
Colton Campbell
Mexican gangs in your area kill alot retard
Robert Brown
>how the fuck am I supposed to live in peace You aren't -- you're supposed to self-deport.
Thomas Campbell
>>What's next? My local iglesia? We wish.
Noah Robinson
Good. Purchase them and become responsible conservative American to protect other americans from more out of control mossad agents. Most likely your retarded beaner brain will use that firearm to put you in jail though. Good luck, youre gonna need it.
Dylan Perez
>Pushing someone in a confrontation. That, children, is how you lose a fight.
Justin Evans
>You leave me no choice but to purchase weapons and arm myself
As a New Yorker, I can tell you what you should already know. 9/11 was planned inside of a synagogue.
Benjamin Davis
>what's next, my local iglesia? god i fucking hope so, you rat really the most effective thing would be if someone just dumped on one of those caravans right when they were trying to cross.
i would never condone or advocate for violence, but man, i hope the next one is something of that flavor.
Henry Phillips
Stop shitting in the drinking water and you wouldn't have to worry about fecal matter, Gonzalez.
Andrew Morales
Get used to it cause white people are fed up. Part and parcel mate.
do you know how effective if would be if the US military just opened fire ONCE on a caravan of illegals crossing?
illegal entry would go down to 0 within a day
Robert Peterson
>The fact that this was done by a young male that was on a good path is alarming? Was that a question? I don't think you even know how to write sentences lmao You sound like a fucking retard and I can't take you seriously
Jace Nguyen
>19ish seconds >on the right whys that fat fuck punching themselves in the head repeatedly?
Charles Jackson
Have sex
Cameron Taylor
Who could be behind this post? Get the fuck out of this country, you smelly spic.