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Wow. Never considered that. Thanks

Outdoor hobbies...

Join the fuckin hiking club.

Why is this so difficult for
You? How much time do you spend a week playing video games?

This is worse then
>just beeee urself
not that often desu, though I spend a lot of time on youtube, watching anime, and browsing here.

I do workout regularly so I guess a hiking club could work though. Where do you find a hiking club? How do you socially interact and flirt without coming off as weird in it?

Hey man, can't even pay a hoe to hang out I mean you can but by hoe I mean a regular girl.

But thats illegal where I live user.

I'm just saying, broke ass airheads won't even pay for drinks but you can't find one to wine and dine.

Stop talking like a nigger. Its really cringe.

Well cur that shot out, its rucking up
Your life.

You join brcuase you eant to and provide no excuses.


If I was a nigger I'd be getting some pussy.

No you'd be getting shot by the cops or other niggers stupid nigger.

But it's so popular right now, all the media promoting it.
It would work.
>Wining and dining is nigger behavior in 2019.

Don't look for girls. Look for people. The more friends or even acquaintances you have, the more will be female or know females you meet through them

fuck off with this gay shit already

It's popular to encourage, not to take part in. Lots of people applauding interracial pairings have zero desire to do it. It's just another tolerance badge.

>Lots of people applauding interracial pairings
I bet there's a lot of fucking going about.
You know it's true.
Real relation ships might not work but you know black fucking is on the rise you just know it.

take your blacked fantasies somewhere else faggot

More than 40 years ago sure but it's not the "epidemic" that storm/pol/ wants to believe it is. If you talked to actual women about this, you would know.

Online is the only way I can possibly think about after having no luck whatsoever the past 10 years with offline ways.
If you don't have friends who can introduce you to women it's not gonna happen this way.
If you just join some club to get laid, it'll become tedious very soon and the women there are often in a relationship, since women don't have to join clubs to get approached by men so the girls there rarely have any other interest outside the activity/hobby itself.

>. If you talked to actual women about this, you would know.
They wouldn't admit it.
They wouldn't admit or tell even their husbands many thing.
What they did in their early years...
Come on man, if you'd be around women for a while you'd know.

Bars, university, coffee shops, beaches, the possibilities are endless.

Now getting a girl to sleep with you is the real issue.

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Work or university is where most normies meet