Is brushing teeth a scam for people to get their daily dose of fluoride, Jow Forums? Should we be brushing our teeth?
Is brushing teeth a scam for people to get their daily dose of fluoride, Jow Forums? Should we be brushing our teeth?
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>Should we be brushing our teeth?
Yes, just don't swallow it though. I regret not brushing my teeth for a few years and getting cavities galore, I didn't take care of myself. Take care of yourself, faggot. Also, sage.
Alex Jones Super Blue fluoride free toothpaste is the best you can buy.
>Notices flag
>Post about teeth
The utter state of pol schizos
I miss iron march
There's already more than enough flouride in water and stuff like tea.
Cut out sugar and carbs and you never have to brush again.
should we start brushing with maple syrup/moose cum?
Why would you use fluoride laced shit at all ? plenty of good stuff out there just as effective without it...
I've used a variety of fluoride free for years and my dentist still says I have great tooth
>Brushing teeth with cum
>Fag Flag
No, We should not take the opinions on oral health from fucking brits. faggot
Stay tuned. Up next
Pajeet bitching about how wasteful toilet water is
Is he right?
Same here. I use theobromine toothpaste because that xanthine is superior to fluoride in remineralizing teeth
>Pol schizos
Lul ur a cuck, this information has been around for the past 20+ years. Docile faggot.
There are toothpastes that don't have fluoride in it. Tom's of Maine is one company that makes a non-fluoride toothpaste. They make deodorant without aluminum in it as well.
I will say that I am skeptical of the dentistry field. Given how Western Medicine and Psychiatry were corrupted by Rockefellers and others. There is undoubtedly something to dentistry, just haven't looked into it yet.
Brushing your teeth with coconut oil will break up the cavities
>I have great tooth
What about the rest?
Break up the holes in your teeth?
I use jew forseskin and soap for that fresh scent of 1488.
You seem to be a bit upset about the moose cum comment, something you wanna tell us? Homophobe.
>Fluoride remineralizing teeth
Keep reaching you mentally retarded nigger
I'm not sure that you grasp the concept of holes
eh, where's the PROOF fluoride is bad for your health?
>break up the cavities
>break up the lack of things into smaller lacks of things
Non-fluoride Tooth paste exist, just search for it
You seem upset when I was making fun of brits. Why you hiding your flag
Owen, gtfo.
Fortunately, we've read that manga dozens of times!
I'm just asking, can't a fellow Brit (with shit teeth of course) find out if dentistry is just another part of the NWO? I don't really know anything about the field, good or bad, and it's not something I see get discussed often on here
if you dont want tooth decay and dont chew a stick or use ash, then yes
Baking soda and salt water peppermint wash best combo.
george washington
>deodorant without aluminum
Do you know difference between deodorant and antiperspirant? Hint - it is aluminum. Deodorants don't need aluminum.
That'd actually be BTFO, since he hates Jones.
Fluoride causes decreased melatonin production and calcifies the pineal gland
You need to brush your teeth, user.
>not doing otis as well
you can use an arak (salvadora persica) stick to brush your teeth
Baking soda in place of deodorant too.
Hiding my flag? I'm a proud homosexual before anything else! i ask a simple question and you call me a "Faggot" obviously you are a disgusting homophobic piece of shit.
You should always brush your teeth with Aquafresh™ in order to start your day out fresh.
fluoride has nothing to do with your teeth being healthy
is that a junji ito reference?
A good rule of thumb, brush the one you want to keep.
If you eat your fluoridated toothpaste the bottle says to call the poison control center.
Brush your teeth once a day with toothpaste (pea sized drop, do not fucking swallow any), in the morning, and don't eat for 45 minutes after. Then brush once more at night WITHOUT TOOTHPASTE to remove any leftover food bits in your mouth from the day. repeat daily. Your teeth will be substantially healthier in no time.
>contains sls
No. Zendium only here.
I've heard overusing baking soda on teeth is bad, but that could just be another lie
checked and based freshposting
Avoid all flouride intake, forever. It's a toxic metal compound that will make your brain rot.
That a very british attitude.
Spearmint and peppermint have been shown to reduce testosterone levels
Well, you have shit teeth. Why don't you tell us how not brushing your teeth worked out for you?
Hitler used this to make the Joos docile.
Never brush your teeth, never take a shower, never pay your bills, never move out of your parents house, never beat off, never go to college, never clean your living space, never do dishes.
What is wrong with you people?
Ive thought about buying Floride free toothpaste
In Israel, Fluoride is banned
(((Makes you Think)))
Better yet, swallow it once. So you know what people mean by its effects. How it makes you suggestible and stupid. Take half of what you use, and swallow it with water. in 20-30 mins, and lasting for 45 mins, you're stupid. You'll see why people think its evil.
>all these newfags ITT
>falling for the fluoride jew
We have established our brushing rules a long time ago. Lurk moar newfags!
I was pointing out the irony of a brit asking about oral health. And the first thing that comes to your mind is Moose cum. I feel no shame in calling you a fag and that you should stream your suicide on facebook for your family to enjoy.
It's like toothpaste summons toothpaste flag. Kek
Wait what does aluminum in deoderant do?
>not brushing with baking soda
aluminum is not metabolized by the body and is a neurotoxin, avoid at all costs
There are plenty of toothpaste brands with xylotol instead of fluoride.
caries are caused by bacteria
if science were interested in getting rid of caries we would have created a virus that specifically targets the carie-causing bacteria only, and made this available as a medicinal toothpaste.
the industry makes more money treating the symptom and not the causes. No money in a cure.
>uk flag
>don't brush teeth
well buddy, you really like the easy target role
It's genuinely good for teeth. Just don't swallow you dumb twat.
gets into your blood stream, get's passed around the body, accumulates in your brain, causes alzheimers
Fluoride turns you gay. I accidentally swallowed while brushing my teeth and haven’t stopped swallowing since.
Good call on the salt water btw.
It's a great mouthwash.
It just hardens the enamel. Fluoride is used in bone preservation. Iodine does the same thing, but isn't poison.
Even if you don't swallow fluoride you are still absorbing it through your gums.
ah fuck it, have it (you)
I currently brush with a non-fluoride toothpaste, but my teeth are mainly shit because my parents taught me bad habits and never took me to a dentist until I was 13, they're not as bad now, but they're shit pretty bad
In miniscule amounts. Fuck off, you're ingesting human and animal feces every time you breathe. Didn't know that one, did ya?
It actually makes bones brittle.
my grandfather lived in Kenya (Nakuru colony as a Veterinarian) and he was one of the first acclaimed medical professionals to do a study on fluoride related to oral consumption. The local tribes would drink from Lake Nakuru where the flamingos would also reside. the flamingo poo made it so the water had extremely high natural fluoride levels. All of these tribes that drank from the water source suffered from weakened jaws, bones, teeth, and heightened risks of cancer. Thanks to the research fluoride is still widely questioned, and so it should be. its affects on the body are foreign and can create disastrous consequences if ingested in high amounts (fluoridated tap water).
>Wait bro, you've never made a ghetto pipe with pop cans before?
>fuck off stop telling me true things about this poison I unknowingly ingest
>haha u eat poopoo
peak british intellectual
Hope you drown in moose cum you homophobe, you would probably love that and swallow most it anyway.
It doesn't make sense to me. Have you ever seen an animal brushing their teeth? Of course not, cause it's not intended by nature. Then why should we do it?
I eat something like this daily:
Breakfast: bacon/salmon/cured-smoked pork ham+eggs
Lunch: chicken breast+veggies/potatoes/rice/salad
Pre workout: oatmeal+berries+beepolen+nuts/seeds
After workout: whey protein isolate
Dinner: Steak/Beef liver/+veggies/potatoes/rice/salad
Vitamins+Minerals+BCAA pills 3x/day (with meals)
Fruits as snacks during the day
I floss after most meals to "snack" on the meat/fruits fibers stuck in my teeth.
Sometimes I brush my teeth after dinner. Cheap ass toothpaste, fluoride included.
Have only one fixed cavity since 20y ago. Flossing since about the same time.
you can buy fluoride free toothpaste derp
shame you won't live long enough to see that
Except it WASN'T UNKNOWING you autistic cunt. It's in such miniscule amounts it has no effect on you, the body can deal with it.
The point of the fucking feces was to show you're ingesting harmful bacterias, toxins etc all the time. You're surrounded by polluted air, radiation, feces, every dirty thing you can think of is entering and being (usually) neutralised by your body
The inside of soda cans are lined with plastic, so smoking out of that is not only putting aluminum into your lungs but pure cancer.
You're eating too much meat my friend. We really should be eating it once-twice a week.
My teeth suck, despite flossing after every meal and brushing 3 times a day. I've put thousands of dollars into my mouth with no avail. The dentist prescribed me some extra-flouride toothpaste, but I don't want to use it.
I just want to get em all yanked and get dentures. Fuck this noise.
Stupid British genetics
Leaf, do you drink tap water or something?
Is that why you like to guzzle muzzie’s jizzie?
not in most places you dumb faggot
>You're eating too much meat my friend. We really should be eating it once-twice a week.
And cow farts produce global warming.
Lets all switch to onions and beer, they are good for your breasts.
Your teeth would be a lot less hassel to manage if you weren't filling your fat gob with sugar or burgers every 2 hours.
Vitamin+Minerals. Fool you eat liver and fish already having 1000% of the daily allowance for B vitamins and even A. Stop popping pills and get your things from food. Your diet is already decent.
>Supplements are made from wastes and heavily processed.
>Liver, raw meats, fish and cod liver oil all you need.
Sorry Mohammed, I don't drink soda either.
Using Homophobe as an insult. Lmfao kill yourself you pretentious faggot. You don't deserve any respect