What is it with white Democrats and fried chicken?


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who is this old black guy
i see him all the fucking time like he is some black guru.

thats grandpa nigga he like the king of the niggas over there


Pandering to minorities on the level of Hillary carrying a hot sauce in her purse.

Al Sharpton, a fixture of black American politics.

He’s the ultimate race baiting negro

He wuz kangz.

>It's not rude to eat with my hands right?
How the fuck else are you supposed to eat fried chicken you socially inept dumbass

It's a well established fact that mayor Pete loves stuffing his mouth with cock

>asking permission from a black man to eat fried chicken the right way
White americans are absolutely pathetic just kill us

Sharpton should have made his gay ass use a fork and knife to eat that drumstick

They're just pandering to their base by pretending to like their traditional food.

Are they picking on a faggot. Homophobe much?

Underage b&

You know what's even worse than white democrats and fried chicken?


>I'll have those negros voting Democrat for the next 200 years
It's called 'endearing yourself'. It's the saddest shit in the world. Figures Democrats are more likely to do it.

They think that eating in public makes them look relatable and less like fake out of touch tin pot dictators that they are.

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Drumstick, yes. Breast can be a bit sloppy so knife and fork are preferred.

He's a holdover from the civil rights era like Jesse Jackson. Given the amount of crazy shit they've both said over the decades I'm surprised they're still trotting them out every year.

No more neoliberals. Only extemist candidates. We want change now.