Could the blue countries in pic related really btfo the entire might of the red countries combined? Are there really only 3 relevant countries in europe?
Is this true?
doubt it our army builds kindergardens now
When I saw you pic my first thought was "why did he paint the most muslim-infested shitholes blue?"
Ours is full nigga
other countries dont even have kindergatens
Yeah. The others are either poor untermenschen or their existence is propped up by the blue countries
Yeah, but only if germany decides to go back to full warmode
They have to build something where you can place people and watch them, so they don't get out of shape
They have to be prepared and trained, in case there's need for some camps...
Spain, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Slovenia, Czechslovakia, and Croatia are pretty relevant as well.
Nordic countries are pretty outside of the system.
The Fingolian horde would decimate all of Europe combined
same, top lel
Those are the three European countries the destruction of which would most benefit Europe.
you are missing a giant red country not far away to the east
Those 3 countries literally define Europe
Not any more.
Now they define multicultural jihadist paradise.
(x) doubt
Yes, frogs and brits have nukes.
What is the Russian Federation?
>Britain in one side, Portugal on the other.
but no, they couldn´t win against all the others
This map doesn't tell the whole story. For instance a good number of Russian tanks are cold-war era ones that would get obliterated in an instant
Ignore Russia.
OP claims Bongostan, New Turkey and French Republic of Kongo could beat the rest of Europe. When just our polish tanks outnumber all of theirs. And they're not all soviet shit.
Plus we have the invincible invisible meme tank.
Half of these countries have no military whatsoever. Greece has actual military.
define "tank".
In Poland they most probably counted the tanks in museums, not the working ones
Now show the map of which countries have nuclear weapons and which don't.
Yep, best stealth technology you will ever see...
Oh, wait...
pick one
Russia and UK? U have like 12 chill mohamed, russia has like 8k
Implying we actually gave Russia back all the nukes they have stationed in the PPR.
Implying we haven't "lost" a couple".
The only thing to know is if the Russians start something they are in Paris in less than 3 days.
Don't underestimate them, they can be quicker back than we expect
russia,uk and france
Not sure about Britain but a country like France has a lot of 'self-nukes' as well. All you need is a few Mohammeds allahu-ackbaring a nuclear powerplant and the country is finished.
Probably sold to buy some alcohol
Quite fond of the greeks, fine fighters.
Funny how times change isn't it? They used to bomb them.
Yeah, but you do know that they have enough the industry to rebuild their army? We don't even have the factories
I'm surprised a shitskin hasn't tried it yet they have had enough time to infiltrate a nuclear power station by learning to be a worker there and cause a "accident"
By the way, you have to colour Portugal blue if we're blue. They our bros before hos to the end.
Just repeat your errors from last time.
Do you even count? I doubt yours are even servicable anymore.
Sure thing Mehmet.
Third time is the charm right? We wouldn't mind having our new western borders sit at the river Elbe, relocating and mass raping you again.
You will never learn will you feggit? Germans have a pathetic track record.
Exactly what I always imagined.
That could buy a lot of booze. Its not like anyone is gonna use the damn thing, might as well move it and get some crunk going
i checked wikipedia
around 300
yeah i guess they are but i doubt it really interest you ,propaganda post-2003 is too obvious in your words.
basically the worst countries of europe lol
We're all pretty bad but there's always Serbia.
>NATO nukes
>Literally need the norwegian NATO chairman to fly over to britain and authorize the armament
You are genuinely retarded.
ahem-and Romania
Germany and France won't be fighting side by side, especially if it comes to fighting someone.
Why did WW1 and WW2 happen? Oooga booga conquest conquest? No, that's how Germany and France normally interact.
This scoreboard triggers the Germanic bull.
if you really think italy, belgium and netherlands are not going to be blue then you need to read up on your history
That was fucking rude pajeet.
So recently we forget that Napoleon and Hitler conquered nearly all of Europe with ease.
>Says the white flag
pretty sure Spain, Italy and Poland have very relevant armies. If you add to that the endless reserves of ex-soviet material and small armies with ultra-modern material you're including in the map I don't see that working.
>it thinks that France and Britains nukes are nato only
No wonder you turbo niggers can't run a country.
Always thought that was kind of funny. Greece has an "ok" (for its size!) military but no money to move it.
Nordics have an ok amount of money but no military.
Clearly the solution is a glorious Greco-Nordic alliance vs the eternal central Europe/Anglo.
I like how Russia just hangs over Europe like a big daddy.
Objectively false btw.
a lot of these numbers are inflated by keeping all sorts of cold war shit on file
They are.
And excluding nukes we could annex you within a month.
Not like this was your work Lolek. Also don't forget the Asiatic commie hordes raped poles alike. Now go back cleaning Hans' toilet it's the only thing you're good for.
Yeah, and Russia could take over Europe within a few weeks.
France, Britain, and Germany were the greatest nation's on the planet.
>Could the blue countries in pic related really btfo the entire might of the red countries combined?
Italy is the third biggest economy of Europe and Ukraine is a big weapons manufacturer. I really doubt it.
>Are there really only 3 relevant countries in europe?
they've tried to kill us, all three
>yet here we are
the dutch are parasitic and sly enough to covertly ruin france, britain and Germany
> Benelux -> ECSC -> EU
it's like a passive HOI4 campagne
Western Europe = core
The rest = periphery
> define
You cannot be serious...
Count yourself Lucky you dont have jewnest's
Well that explains why my uni had so many polish students in the math department
but being a periphery, doesn't mean you can't have a comfy life or a well organised state - just look at Scandinavia, they're quite peripheral arn't they
If you had told me this picture was of 3 americans I would have believed you
Yow tell your cousins in Belgium to come an hour earlier to clean my toilets.
when they bum fucking each other
this. Croatia also
red will win. Blue would fail in their invasion of Switzerland.
No, the countries in Europe with the two largest standing armies are Poland and Greece. Poland to deter Russia, Greece to deter Turkey. Britain, France and Germany especially are woefully prepared for any real conflict. Let's say America fell into a civil war (a likely scenario if the economy tanks), do you think the EU could withstand Russia and Turkey joining forces and launching a full-scale invasion long enough to re-arm? I don't.
We are punching way above our weight considering we only have a pop of 4.7 million, id say per capita we have to be one of the highest if not the highest
You do realize that 100% of the printing presses have been owned by jews for over 260 years now, right?
Turkey's and Russia's interests do not align.
Turkey cannot defeat greece due to logistics alone, it would result in a stalemate that would have to be remedied by outside forces due to the geopolitical topography that's instrumental for europe, africa and middle east alike.
>You do realize that 100% of the printing presses have been owned by jews
for instance in Poorland it was owned by German immigrants, among them was the Haller family, which later produced a very known polish general in 20. century
*Coughs in the back of the room with Spain*
>Comfy life
>Well organized state
Isn't Sweden the country that had a snowplow debacle because they wanted to plow in some gender equal way? Not to mention the rapes.
Its all blue...='D
No. Those countries populations don’t support wars. Poland and other red countries have populations that would defend their countries. So it would quickly lead to a numbers advantage for red
What makes you think that? And yes, I agree on the second point that a simple Greece v. Turkey would be a stalemate.
>German immigrants
the borders were a little different
Yes, they decided to prioritize snowplowing sidewalks since men primarily use cars while women are primarily pedestrians.
It was a mess.
Greece needs its army because of turkey
It's one of the main reasons their national debt is si high
I guarantee spain's tanks are all like 70 years old