How does it feel that your great grandparents fought for the Devil against an Agent of God?
Did Hitler fight against Satanists?
just jews like you
what does that even meen MUTT
fuck off
fucking kikes and their slide threads
fuck you you antiChristian pieces of shit
this is your fate you masonic pieces of shit
You can't escape
I know your plans
you will burn and die forever!
The defeat of the axis was a victory for Satan. Protip, if you were allied with the Soviets during WWII, you were on the side of evil. Postwar propaganda flips reality on its head. Hitler was the last avatar, so to speak, standing in the way of Satan's hegemony on this planet.
>Agents of God
Choose one and choose wisely.
fuck off name fag
anyone who divides amongst christians ( excluding the zionists which are NOT christians )
is a fucking kike
and you're it
Himmler was a Satanist.
Hitler said that Himmler was a traitor.
Himmler wasn't a satanist.
>Did Hitler fight against Satanists?
John F. Kennedy
The only non Evangelical President, killed in Texas, the evangelical madhouse.
Hitler thought that anyone who wasn't a yes man was a traitor, particularly in the final year of the war.
Rohm was summarily executed for supposedly plotting against Hitler.
Heines was summarily executed for failing to get out of bed and get dressed in time.
Fromm was executed because he failed to prevent the July 20 plot.
Rommel was forced to commit suicide for being friends with some of the July 20 plotters.
Von Sponeck was executed after a kangaroo court trial for attempting to save a division from annihilation.
Fegelein was summarily executed for failing to remain by Hitler's side two days before Hitler killed himself.
Goering was threatened with execution for asking permission to take over the day-to-day government since Hitler had locked himself in the bunker.
Himmler was almost summarily executed for attempting to make peace with the Western Allies, but fled into Allied-controlled territory before Hitler's men could get him.
Himmler was a satanist/antiChristian
Hitler branded him a traitor
Hitler tried to kill him
Himmler worked with the CIA and the west
CIA are satanists in all but name
The CIA wants power. Everyone in the US government does. They don't believe in God or Satan or anything like that.
it makes some sense..
Himmler was a hindu nationalist. All the glory of third Reich comes from Himmler. Hitler was just a whiny ass nigga
Ayrians are the Satanic bloodlines who operate Rabbinical Judaism, Catholicism and most other religions. National Socialism like all ideologies (bolshevism ect) was created by this Luciferian tribe of chameleons - they descend from predeluvian nobility and have bred into all racial groups. They are not a race tho, they are a bloodline tribe - understanding this is key