Why do jews always double down?

People are so fed up with jews trying to take away their rights and way of life that they are willing to literally kill them. So why do jews continue to antagonize white people as much as possible. Is there any ways to stop jews from sticking their ( big ) noses into white peoples business and stop them from trying to subvert white nations? Really im wondering if there is any sort of final solution to the jew problem?

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What Lord Palmerston said about the Russians applies
>The policy and practice of the Russian Government has always been to push forward its encroachments as fast and as far as the apathy or want of firmness of other Governments would allow it to go, but always to stop and retire when it met with decided resistance and then to wait for the next favorable opportunity.

because they're retarded

Because jews

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the nazis had a couple of effective measures, but then you and your commie buddies had to save the poor 6 gorillion!

what we need is jew control.

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Not a single magazine.
They can have some bullets tho.

I hope they settle down.
I don't want to be forced to defend myself.

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She's tried so many times to disarm America. It SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED you kike bitch.

Don't stop the germans next time.

we could always, you know, NOT VOTE THEM IN

Very simply, the moment it starts and word spreads (pro-tip it will) I begin to have fun.

You don't want that.

>California is why Diane and Nancy still have jobs

By way of deception, they shall make war.

Gon need all 6 gorillion to shut them up.

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Sloppy Job Mossad
>muh prohibition

Anyone notive how well prohibition works in this country. Name it and it has an underground market.

Jews won't be expected to follow gun laws. They already don't follow them. Or any other law.

Imagine an American politician in Israel saying "Enough is Enough" "More gun control Now".

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>"American citizenry votes are a factor in election results."

I lol'd. Hard.

Why does she get a pass for employing a Chinese spy?

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It's called evolution. I hope you're not a "Christian".

Read this: environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide, which the Germans were too nice to do. Those genes are too harmful to everyone else. The second half of the 20th century demonstrates the need for Jewish extermination.

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Feinstein had a concealed carry permit and used to carry a pistol in her purse when she was mayor of San Francisco. Civil rights for her, but not for others.

If the synagogue attack has taught us anything, it is that we need better quality control on guns and mandatory rifle training. Unable to clear a jam after just a few rounds is unacceptable.

Watch this you bluepilled faggot.


You are a small minority of extremists who would hate Jews no matter what. Why should Jews cater to you?

That child was pathetic.

Why give me hope?
What makes you so certain that humanity will rise up against Satan?

>more fun control now!
Lol no way!

Amerimutts BTFO again by based Feinstein

Why are they so obsessed with guns? The government isn't threatened by a bunch of rednecks with shitty gear, they don't give a fuck about THE CHILDREN!!!

So what is it? Theatre for distraction? Virtue signalling?

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Is that what happened? I wondered why he only killed one. His manifesto made it seem like he would go all out.

stop electing kikes

Enough goyim

American civilians don't elect anyone.
Their Israeli government, however....

California is pushing the limit with its traitorous politicians

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Put yourself in their position. They’re scared because if Israel fails as a nation there will be no-where to run from the goyim. No safe haven. They’ll be stuck having to live in goy nations and they fear they will be hunted to extinction. Better prepare for this scenario and take away all the guns now.

Ok Dianne, let's take the guns away from the Jews.

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Boomer meme, but I too point this out to people.

Jews are pretty retarded due to generational inbreeding.

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Fucking stupid diaspora kikes, A GUN SAVED THOSE PEOPLE LIVES.
From a Jew in Israel to all you goyim in Jow Forums, kill those diaspora kikes they don't belong there, and for the Diaspora Jews - come home to Israel.

>pass gun control on paper
>get kike control in your synagogue at 3200 fps

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I fucking hate this guy so much

Look at that disgusting face. Physiognomy is real

the memes write themselves. I'm not even mad

>mass school shootings
Omg we need gun control think of the children
>kike granny dies and 4 get injured


Less gun control Now

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Reminder that 1 dead jew is the equivalent of 100 dead goys.

>nothing but kikes on the ballot

rare based kike have a marty

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>ctrl+f scorpion
>no results

You guys are slow

"A scorpion asks a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. The scorpion climbs onto the frog's back and the frog begins to swim, but midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung the frog, to which the scorpion replies "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

Why punish the law abiding gun owners? Oh yeah cause liberals want to disarm citizens. Well keep stacking the bodies.

based greatest alley, have a yuri marty

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You complete faggot, you deserve whats coming.

This. I’ve been lifting and shooting. I don’t want to have to put that practice to use.

I'll put her on the DOTR list



Shut up you goddamn mombuku

>no apostrophe

>one died in shooting
>insignificant number to USA
>nobody gives a shit
>...was Juden

It gets harder to Gulag wrong thinkers if they can shoot back. Jews don't like their slaves being armed.

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(((Diane Feinstein)))

They know no other way. Jews have literally been doing the same shit for 25000 years which inevitably results in massive persecution against them. They have been doing it and somehow think this one time it will be different and it never is. Its partly because many jews are messianic I think and believe the moschiach will come save them when shit gets really bad and everyone will become their slave.

In reality what usually happens is they get massacred.

Get to tha choppa

You're a faggot, will always be a faggot.

Who’s the real evil in kikery, run of the mill Jew or zionists?

Jews who don't respect the law of god and live outside of the holy land of Israel.

Feinstein is involved with the whole fast and furious dibocal where they gave guns to the cartels. She’s the last person to lecture about guns. She got blood on her hands

Israel doesn't respect the 10 commandments you fucking kike.

Low IQ average.

Like to larp as high IQ.

Maybe they know by instinct that any sane society would shoot them on sight.

$38 billion

They are only for authentic Jews that died out millennia ago

Fake, apparently.

Subconscious masochism. They cry out for their own destruction only they don't even realize it. But that goes for anyone who goes out of their way to create sadists. They are mentally ill.

This is what I tell my normie coworkers.

A lot of the resistance to gun control is because the anti gun crowd is pretty clear that disarmament is a prelude to something else.

Public safety, is just a facade. Of course there may be good intentioned useful idiots. But the real goal is to disempower a segment of the population. We are practically in a civil war, the left is so embittered, you know they would not hesitate to create gulags.

On the flip side, why do whites keep shooting up places and expect no legislative reaction to it?

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>Diane Feinstein after synagogue attack: no more guns! Enough is enough
>Diane Feinstein after her coworkers were murdered by another: let me give myself a concealed handgun liscense other San Franciscans can’t get. I need it cause I’m like in danger and stuff and I’m a politican.

This is one of the swamp creatures

>why do jews continue to antagonize white people as much as possible.
Their religion tells them to hate Christians and God. That once Christianity is destroyed we will all become slaves to them.

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K Diane, i'm waiting, come get them.

Anyone remember the thread last week about feinstein meeting with aipac or mossad or someshit saying false flag incomming and now the shooting happened??? I can't find it in archives :(

It's like asking if there's any way for mosquitoes to stop biting people. Jews are simply natural parasites who are only following their instincts. Getting mad and assigning them human morals and characteristics is the same as doing so to mosquitoes. The solution is to calmly exterminate as many as you can, the same way you might absent mindedly swat away a mosquito.

Dual citizen telling Americans what to do?
That kike still in office?

Lol why do lefties always act like they run shit
>Republican Senate promptly slaps down any attempt at gun control
It’s like they live in an alternate reality

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Would be pretty ironic if someone whacked this rat person thing with a knife.

you can shoot anyone but don't ever dare to shoot muh joos or i'll take every single of your guns


The Democrats are just controlled opposition controlled by republicans to keep the left pacified. Otherwise they'd spring into communism.

I hate when you fags post 1-3hr long videos. Nobody has time for that shit.

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the only reason there wasn't a high score was because a border control agent had a firearm on him kek