Whats going to be concluded after this pol?

So this guy here, what was his end game in all of this?
Was he counseled and manipulated to do this by a jew or did he act on his own will.
Because think of it...this teenager had things going good, but what changed in his life...what made him snap?
What is going to transpire after this?

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I would wonder if he's on SSRI type drugs.

8pol is a mind control CIA platform

if youre redpilled you think beyond your own life. I'm his age and im thinking that my white great grand children will be niggers. How will my own children be treated at school? even private schools arent all white anymore.

it's not just about making money and being personally comfortable. none of that matters as much

well he is obviously pretty easily manipulated, since he acted hastily after tarrant, doing a copycat attack

its hard to judge his personality without seeing him talk and his mannerisms. he doesn't look like the type who would fill a manifesto with shill Jow Forums buzzword memes

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Here's what's going to happen, Jow Forums. We are going to shut the chans down.

He went on to 8chán a lot, and actually fell for the bullshit memes, and wanted to go kill Jews. Then he killed exactly 1, and turned himself in. What a retard

Why are chans just now radicalizing people? It's like a forced meme. I bet there isn't even such a thing as "radicalization" we're just watching fucking sloppy glow in the darks get shit cover. Same thing for Islamic extremists. The media is never going to tell you the truth anymore. Just try to come to your own conclusions.

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Dude easily could've had a comfy secure 6 figure career with a wife and kids. Kinda scary to think people like that would throw it all away and commit a mass shooting. And he threw it all away for only 1 kill.

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You'd think that he'd plan this out more rather than go in just to kill.
Guess he just said fuck it and did it.

>Because think of it...this teenager had things going good, but what changed in his life...what made him snap?
Good things like what? Growing up in ZOG USA? He's just less of a pussy you are and took action with the information he learned

SSRIs are known for making some fraction of people just suddenly do something that doesn't make any sense out of the blue. I think it's reasonable to want to rule that in or out.

>why is the collapse of western civilization producing a snowball effect of people fighting back against it
Gee I don't know

Look who's talking...why don't you follow what he did and I'll make a thread about you next lol.
Go on...I'm waiting.

he was mossad

>brown hair
>brown eyes

You may have seen my ar15 building copypasta around

XD hastily? Taking 4 weeks to make a decision is acting hastily?
“I test drove the best car today, I can afford it, and I need a car. Oh, but wait! Don’t want to make a hasty decision, better wait a month and a half before I pull the trigger”
Hell, the next day would be called a glorious heaven-sent copycat. The next week would be called a heaven sent act of God. 4 weeks later is almost as bad as not having done it to further Jow Forums’s agenda at all.

Doesn’t look like the type? We all look like the type, we elected a fucking president because we look the type. Look in a fucking mirror lol

not just any white guy. Hes descended from the real true blood Yankee boys who landed on Plymouth rock. Why he's probably descend from Henry V himself

Sometimes people plan things for a while but don't go through with it or aren't sure exactly what to do. Ideally in these cases they stop short of being stupid, but you never know what might push a person over the edge.

I had a friend who couldn't figure out how to get a gun for months, but then sat on it for a really long time before enough went wrong in his life.

yea he doesn't look the type

>fucking swim team bro
BASED. shoutouts to all my fellow swim bros

If you really want to get to the bottom of it see if he had any social media, then read points of change in his life...you might find a comment saying somthing odd that happened to him.
Just because jews are behind the news dosent mean he'd out of the blue say what are you?