ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to give honest answers, don't answer question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Is it too late to start dating?

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Attached: download.png (225x225, 3K)

I'm gonna die way too young

What's a conception that men have about acting in a way to get women easily / have a good perception that annoys you

Can you rephrase the question? I don't really get what you're asking.

Had a date this weekend and it went so bad that we both agreed to forget it happened. On the one hand I've been given an extra lifeline, on the other hand we can't really forget it happened so that fuck up is going to stick with her and it probably won't be the same again. She wants me to be more forward but I tried and it was "too forward" so I have no idea what she wants.

My apologies for the poor English, not my first language.

Basically what's an idea guys often have about a good / easy way to get or impress women that doesn't actually work well and annoys you.

Misconceptions basically

Try holding hands with her but not kissing?.

We ended things but I told her she can message or whatever in case of emergencies, so that was the only reason I left her be on my social media.

She agreed that we could do that but we aren't really talking and when she sees me in college, she can barely look at me.

Now she's messaging about random shit, sometimes acts like we're back to at least being friends. Posts shit on social media that I feel is related to me, like a post about only dating older guys than her, or something like that, which applies to me but I could be wrong, could be some hint at some other guys she might be seeing.

Look, I even asked her if she wants to be friends at the start, maybe not now but eventually, because I do like her, but she said she won't be able to take me back to her life. So I said fair enough and tried to move on since. Now she's acting like she changed her mind but doesn't address it, just hopes something will happen. But I've already started moving on like she wanted, and now she's acting like she changed her mind. I didn't.

What I'm afraid of now is how she's gonna act in college when she sees me again after summer. Last college year I had a weird feeling she's stalking me, this year I don't know what to expect.
Is she up to something? and if she'll start acting up in college, do I just ignore it or what do I do? I honestly thought things will just end with her, but there's always something.

Maybe I'm a psychopath for not understanding this. But why are guys super affectionate after they kiss you, even if it's just an emotionless hookup? Why the fuck stroke my hair and neck and hold my hand if it's just a one off thing?

No worries, I just didn't want to give you advice you weren't looking for. Thanks for rephrasing it.

I think most men fail to find the right spot with niceness.
I don't want a man who is an asshole. A man who doesn't text me back, who makes me do all the chase, who treats me poorly, who doesn't reciprocate what I feel for him gets old really quickly.
I also don't want a man who bends over backwards to worship my feet and never challenges me, or says no to me.
Neither of these attitudes are going to impress me.
I also really don't want to hear about how many girls you've slept with or how big your dick is.
I think that when people have to claim they're intelligent, kind, empathetic, funny and stuff often it's because they can't prove it with their actions, so avoid saying it and just show it.
I think it's courteous to offer to pay for my meals, and it's alright to insist to pay once, but if I want to split let me do it.

I have a girl am casually seing and last time we bumped into each other(randomly) she practically asked me to ask her out to something again , why is ym drive gone when she expresses interest like that but, when she was busy i had such a incredible drive to GET HER

why is that

> if I want to split let me do it
Just let him pay, you pernicious little shit

Why would I? Especially if I don't feel like things went great, I don't want to owe you anything.
I also often pay with my boyfriend.

Absolutely disgusting

People like to think that whatever is going in their own head, its the way everyone else sees it. To you it might've been a hook up with no strings attached from the start, to him you were leading him on and got his hopes up.
Unless you two explained what you wanted from this, you could think of it one way, he could be thinking "I'll fuck her and see what happens", and I mean, could you blame him for thinking that? that's how it might've worked out for him in the past, except the girls were more willing, you just had something else going on in your head, but that's hardly his fault no? tell the guy next time.

Besides I wouldn't call that super affectionate. If you're kissing its normal to hold the other person.

I'm not 7 and you aren't my dad. I have an income and I can pay for my stuff.

Yes that makes sense - it was definitely just a hook up though, especially for him (Tinder thing, he explicitly said it).

It’s nice, but makes me curious. Strange how people can be strangers and 20 mins later be cuddling

You're doing the smart thing. The right guy would have no problem going 50/50. If he can't understand that you don't want to risk some asshole feeling like he owns you for the night then let him go fuck himself. I'd 'nounce it first. I'd be like we're going 50/50 on shit. You got a problem with that?, have a good night if you do. I got shit to do.

A lot of guys say its just a hook up. Especially tinder guys because I noticed they're very "weak" mentally, its like they're afraid to come up to a girl irl and ask her out, but on the app they'll act all macho and like they're bad boys with a "don't mess with me" attitude, they also create a personality they might not have to make them more likable over text and when you finally hook up, he doesn't need to do anything because he already got you. They say hook up, but in reality they might actually want to be in a relationship with people but they do a lot of what is expected of them, like if the girl says she's only looking for a hook up, he'll say "me too" but he'll try to trick you into a relationship or a fwb scenario anyway, it is kind of desperate but in effect its all the same, they just choose to go about it that way. Tinder just attracts different kind of people.

>Strange how people can be strangers and 20 mins later be cuddling
It is and it isn't, but personally, if I feel like I've gotten there too fast with a girl, or that I didn't earn it, it'll be one of those things that comes and goes really fast and I'm more into stable, longer lasting relationships. Pretty much a rule for everything in life, if it came too easily and too fast, it'll go away just as easily and just as quickly

>Strange how people can be strangers and 20 mins later be cuddling
yeah nothing strange about fucking a stranger but cuddling really is crossing the line

Very good points user... I was surprised that my Tinder date was actually a nice respectful person when I met him... because he had this completely different persona online. He did try to stick his tongue down my throat 15 minutes in the date but aside from that... I guess you can’t ask for much on tinder

Cuddling is emotional, it’s why I find it stranger

Different standards I guess. I find both emotional, maybe he finds neither emotional while you find one emotional but not the other.

Tinder is kind like a sport of you wanna look at it that way. Some guys, beginners, would probably be like the guy you had. Still new to the game, probably thinks because he met you on tinder you expect his tongue down your throat asap. Tinder has a certain reputation you see. Guys are expected to act a certain way on tinder, and then irl its like sealing the deal so obvious changes will be noticeable.

Pros will act differently and they are more direct and confident in what they're on tinder for. Their profiles probably have some distinct features too, more fuck boish I would imagine. Other guys are kind of in the middle I would say, making the girl think "he might be interesting and different" because he has potential for being a fuck boy, thats why he's using tinder, but he's also not "fully there yet" since he doesn't fully know how to operate tinder yet. And yeah, he might've been respectful and nice when you met him, but like you said, 15 mins in and he was acting different. Everyone can pretend to be nice for an hour to get what they want. That's why I don't use tinder, I actually use it as a tool to tell if I'd be into the girl or not, if she's not using it I like to think she's more morally compatible with me. Nothing wrong with tinder tho, just not for me and I feel like a lot of people have the wrong idea of it sadly, looking for the one thing that you're very unlikely to find there

I find both emotional, but I only find kissing and sex emotional if I really like or love the person. Cuddling always feels emotional for me. I think there might be something wrong with me purely because most people seem to derive some pleasure from making out with strangers, for me it feels empty

Ha, yeah you described it perfectly. I think because we’re both on an island and will never see each other again, he acts like a fuckboy on tinder bc who cares what happens. Back where he lives he’s probably one of the “good guys”. It was a bittersweet feeling because I’d like him a lot if he were being his normal, non “let’s sleep together immediately” self.


do you like your name being said during sex?

>It was a bittersweet feeling because I’d like him a lot if he were being his normal, non “let’s sleep together immediately” self.
trouble is, you fuck him anyway so where's his incentive to do that?

I never had sex because of the 20/80 rule, but thanks for asking.

I imagine I would if I'd ever had sex.

I've hit 25 and the time to shave my balding dome is rapidly approaching. I have a fucked up skull shape due to an operation I had as an infant and I know I won't have an aesthetic dome. I had a full head of hair when my gf met me (I was 22 y/o) and I'm wondering how worried I should be

I didn’t, I just wanted and drink, some company. I’ve never done a tinder date before. I think it was getting awkward so he started making out with me as if we were in some porn movie, no easing into it or anything

Get one of those tattoos that are dots to make you look like you have a close shaven head. Makes a massive difference and masks imperfections

I'm It's all about looks though, innit? You can even see in this thread how women are willing to be cumbuckets for Chads rather than go for average guys. It's funny as fuck though how these bitches are surprised that the Chads don't want to commit, lmao.

Now, this is based on the local people I know, so it might differ in other cultures/countries.
But around here, tinder is kind of like a tool guys use to either get over a break up or to turn themselves into fuck boys, because like 80% of the guys here look and act the same so they want to feel like they belong. I've seen my best friend turn from a respectable "know what I want" sort of guy to "I bet you I can fuck all those girls I matched with" because tinder got to his head, how easy it is to use and all that. I used tinder once too and I quickly realized that it wasn't for me, almost all the girls I met there were the kind of people I would avoid irl and wouldn't even approach to fuck despite knowing how easy it is, so I left it knowing it isn't for me, my friends are still on it because whenever you feel lonely its a good way to get a free ride, but personally, I think it would make me look bad in front of someone I would actually care about one day and possibly make them reject me because I'm just not their type, so I'm trying to be careful with it, and I don't necessarily need it either. Point is, tinder attracts certain people and if they get what they want, they'll continue using it, if they realize its not for them before they can utilize it, they don't use it anymore, so I doubt your guy has that "good guy" persona where he's from. If it helps you to stop thinking "what if he was this and not that?"

I'm the guy you're replying to and all I can say is don't let yourself get so worked up over women. I used to feel like you do but I've managed to reach a kind of indifference instead. It's much easier to deal with.

what was the fuck up ?

Do women even like dick?

I see your point, but of course, I'm not like this in real life, it just feels good to have a place to vent about the current state of the dating scene. Wouldn't wanna end up like that short guy who got made fun of irl.

if theyre turned on and it takes the right guy, also i come to find girls are more emotinoal they want your presence and all that bonding n shit

To girls and boys, do you know a good rabbit dildo ? Requirements :
>head rotate (not small one)
>not cheap quality (I found one once in a sex shop and it was awesome till it broke after 5 minutes)
If possible but not necessary :
>vibro of the clit not too far away from the main part

I can only speak for myself, but I get wet just thinking of my bf's dick.

You're right he probably is a fuckboy Tinder type everywhere. He did admit he felt lonely and sleeps hugging his pillow though so I think he's lonely... and channeling it the wrong way, like a lot of people now

I find it impossible to commit to one person. He could be perfect on paper, but I always get a wondering eye, or get the ick. Or even if I like him I feel trapped as soon as I make some sort of commitment. I'm not the type to sleep around at all, I don't even want a ton of men, I just want to back out of anything I start.

Why is this? Will it change once I meet the "right person"?

>if theyre turned on and it takes the right guy,
>my bf's dick

not what I asked

I don't sit in my bedroom thinking of random dicks, no.

If you say I like dick but only if it is attached to this guy, then it means you really don't like dick or are indifferent to it.
ie I like pussy and if I see a good looking one I'd say
>damn, pussy lookin' good
but if the body is a wreck I'd say
>pussy looking good but body fucked up
I wouldn't say
>I like pussy but only if it's attached to THAT girl

There was this new girl at my work who I had a crush on, About a month after she started we started chatting pretty frequently on snapchat. I asked her out but turns out she had a longterm BF. Disappointing but oh well.

We kept chatting on snapchat regardless and became good friends. People at work joke about our relationship but we laugh it off.

Fast forward like 8 months and we are quite close (yellow snapchat hearts). People still joke but its pretty much just accepted at work that we are good friends. We both end up travelling to another city over the holidays and meet up there. I meet her BF, we get drunk and spend the night clubbing. A fun night. The next night we are up until like 4am chatting and seem closer than ever. She opens up to me about very personal things. I value her friendship a lot.

We get back to work and things suddenly start to cool off. A bit of ghosting here and there, a few messages left unread for extended periods of time. I ask whats up and if she is angry at me for something. She asks why I would think that and calls me a weirdo, but we had gone from snapping 10+ times a day to being left unread for 2 days. It stands out. She said she didnt use snap for a while and it got lost at the bottom of her feed. I thought the answer was a bit BS but I accepted it and went on like nothing had happened.

Over the next 2 months things are cooling off even more. Ghosted even more frequently, gold heart gone, sometimes ever best friends emoji gone as well. Little rituals at work like getting lunch/coffee on certain days/weeks becomes less frequent then pretty much stop all together unless I walk up to her and ask outright if she would like to go, and even then it's not always a yes.

I have tried to ask if she is ok, she has opened up to me a bit about issues at work and her not wanting to be there, but I really don't understand why she is shutting me out.

Girls, do you have any insight? Should I bother trying to save this friendship?

when you spend enough time with a certain person you won't even realize how comfortable you've become and at that time, if you ask yourself "would I like to be in a relationship with that person?" the answer should come naturally and very quickly. If you haven't felt that yet then maybe you're not 100% sure about that person and you don't want to risk it. Spend more time with them and see how you feel, the answer should come by itself I would imagine. If it doesn't come or the answer is "no" then spend time with another person and see how they make you feel. I felt like dating certain people in my life, but then later I found other people that made me feel much more comfortable and were more my type, maybe you just haven't found what you like/dislike yet and aren't sure what to look for, so any commitment would be a risk. Get to the point where you'll have no doubts and you'll be with the right person, because a lot of people make the mistake of thinking "they're great but they could be better so I'll make them that way once we're in a relationship" and it never really ends well, or someone just ends up uphappy

I mean, I can notice if someone has a nice dick, but it's just a dick.
I ultimately just don't fixate on genitals that much.

I go to the greengrocers
>Hey there mr Goldstadt
I see a bunch of splendid peaches, ofc I notice but that doesn't mean I take one home and fuck it as if I sexually like those peaches.

What compels women to act so rude towards unattractive men even when we're not making advances or acting in any socially inappropriate way? It's not my fault you got put on the same team as me or whatever. If I am forced to interact with you, what makes you think you have some sort of right to shit on me merely for existing? I hate working with women for this reason, you simply can't think beyond your cunt.

Tried that.

I've never seen that happening. I've always been very nice to my colleagues and my classmates, no matter how they looked. I think most people I know and work with do the same.
I don't want to doubt your experience, but maybe there's something a little off about you beyond your looks.

Should have said "I've done that", it worked but clearly my next step was just too much for her

And as I said: I like dick, by all means.
I wouldn't fuck a man solely because he has a nice dick. I wouldn't fuck a man solely because he looks nice either.
A nice dick can be hot, yes, but it's not something that matters that much.

Then why does that dick have to be on a specific person/bf, that just shows you don't cause you don't even notice it's beauty unless the whole body of that person is there.
The question wasn't
>Who would you fuck?
Ok let me be more specific

If you see a nice dick do you feel something in your pants or get wet?

Yeah, I met this one person recently and we get along incredibly well, our lives and backgrounds are so similar it's uncanny, we can talk for hours. He's attractive. But I don't feel it for some reason :(

I'm willing to keep going out with him to see if it will work, but I badly want that "spark" of attraction where I get butterflies and want to rip their clothes off, like I do with some people (that our personalities aren't compatible that much).

It's not about whether or not someone likes something, it's about if they're willing to do things with the person that is attached to. You can like a dick without fucking it, you can like a person with a "bad" dick and fuck them. Good dick =/= want to fuck, they're completely different.

>it's about if they're willing to do things with the person that is attached to.
>Good dick =/= want to fuck
I didn't ask you if you want to fuck.
This is the question:

Do you feel something in your pants when seeing a good dick?

I do when I see a good pussy, doesn't matter the rest, I see a good pussy I get a feeling in my pants but it doesn't mean I want to fuck or not.

I think it's mostly subconscious. I want to just do what needs to be done and get over with. Women love to make disparaging remarks constantly and objecting to things I say condescendingly even when the men are in agreement.

The reason I notice this is because with other men, it's always far easier. Whenever women are in the picture I have to overcome passive aggressiveness and even outright hostility. This isn't some isolated incident, it's a decade or more of experience ranging from teamwork in high school to teams and commitees at work. Even a single female in the group drastically alters the atmosphere. I know I am going to die a virgin, I don't resent women for looking out for their own reproductive and emotional interests. But I do resent them for bringing judgements derived from the reproductive field into completely unrelated situations.

Sometimes you become more attracted to someone the more times you spend with them. I remember knowing this girl who I initially didn't make much of, but after a few months of hanging out I realized how likable and pretty she became and I was really attracted to her.

Sometimes there might also be an issue of finding someone attractive but not sexually attractive. I like to think that there are 4 things I need from a person before I commit to them: If I find them attractive, if I'm comfortable around them and have things to talk about, if I would have sex with them and if we share similar values. Sometimes it takes time to develop all 4, sometimes one doesn't seem to work out so I don't want to settle, and find someone who has all 4 instead.

There were girls in my life that I would like to have sex with because they were super hot. I also got along with them well after knowing them for awhile, but we just didn't have the same values and it felt like we weren't compatible. Maybe it's one of those in your case too.

Hi. I need help unfucking my life.

So apparently there are 5 things women find attractive; and I have none of these (forgive me for the slightly gynocentric/misogynist argument, but they just make a good metric for success):
>social skills
>confidence, fortitude

I look like a ghoul because of bad genetics, and having never taken care of myself in 27 years of life. I'm trying to turn it around now, but the cosmetic treatments I need are retardedly expensive (especially dentistry, braces are $9000 which is a quarter of my post-tax income).
>social skills
I am a loser with a friend group of zero.
Hard to be confident when you're an ugly virgin pushing 30, that is also
Penniless with a shit job in low-tier government admin, sharing an apartment with a roomate. Can't even save because all my money is going into making my appearance basically presentable.
If I were intelligent, or some kind of natural talent, I wouldn't be in this situation.

So I need to develop one or more skills, make twice/thrice my current income, miraculously develop social capability, and after all that hopefully develop some confidence.
How do I begin? Aside from going to the gym, which I'm doing.

My fwb kisses me goodbye every morning, I think in a relationshippy way. We never actual clarified we were in a fwb. Am I in a relationship?

wow, you're fucking retarded

>never clarified we were in a fwb
Most likely she sees it as a relationship. Sane people would assume that unless discussed beforehand.

Because besides sex partners, the only human touch most guys have consists of handshakes, rare shoulder pats and the occasional half hug with longtime friends so it may have been a year or more since he last held or was held by someone.
Also, feels good man.

Girls can sense when a guy is virgin?

Tell me how so

Im the girl here. So youre saying if its not discussed its probably a relationship? I thought it more closely resembled a fwb if you never define it

>girl I used to know in high school suddenly shows interest in me because I'm in the area
>she's willing to drive a long way to come see me
>feel like it's slightly weird but I wasn't going to argue with it
>look at her past posts on social media
>it's all about how poor her mental health is and how badly people treat her
Should I follow my intuition and stay away?

Attached: 1477922029170.jpg (140x218, 17K)

Bring another guy home and see how he reacts.

It's the classic post carousel story. It's embarrassing that you even need to ask.

Attached: 1563602662441.jpg (498x960, 106K)

Idk but I fucking hate puns and I reject every guy who uses puns
I let one slip because everything else seemed okay about him and he shat all over our convo with puns
Fuck all of you who use puns thinking you're being witty not even children's television uses puns as heavily as pun morons do

Come on man, it's all in good pun.

Question to girls who are in, or have been in, a relationship.

Did you find that random guys would hit on you more often after you got into a relationship? I've been seeing my gf for a little while now and recently we became "facebook official". Since that status change, a lot of guys have been sending her messages asking her out or asking to hook up.

Yes. She sounds like she either is not working on herself and is not in a position to be with anyone in a healthy capacity. If you do see her, meet her somewhere really public and casual. Get coffee and ice cream or something. Don't talk about anything deep, don't sleep with her, and don't get into a relationship with her . She might be trying to make you her emotional tampon which is objectively worse than a relationship as you aren't even getting laid

He wouldnt know wedont live together and I wouldnt do that- no interest in seeing anyone else

Yes actually. Lots of them also emphasizing that they would keep it a secret.

When's the bacon narwhal man?

I've ran into guys who just don't give two fucks if you're in a relationship. They shoot their shot anyway. Makes zero sense because only garbage women drop their BFs for randos they just met imo. Guys (usually low status ones ) like to use FB to message women they don't know regardless of relationship status.

>He wouldnt know
Tell him.
>don't want to
Why? Isn't he your bf then?

Some are seriously like buzzards. This one guy told me "your BFs already had his chance." We had been dating for 3 years by then

It's been 9 months since the love of my life left me. How do I move on from her? I don't want to just fuck random girls. She moved on from me real easily, but here I am, still thinking of her.

If a guy tell me he hates his mum, I should consider it a huge red flag?

(There's some backstory there of course and he behaves like a gentleman most of the times.)

>Be with girl
>She insists on calling me daddy
>Turns out she's super clingy, overly emotionally needy, verbally abusive, etc

It is a huge redflag but it shouldn't describe his whole personality, depends of the backstory.

I don't get along with my dad and i think that has made me to try to top him and just overall be better, but with mothers is different because they represent a part of our expectations in our partners.

is the 80/20 rule real IRL?

How should I use my ability to attract educated women to get a wife with money?

Look at how she dresses, what kind of car she drives, etc etc. Then manipulate your way into a loveless relationship for money. Women do that all the time, so why not the other way around?

>Did you find that random guys would hit on you more often after you got into a relationship?
Most guys don't give a shit about me being in a relationship and keep hitting on me, but it didn't change much from before in terms of number.
Also I'm a really bad way to tell because I don't have social media so unless you talk to me, you won't know.

More in a 80% of men fuck and 20% of men don't fuck way than the other way around.

Depends why.

My bf hardly talks to his mum but he has a good reason

Any advice?

it's more common sense then intution
d__'_ s____ y___ d___ i_ c____

i remember seeing that only 3-ish % of men die virgins. it's just incel propoganda

She's not your girlfriend so you absolutely should not care this much.

Just cause I dont like dating more than one person at a time. I dont have the emotional bandwith

If I told him I dont think he’d like it but Im not certain

IDK. I don't have a whole lot of friends, so maybe that is why I care so much.

Yeah it's fucked up. I'm dating a guy and out of all his male acquaintances and friends that I met so far, I'd say only one of his friend did not try to get into my pants so far.

It's awful

If you're dating you're not fwb are you? Jesus christ w*man, just ask him if he is fucking other girls or no.