When did you start to hate nigs and why?
>Be me, at Mcdonalds with mom
>nigs playing on the n64 kiosk
>both nigs rip controllers off the kiosk and run out the door.
When did you start to hate nigs and why?
>Be me, at Mcdonalds with mom
>nigs playing on the n64 kiosk
>both nigs rip controllers off the kiosk and run out the door.
When every encounter ended with negative results. I was never "taught" to be racists. I became racist by interacting with niggers who were taught to hate white people.
898 BC
When I worked in a summer camp. Nigglets were so much dummer the the rest and yet acted like entitled little cunt. All of them except one. This one nigglet was quite ok but was dragged down by other from his family or just his nigglet friends. Today he is probably the leader of a gang pimping his way into life...
Tlrd: there is just no hope for them to become productive citizens.
I played and beat Super Mario 64 at one of these one day when I was 7
the fuck is that machine?
N64 demo machine
Child Care 2000
>be about 21 in a bar
>watching some live show
>coon pushes me from the back
>don’t fall or nothing
>thought it was a friend of mine
>turn around and see two niggers in their 30s grinning at me
>turn around and keep watching the concert
>they do it again
>ignore them and they eventually fuck off
One of two times i have backed down from an altercation. I dont care about feeling like a pussy when I am outnumbered. Would rather not have brain damage or be dead because I thought I was billy badass