Do LARPagans actually believe that the jews tricked European into becoming Christians by slightly changing the names of the pagan holidays?
Do LARPagans actually believe that the jews tricked European into becoming Christians by slightly changing the names of...
you mean genocide?
now fuck off buttfucking kikeslave
do christians realize that their whole religion is based on a Roman Caesar myth?
of course not because cognitive dissonance protects them from the truth just like a holohoax nutter defending the WW2 conspiracy theory against Germans
literally noone blieves that go back to youtube
Europeans were forced into christianity by romans who would murder them otherwise. Pagan, the christian word for goyim, religion was destroyed in much the same way ISIS destroys
Pagtards are bipolar as the Jews they claim to hate.
Eventually some Europeans realized after sending the vig to Italy over and over again that they could reform their foreign pyramid scheme cult by rejecting catholicism and making their own version
This was very dangerous in part because previously only the nobility could read latin and know what the proto-marxist cult was teaching. By translating it into prole, it created the danger that farm slaves would start wanting in on the socialist utopia that christianity preaches
That's the other popular LARPagan myth. I'm talking about the "yOy trIC us to BegoMe ChriSTan" meme.
I believe we converted as our rulers wanted us too and that the religion itself is flawed and has since been majorly subverted.
heeereee we gooo again bois. christians are nu-jews
genocide? my countrymen abandoned paganism by some simple missionary missions, kek.
roman pagans tried desperately to kill off christianity for 300 years - still failed.
roman christians tried to kill off paganism - succeeded after just 10 years, kek.
speaks volumes of how fucking cucked and weak those pagan religions were to begin with.
it wasn't the religion that was weak. it was the people who were weak. disilusioned people that have trown away their ancient religion because society was collapsing around them.
Christians were the original SJWs of their time period. Harbingers of destruction and cultural desintegration .
>it wasn't the religion that was weak it was the people who were weak
ohhhah hhhahahah cope harder faggot
>it was the people who were weak. disilusioned people that have trown away their ancient religion because society was collapsing around them
Can you make a LARPagan committee that will decide on what the official LARPagan RPG story will be?
no true and real christian would laugh about human beings dying. let's face it, you have as much to do with christianity as me
>you have as much to do with christianity as me
Exactly. Christianity is the truth for all humans
It's more like they came in, kicked everyone's doors down, and said, if you don't start worshipping kike on stick with your festivals we're going to kill all of the males and rape your females.
what I meant you fucking idiot is that you aren't fucking christian. You can't be racist and be a christian at the same time. At least play by the rules of your own book you fucking stupid dipshit
Im not racist, im just nationalistic. I have no problems with black people who live in their own countries.
and Christians are by far the most nationalistic people in europe today.
The Bible mentions walls and border all the time, in contexts where they are promoted to be etablished.
In fact, the tower of babel is the absolute epitome of nationalism.
Society was collapsing because paganism had no answers to the social ills of that society. Christianity had all the answers and still does.
>there is no jew and no greek. we are all equal in the eyes of god.
society was collapsing because of roman globalism and multiculturalism. just like today the world is collapsing because of american globalism and multiculturalism. history repeats itself. you can't build solid foundations on sand
It was exactly the same shit muslims do in Europe now: retarded immigrants playing the victim then slowly using violence and other dirty methods to convert your country into a shithole.
Jesus is Lord
When the barbarians were pagan, all they did was fight eachother. When they became Christian, they conquered Rome.
Catholics forcefully converted Europe
I still want to marry a disabled agnostic girl with a Jewish last name. she has fibromyalgia.
you don't really know your history huh?
barbarians conquer Rome ---> the pope jews them -----> SOME convert to semitism