
>not like a holocaust, I had a real problem
nigga wat

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he said non alcoholic you retarded pole nigger

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You are a dipshit. He clearly says "bout to cause a genocide so you can call me hitler" earlier in the song, but instead you misquote a different part of the song because you have mongoloid nigger ears. Fuck yourself.

sure, baby

Does anyone here actually watch his videos unironically?

I do. He's a lovable guy. Everyone that hates on him here are just mouth breathing niggers because he doesn't roman salute at the end of every episode after reading mein kampf and screaming fuck niggers.

why, you need someone to ram your ass?

but he does

please provide a source of him reading mein kampf, roman saluting and yelling fuck niggers at the end of every episode. Show me where he does all of that even once at the end of an episode.

nigger doesn't get most subbed without being incredibly based and relateable guy

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dude just pick any video...

Yeh, he's a cool guy. 99% of the stuff said about him, including how much of a NAZI he is is pure and utter bullshit and most of his videos he makes fun of people who talk pointless bullshit.

He's done more for the good of the world than you ever have, because unlike the vast majority of retards here he doesn't promote fake news when it serves his agenda, or propaganda when it serves his agenda, he just makes fun of it and exposes it for how stupid it is.

Not to mention he doesn't just make stupid clickbait for more money, I mean fuck me, he started a book club - he actually made reading and being smart cool for kids.

^^^Dumb niggers itt.

in the last 9 months his videos is soo boring and repetitive , anyone else ?

he kinda seems dead inside
fight me

anyone else what

Let's do it. I'll meet you halfway in the middle of the Atlantic. This Wednesday, 12:00am eastern time. I'll be the guy with red flares looking for a fat polish nigger.

dude was so eager to shitpost that he accidentally the whole word.

>he kinda seems dead inside
He is forced to live in a terrible area of the fucking UK because his gf won't move to Sweden with him and Italy is pure hell for any Swede (not that Sweden would be better for him). His life is probably terrible.

I speak from experience.

why would italy be bad for him?

also, I wish he dumped that bitch, I can feel she is just planning to fuck him over down the road.

stop fucking shilling this lame faggot here

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We're talking two civilizatons as far off from each other as negroes and the chinese.

Italians are difficult to live with for almost anyone slightly north of them and you don't get much more "north" (in character) than Sweden. Ditto for her.

>She is just planning to fuck him over down the road.

Yeah, but just imagine the content if that happens.

>He's a lovable guy

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this picture makes me so fucking sad, i love their music

I don't know how Americans can. That accent is nails on a chalkboard level annoying to us.

Yes and amusingly know a few others who do through my work. All of whom fall onto the more interesting side of the political spectrum.

He's a sweet lad and legitimately makes me chuckle. It's nice to see someone make it!