My new partner has a reputation for being promiscuous. She is friends with her ex's, has mostly male friends and whores for attention from men online. How can I reassure myself she is being faithful?
Insecurity problems
How much do you trust her?
Not much at all. Her reputation is horrible, but she always has excuses why she is blameless. But she is always nice to me.
How many more red flags do you need?? ditch the bitch
Yeah bruh, blameless women are pretty fucking untrustworthy. I'd ditch.
You can't. You already distrust her.
Pick better partners or suffer the consequences.
Alternatively, have sex with her every day. She'll be too tired or sore to have sex with other men if you perform properly.
>My new partner has a reputation for being promiscuous.
a hoe and you're cpt saveahoe
Sounds crazy, but it just might work, Watson!
Even if I wanted to ditch her though, she is very manipulative. She basically drove her ex to a mental breakdown, and then tried to rally all their friends against him. What if I just sit it out?
Become more beta so that she loses attraction for you in a way that also generates pity. She will dump you, but also feel sorry for you so she won't destroy your life.
Post her links. Let us look for you
That could work. Acting beta for a clean break and stop her coming for me?
That is an option. I heard of a man who successfully pulled it off on his wife to avoid divorce rape - this strategy is predicated on there being a "better" male available for her to jump to though.
If you're the only option she has, or the best option, perhaps due to financial incentives - becoming more beta may just infuriate her or inspire her to stay longer with you as betas are preferable to women in the long term because they're more agreeable and easier to control.
I doubt that'd be a problem. She normally moves on very quickly, and moves in nerdy cliques so is surrounded by orbiters. thought getting together with a girl like this was smart because?
I did wonder if that's why she kept her ex hanging so long, she isn't very successful and he is.
Oh lawl
big dic
That's not how it works. Cheating has nothing to do with the performance/adequacy of the person being cheated on, and everything to do with the self-esteem of the person doing the cheating.
Promiscuity is inherently validation-seeking behavior, not satisfaction-seeking.
>dates a whore
>expects her to stop being a whore just because you're dating her
WhY iS mUh Gf SuCh A sLuT????
>I've picked up on a dozen different red flags and know she has a history of her partners having a really bad time. I do not respect her character or trust her as a person at all.
>How do I turn off all my instincts of self-preservation so that I can keep having sex?
You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You don't even have to explain yourself if you just walk, and tell her to leave you alone.
You deserve every horrible thing that happens next if you don't just walk now.
Why would you lie to yourself, fren?