Remember when they used to spam Faith Goldy for Mayor on here daily?

Remember when they used to spam Faith Goldy for Mayor on here daily?

Well guess what, her entire campaign is getting audited AND they are going to do a forensic audit of her personal bank accounts.


What do you think they'll find? Did any of you guys donate?

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no but i think she looked prettier when she was blonde and didn't have those nigger lips. that's all that matters to me. some slut will get money one way or another.

bye bye betabux

>What do you think they'll find?
A money trail that leads back to Israel.
She is a zionist whore.

did you see laura loomer smoke weed with roseanne bro? omg total based and red pilled youtube moment by roseanne the famous fat woman comedian

she's tied into the ukrainian orthodox church and Golden Dawn as well. This could be very very bad for a lot of people

What's her ties to Golden Dawn?

Faith Goldy is a Zionist, and has worked for Jews for a long time. Remember her trip to Israel back in 2015? Also, she allied with the Canadian Jewish Congress during her mayoral run. Fuck her. They're going to find that she collected a ton of Beta Bucks from pussy thirst simps.

>What do you think they'll find?
cum. unfathomable quantities.

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>muh jews
fucking incel mutt kys