Has he done anything useful yet?

Has he done anything useful yet?

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Helped create an army of slaves begging for their latest instructions.

This will be a telling month in regards to what will happen to the Deep State. Action or more talk heading into 2020

Appointed right wing minded judges. Thats it and thats all that mattered. His presidency is a success for that reason and that reason only.

Muslim ban

Have you not been paying attention
>there’s too many to list

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He made the libshits mad XD

hes just the lead clown


Did you miss the first few days of EOs?

Cons outweigh the pros. There is the sodomite ban from the military, but not much else.

He's getting re-elected, faggot. Figure out how to deal with it.

The taig was of course a loser of a pick, however. "Gaborrah, Sassenach!"

>stacking the courts
>including scotus
>destroyed nearly all of obama's policies and EOs
>cheesed the system to pay for his wall despite near blanket opposition
>burned outdated, redundant and stifling regulations
>tax reform to benefit majority of citizens
>shit on DACA
>kneecapped ACA into unconstitutional territory
>fucks with the dirty, dirty smear merchants
>makes bitches swoon
>makes betas swear and cry
God bless Trump.

He set the republicans back 20 years. That was useful.

>Has he done anything useful yet?
yes, he made fool of himself and other Mutts at the same time :)

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He triggers the living fuck out of liberals. That's the only thing I like about him. It's been an amusing few years but overall I will be happy when Biden is elected president next year.

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blocked hillary

it was fun for 2 years but we all knew this was headed for a crash and burn and every other tweet about bullshit or israel or jews. it was a fun ride that first year or two though. we all secretly knew this was coming or you're retarder or a shill.

He build the wall

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Leftists wake up every day in a living nightmare. That and SCOTUS make his presidency more than worth it

Can you imagine where we'd be if Hillary packed the court? Hell, he even scuttled TPP and TTIP right out of the gates.

he made the liberals MAD
and built the fence we wanted
what else do you want you needy pig?

We want a fascist, not a Zionist boomer cuck.

Hillary who?

the drunk says she has issues

pros outweigh the cons

Who would actually want a Democrat over Trump in 2020? Out of people who lurk and post here. Shills spamming MIGA aside, there's no fucking way I'm voting Buttchug or Creepy Joe or a literal kike instead of Trump.


>Has he done anything useful yet?
For Israel or the US?

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I want Buttchug campaign aides to leave.

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Why? It's hilarious the threat matrix says to name the Jews.

First and foremost prevented America from descending even further into hell by being elected as a Republican President

Why do people shill here anymore? This place has a whole lot less influence than people here like to think.

Globohomo initiative

>finigger opinion

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Because they're mentally ill.

Trump did pretty much everything he campaigned on, the only thing he is stumbling on is the wall. Everything from getting out of the TPP to dismantling ACA and improving the economy, but people forget that and pretend he campaigned solely on Mexicans.

Driven the left even further left and exposed how nutty they are.

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He asked for answers and opinions, dumb mutt.
Do you need a translator?

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They realized (far too late) the influence this place had in 2016. Now they'e swarmed here, but the cat is already out of the bag. It's futile for them, really.

>hurrrr we won't be the world police anymore!11!
oy vey sorry ben and ivanka, here come the troops there, here and also there too, s-sorry again my greatest ally

Pissed off more people than imaginable for all the right reasons.

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>any of those being good or not pure fanfiction
>ignoring him pleasing his masters and neocons
>chickened out from russian talks and acted aggressive with the expulsions
>can't even spend a week without firing the same people he hired less than month ago

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>No amount of shilling will ever erase this
Supreme Court. Just look at how they tried to destroy the last one. That was his main purpose.

>Has he done anything useful yet?
well, if he wins reelection, the repubs will think up a healthcare plan for the people who can afford it.

not really

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has any president?

>What has he done?
>the many other federal judges
>possibly 2 or 3 more SCOTUS picks

this is why I will vote for him again

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