During an online rant that featured dozens and dozens of tweets on Monday morning, Etika—who has nearly 300,000 followers on Twitter—wrote, “Fuck the Jews.” He has since deleted that tweet, but it was captured by screenshot nonetheless.
Etika Went Psycho Pt 2
Other urls found in this thread:
show me a screenshot nigger
saw him get swatted on twitter who the fuck is this guy?
And at what purpose does this e-celeb help save christians from being slaughtered every day? This is a board of peace, not a board of degeneracy.
Some nig streamer who’s been going apeshit since about 2018. NYPD came to his house with the SWAT team after he went on a tirade on Twitter.
A nigger who said Jew stuff and the Jews sent him to the funny farm
>board of peace so let’s talk about some dumb shit like 99% of what’s in the catalog right now.
Eat a dick
Said he was God and shit. Now he’s in a padded cell while Dr Goldberg gives him some Geodon
His twitter feed from the last 24 hours in case twitter jannies start taking them down.
Based I guess? I still don't understand why this is a big deal. So what he called out the joos, why is he being raided by the feds if all he did was rant on twitter? Why the fuck does everyone care so much?
Please take time to seek the Lord for assistance, poor soul.
Thank you, Hungarian fren
Why are there no news articles on this?
>why is he being raided by the feds if all he did was rant on twitter?
Honk honk, that's why
So what are they gonna do with him? Hospitalize him again? Throw him in a fucking straitjacket? This isn't the first time this happened to him.
Because people are wondering if this was a case of swatting or if NYPD followed up on a tip of a mentally disturbed individual based on his past behavior with not only law enforcement but EMS, etc.
Let the Jews sort him out. I noticed Brittany Venti egging him on during his stream as well saying shit like “they’re only doing this cuz u black”
Ironic how this happened after he posted this
What? The kikes? Yeah he's kikepilled, that's probably why they got him.
Anybody has his full stream?
I help any time.
>hes a footfag
>being more schizo than somebody who literally had to be dragged out of his home into an ambulance
Uh oh, their black slaves are turning on their jewish masters. This is not good for Shlomo!
That bitch is next.
who fucking cares???????????
The nigger is just schizophrenic. I say fuck the Jews all the time but not outside of my window in Brooklyn in the middle of the day.
You since you replied.
Anyone with the power to influence the masses in any way must kiss the jewish ring, or be destroyed.
speaking ill of your masters is a medical condition. they have to correct it with medication. the Jews are good Goyim and they give you good pills
fuck off retard im tired of seeing this fagget niggers gay hair on the catalog
>he's foaming at the mouth fucked up on something and incoherently Tweeting
>"Oy vey, one of those was an insult to us."
>"He needs to be deplatformed and ruined."
Holy shit, this can't be serious!
And you just bumped it back up.
My fucking sides
stay mad
You didn't even post relevant videos faggot:
From his IG livestream: twitter.com
From outside his apartment: streamable.com
Exactly. He's gonna have a nice lawsuit.
Not my job.
Not at all. If he isn’t court committed to a psychiatric hospital in NY, I’ll be shocked.
First time on Jow Forums? Just nod along with them, "yes, yes, the jews, yes they ARE despicable aren't they, can we talk about the news now, no, oh ok", and so on. Engaging them is a fool's errand but you got my (you) so kudos I guess.
We cannot have a streamer who is popular with blacks to speak ill of the jews. He might imbue some wrongthink into the heads of our cattle. We can't have that, we must have them hating on whitey, not the jews.
Oh knoes, the kike can't brainwash us, it's a fool errand to try.
>publicly threatens to kill himself
>police show up
>gotta be the jooz
he had it coming for a while, also I don't agree he was mental, more like anxious or manic about all the shit he was into, but Etika was always edgy or autistic, his ex keep making way too much shit about him too.
We're not very fond of the jews here, if you haven't noticed.
>First time on Jow Forums
Far from it, but this really has nothing to with the jews. Just some eCeleb lost his shit.
Depends on the Jew...
Don't fucking make a thread without posting more than your bare minimum bullshit. Go take an ice pick to your head.
>2019 Jow Forums discussing some literal who e celeb groid and acting like it's totally normal
you new cancerous faggots and zoomers have destroyed this board
Kike psyop. If you have kids with a jewess, your kids are jews. They're more than happy for all the white nationalists to have jewish wives, because their kids will be jewish! Kike psyop.
I’m sure they arrested him because of the Jew thing, you snow nigger.
>he’s not manic or mental
>literally screaming out of his window to pedestrians and police about a revolution
Is this sarcasm?
I only know that his original YT account and twitter got hacked and banned after it posted porn. May someone be kind enough to give me a quick rundown of what happened after that?
I’m phone posting. Kind of hard to bring of shit over from the previous thread someone made, dick.
Not every day you see someone say “fuck the Jews” on Twitter, go ape shit, and nearly get killed by a swat team.
Seems like he swatted himself the way he reacts to it. Like when he tries to explain it to the stream they get mad because they can tell he's just prolonging so he can go viral. Like he is right now because of it.
This shit was fucking hilarious. I never laughed as hard as I did when I read these tweets. This nigga's off his rocker.
He claimed it was his ex, but who knows? Now the (((hospital))) will get him addicted to anti-depressants, so it wasn't really worth it.
damn he's gonna be on the next Law and Order
>he’s not manic or mental
I did said he was manic and anxious because everyone put in on edge with all the mental shit, but when It wasn't like he was going to kill himself or cause some disaster like everyone keep memeing.
He was also into drugs and some buddhist woke shit, the whole revolution thing was always one of his manthras for years.
I agree she is involved in this shit in someway, notice how she was involved in both mental breakdowns he apparently had despite being released way too soon in both of then, also she did came up with a lot of weird shit about him in both times.
Which is ironic since it was Etika who cut off things with her because she was the one with issues and was always depressed around him during their relationship.
Being carried out strapped to stretcher screaming is a fucking genius optics move by the NYPD to be fair.
> mfw becoming a real-life meme in order to earn shekels crumbs on a pay master's platform lands you in a mental ward
I think Sid the Sloth Venti told him “hey, you’ll get famous if you’re on tape getting taken away by NYPD”
Sly bitch.Baiting him so he nigs out and she gets to laugh at him.Never trust a women.
its honestly unbearable the amount of fucking women that tweet shit like the bottom one
literally no father figure their entire life, honestly sad
lol I can't even put to words how fucking ridiculous that post is. we didn't put up with whores like her hundreds of years ago. these brain dead libtards can say women don't need men then turn around and beg for cock.
we need jesus Christ.
Kanye West did the same thing too a while ago and he was shipped to the looney bin as well, although his mental breakdown wasn't nearly as public as this guy's. Kanye's family probably interfered in time. This guy is single and didn't have anybody to stop him in time.
Except a fucking swat team lmao
Exactly. This mick gets it.
Etika? More like Erika.
post a screenshot please
Yeah but Kanye is different. He thought the government and Jay Z was going to kill him and shit. Maybe he saw Caitlyn’s boipussy and went psycho.
You got it, dude.
Interesting how police in America use the word "Detained" as a loophole in the constitution
Nice VPN, schlomo
pro gamer*
why bitches always be lyin?
oh, a runaway.
lol that really is her
I'll go through the streams, maybe we can blame it all on her somehow.
>etika has a breakdown in the past
>nothing happens to him
>etika has another breakdown, but this time he calls out the jews
>an entire swat team shows up to arrest him
Really makes you think
>saying fuck the j00z
>in the j00z headquarter city
>on twitter
>"spread the word, the world will know my name soon enough mortals"
>"the revolution won't be televised only felt"
SWAT did nothing wrong.
Honestly I don't think all of that happened just because he said that about the jews, he was getting quite mental with other stuff. But then again I don't know a shit.
This is how most women think
Pretty much can since they’ve been flirting with each other recently. Maybe she called his cock small and he went crazy.
The match of the century. Who is more oppressed, jews or blacks? Make your bets of whom the liberals will side with.
god I want to titfuck her
Etika is a based nigga leave him the fuck alone
This is the same tactic the Jews used against their enemies in the Soviet Union
Nigga thought he was thanos
We all do but she’s crazy. Never fuck a crazy bitch
She should go full BBC cumbucket. The coping would be great.
Eh, they're okay I guess. But I give them 5 more years tops until they'll begin to sag rapidly.
Are those tweets real?