Redpill me on Yang. I dismissed him at first as a more right-leaning guy...

Redpill me on Yang. I dismissed him at first as a more right-leaning guy, but I've heard some stuff that piqued my interest. It seems like he's more interested in cutting away useless programs and instead providing direct aid, is that right? If so, it'd stop some of the shitty bureaucracy plaguing our government, so I'd be interested in hearing more.

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yang is a commie

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He is retarded faggot with literally zero chance of winning a single state in the primaries and the only reason people on here even know who is is because he spent all his campaign money on shills. Kill yourself you fucking faggot.

so he manages to package progressive ideas in a way that everyone can get behind. More so than Buttiegieg. His arguments are pretty rock-solid if you read them up in detail.

So universal basic income costs 3 trillion. Subtract 1.5 trillion because people who already get welfare/social security aren't gonna get it ontop of all that. Most if not everyone making less than 1000/month already are just going to switch immediately, further relieving the burden on these programs.

The higher we increase the ubi as our country becomes more advanced and increased capital output thru technological progress, the less and less we'll need the social programs.

if youre not trolling i can answer more questions

Gayest fucking shill nigger post I’ve seen all day, kill yourself you fucking fag.

like this guy wont even argue against me he just says the most ridiculous insults.

He sounds more like the shill than anything

He's the candidate for adult children who can't get their life in order and need free money

Hahahahaha kill yourself you fucking retarded faggot piece of shit

If this board has shown, if someone gets shit on it generally means they're doing something right

yang wants to give whites money instead of just blacks and Mexicans.
MIGA will still defend trump

Poor liberal shills

when did trump stop welfare to darkies?

I can't help it. It has to be posted because it's so funny.

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Yang Bux 2020. I'm all in.

Yeah, it would be a better use of the money due to the excess rent seeking by various groups in the government. It also solves the liquidity issue that many geographic areas face as opposed to giving businesses tax breaks. The bad thing about the tax cut is a lot of the companies spent the money on stock buybacks instead of capex.

And He is also a Lefty

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Wants to make misgendering illegal, puerto rico a state with full voting rights, wants to make every illegal a citizen, wants to restrict gun rights, give niggers reparations, give women gibs for the wage gap, let niggers out of jail because higher percentage must be racism, wants to ban cars and make a train across the sea cuz muh global warming, etc. Think of every possible batshit left wing position and he has it

he's socialist light to try to get young males on board where AOC fails to reach them, that's all

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>is because he spent all his campaign money on shills

literally false. Those were people doing it for free

He literally said the socialism-capitalism dichotomy is out of data. You're a retarded boomer.

listen to his Joe Rogan and then his Lawerence Lessig interview. He is for UBI and overturning Citizen's United.

He's literally based af.

>give niggers reparations

he never said he was for this. UBI is giving everyone money, retard.

You might be the cringiest person on the board

He is our candidate

Interesting stuff, this makes him sound like a good pick off the bat. I honestly am not a big fan of government intervention but I'm realistic enough to see it won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so it might as well be more efficient. Welfare seems really badly run from what I've heard.
I've found Trump pretty disappointing. Zionism and not following through on all promises, but I suppose I should've expected that. I don't have a problem with any ethnic groups but not a fan of sending so much aid to another country.
That does seem like the logical answer, in regards to the UBI idea. I don't know much about this stock buyback thing, any further reading I could do?
These are some positions I'd definitely disagree with, but how much would he actually be able to accomplish anything with these ideas? Congress cockblocks most policies, it sounds almost more like he says them to get virtue points given he's running as a Dem. Could be wrong tho.
I talked to a couple fairly politically informed people and saw a clip from JRE (I watch some martial arts, so it came up in feed) which actually got me interested. As I said I haven't followed any 2020 candidates too closely yet, but I was looking for a general consensus, so thanks for the response.
Anyone I didn't respond to, thanks also for the input.

Just read his policy proposals on his website. He's one of few democrats focused on cleaning up the messy bureaucracy. UBI? His version eliminates need for so many administrators. Single-payer healthcare? Also does that because hospitals do not need a legion of people to work out insurance claims. Ending foreign aid? Yep. Plus your gonna get 1000 dollars. Your not redpilled, your yangpilled.

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The Left Can't Meme

ubi been getting talked about by conservatives for decades. its not a ideologically thing

>Charles Murray

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The only discord trannies are ptg supporters

Came here to say this, fuck Yang and fuck leftists

Lmao or because he's in a new city every other day talking to real people about actual issues and solutions. Only candidate to talk white deaths (opioids) and automation, do those issues not resonate with you as an American?

Nothing but smears, strawmen, and shill-shouting coming from the other side in this thread... You idiots are blowing your one chance to give all people equal gibs therefore giving blacks proportionately LESS than they get now relative to whites. The gib train will not stop but we can redirect it to hard-working Americans.

Corporate shills hate Yang.

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I think this is what we need. What happens when the left and right merge? You get National Socialism.

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$1000 a month is all you need to know

He's a good man on a personal level, and unlike most democrats, he doesn't hate your guts. His ideas are still all wrong though.

His campaign staff thought they could manipulate Jow Forums into supporting him by spamming memes then disavowed the support when it wasn't the kind they wanted. That should tell you all you need to know about his competence.

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You're a fucking retard. I'm able to afford my houses tax payments because of social security and im in my twenties. $1000 a month isn't shit I get more than that and it's still shit but it's allowing me to keep the house. Yangs gun policies are trash, absolute trash. He wants micro apartments built out of fucking shipping containers, just fuck our shit up senpai.


$1,000 a month won't be enough to support a white family of 4. Only a White Man with a College Degree Working in a High-Paying Job can Support his Family in Prosper.

Also, the left can't meme.

Leftists are the Enemy of Jow Forums and Jow Forums's goal is to destroy the leftists.

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>Redpill me on Yang
he's another one of those establishment socialists crying about trump every single day.

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His Supporters are Discord Pedo Commies

This Text is from Encyclopedia Dramatica: For 3 years straight, Discord Tranny Communist Shills who are possibly Hillbots would come to Jow Forums to shit up their threads with anti-Semitic Trump memes, these people are usually rumored to be connected to members of (((ShareBlue))) and (((Correct the Record))) by David Brock. These people's intentions initially were to split up Trump's base by writing hit pieces thinking that labeling Trump a jew will bring people towards the ideology of PC culture and maybe make these Jow Forums users go back to Tumblr to scream about how evil those straight white males are. Of course the leftist troll's plan to ruin Jow Forums backfired as Yang himself refused to associate with the Discord autists.

Obvious shilling is obvious
To many COINTELPRO Shills, Yang is viewed as someone who will give people NEETBUX by providing the great NAZI LARPING members of the white ethnostate the 1KKK dollars a month they need. The Yang memes were so forced that the fad was over before it began.

Just think of it this way.. The shills hate him, the msm won't talk about him. This guy is going to make waves... The silent majority was f'd by Trump no matter what the shills say... the only people that are happy under Trump are the same people that have raped this country blind.


This is What Discord really is:

>Just think of it this way.
He's woke, he loves immigration, the msm doesn't care about him because he's establishment. The faggots and the retarded lefties love him.

He is a literally nobody shilled by MIGA niggers because they need an easy ideally foreign looking strawman to distract their own echochamber and derail any discussion about Trump sucking Israels dick all day, because not on gives are fuck about their la sharia blue and discord tranny samefagging.

>The shills hate him
Go to hell shill. The shills, meaning you, love Yang and it's fucking obvious.

leftist see yang as another populist like trump. they hate him. they want career politicians like biden, or bernie.

Israel is running the bots.

>micro apartments
So what? don’t live in one
>1000 a month isn’t shit
True, but in addition to a working man’s salary it can make all the difference
>just fuck our shit up senpai
Trump fucked our shit up already

I don't need the money. I just like the fact that he is addressing real issues that most americans face. And they do too. His rally's are going to blow up.

This desu

The reason his progressive ideas are palatable is because they dont come in a combined package with open borders and extreme immigration.

Far left voters are just dumb. They dont actually want open borders but they are willing to take that sacrifice for free gibs.

sorry OP, Jow Forums is too stupid to understand Yang

what is inflation

From what I've been able to determine, he's the only left-libertarian in a party full of cypto-communists and the clinically insane.

That's when the Fed prints more money, not when Yang gives out 1000 a month.



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