Zoomers are the most based ge-

>zoomers are the most based ge-

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>zoomer generation? haha, more like zyklo-

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What's the percentage of Zoomers who are white?

The future is diversity, communism and inclusivity. Suck it!

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Good thing you won't be part of it, because you'll die of AIDS in 20 years

China , india , middle east.... are as homogeneous as ever and soon will lead the world , what the progresively decadent west does is irrelevant

Except homosexuality is legal in both India and China.

all milleniums sould start SIG and get guns
the world will collapse and all these pussies wont be ready

> The younger generation is more ideological and liberal than older generations.

You don't say?

>young people are retarded
wow, what a surprise. Funny how they are even with the millennial for most topics, despite most of them not even having to live independently yet. And despite being more brown.

The zoomer-millennial alliance will finally end the Reaganaught neoconservative regime.

If you’re young and not a liberal you don’t have a heart. If you’re old and not conservative you don’t have a brain.

No, they will grow up just like every generation before them. Eventually.

USA will follow the path of Rome. Europe maybe has a chance.

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Technology breeds weakness. Take the redpill.

there's an old fucking saying about this, something something no heart something something no brain

I'm quite afraid to see the results for the US, understandably so.

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boomers were druggie degenerates who fucked everyone in sight and had like 5 marriages apiece. Now they are the " backwards conservatives"

What's the demographic makeup of those polled?

>Least white generation
>Surprised they are pozzed

Joke of the day

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>Polling a generation that's 50% non-white about how they feel about diversity.

Solid work detective faggot

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Despite being significantly browner than millennials they have the same views. This means that white zoomers ARE being redpilled. Sure, gen z won’t “save us”, but this is a promising sign for the future.

Not only are they kids, but they are no more liberal than millennials, the most pozzed generation yet. You are looking at a generation that is as right wing as 25-45 year olds BEFORE THEY HAVE GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL

When you give a questionnaire to shitskins you get shitskin responses.

gen Z is the smarter, they will create soviet america after all

This. Based on that stat 80% of white zoomers are against more diversity.

As a Gen Z (we aint zoomers, those are autists who Naruto run) I will say it:

Government bad*

*Unless they are giving me free money

We don't need them user, we can just kill them. All we need to win this war is ourselves. They can't fight. They hate guns and violence. They're mostly shitskins, why the fuck would we give a shit about gen Z? They're the generation that failed before they even began. If you wouldn't string up a youngling on DOTR you're not ready. They're some of the biggest culprits of our society's decline and your personal suffering.

It's certainly a lot more polarized than when I graduated HS in 2005. We were still 85% white and so there was a sizeable amount of naivety about what (((diversity))) would mean or feel like in the long run, so even the more conservative kids never felt like it was that big of a deal that 10-15% of us were non-white.

I suspect the white students wonder what it must have felt like to be in a school of mostly whites like those before them

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Wait how are we the bad guys?

The way to fight Cultural Bolsheivsm is kill the bolsheviks, not the kids who fall for the propoganda

Thru are more redpilled for their age moron. It's comparative not overall right now. Zoomers are fucking 14 and already as conservative as millenials in their 30s. Go duck on your dilator

What's the maximum zoomer age like 25? Most of these kids are still in college or high school. Think about how left leaning you were during that time. Not a black pill unless they start to vote.

>If you’re young and not a liberal you don’t have a heart.

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So 90% of white Gen z is redpilled and based?


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all of those numbers are disappointing, except for based silent

>people who haven't worked a day in their lives think positively about government

Colour me suprised

BTW you’re a Nazi if you like racism lol

Italy + Austria... Holy Roman Empire when?